Fall Fishing in Full Swing on the MO’

October Skies over the MO’
As expected, this week of cool, cloudy, wet weather was just what we needed to get things going. By most accounts the fishing these past couple of days has been off the charts. Not only are we seeing the best fishing of the fall thus far, we’re seeing what has so far turned out to be the best fall fishing season we’ve had in several years.
I heard not one, but three different reports on two different days from folks who proclaimed they had experienced as good a fishing as they have ever had on the Missouri. These were all nymphing/streamer reports but it sounds like the dry-fly fishing hasn’t been too shabby either. Definitely still a Pseudo game for the most part but some bigger baetis starting to show as well.
This is the time of year you can fish any way you like and more than likely do pretty well. We’re rolling with streamer rods, nymphing rigs and dry fly rigs all at the ready.
The dam has remained a little quiet with most concentrating their efforts in the canyon or in the Wolf Creek – Spite stretches but there are fish everywhere and you should make it a point to explore some different water rather than sticking to the same two or three spots time and again. We’ve seen it a few times this past week where folks who fish the Bull Pasture etc religiously aren’t having great days and they have no idea where else to go. There are miles and miles of fish-filled water. Get out there and find your new favorite water!
Best bets for nymphing haven’t changed much. Sows, zebras, czechs, San Juan Worms, slender profile mayfly nymphs (Green Machines, Magic Flies, Juju Baetis etc) and a few starting to find some success on the firebeads and pink stuff as well.
Once again, the dry fly action is primarily a pseudo game but a #12 or #14 parachute Adams paired with an actual pseudo pattern or a smaller Adams or some variety of BWO might do the trick. I like an Olive Adams paired with a CDC Caddis Emerger, the fish do too. Have your favorite BWO emergers and cripples on deck as well, they may be seeing some playing time soon.
Streamers could be your ticket to your biggest fish of the season but keep your expectations reasonable and be prepared to work for them. Fish the bugs you believe in. Big or small, it’s up to you. Make America great again and fish one of each, they could be Stronger Together. Whatever you do make Wolf Creek Angler your first stop on your way to the MO. We are your streamer specialists with bins full of bugs you won’t find anywhere else, bugs which not only catch fish but which also transcend the stereotypes of size, style and color giving you the edge over those using the same old streamers the fish have been seeing for years. Not that those tried and true patterns don’t work, they do. Sometimes it’s just cool to break away from what you know and try something new.
It’s been a busy week in the shop with a big run on rain gear, waders, hand warmers, gloves and hats in addition to the usual bug and shuttle purchases.
We’ve got a full house right now and will for most of the remainder of the season though it does taper off the last week in October. That’s when the real hard-core fall anglers start to show. The porches have been abuzz with activity each night as our guests return from the river (or from watching the ball game) and recount the events of the day while staving off the chill in the air with a cocktail or two….it’s great to have all of these people around as we anticipate the quiet winter months ahead.
Look for one more day of clouds tomorrow before things brighten up this weekend. Sunshine returns with highs back in the 60’s for the weekend and at this point it looks like plenty of sunshine on tap for next week.