August 21st Update
Just a quick river update this morning.
We got a good amount of rain yesterday along with cooler temps which has helped tremendously with the fires. I’m actually looking at some patches of blue sky this morning.
It’s feeling like fall out there with a current temp of 50 degrees. The high will be just shy of 70 today.
Patchy smoke, partly sunny skies and light winds combined with cool temps and no traffic could spell NEAR PERFECT CONDITIONS out there today.
We recommend putting in at Holter Dam if nymphing is your game plan. The Dam to Craig float has been very productive as of late with the run to Wolf Creek Bridge definitely producing the best results. Crowding is NOT an issue right now but if you don’t like being around other boats then skip the row arounds and just hot spot your way down. If you leave the dam crowd early you’ll have plenty of good water to yourself if you want to do row arounds.
Wolf Creek to Stickney has been my go to lately for a great mix of dry fly action and nymphing and the canyon has been great for solitude and is probably your best bet for terrestrial action.
Status quo on the bugs. Peep Shows, black zebras and Frenchies have led the charge in my boat but LGM’s, S & M’s, Weight Flies, Redemptions, Psycho Mays, Tung Darts, Tan UV Czechs and 2 Bits have all been producing as have zirdles and snapping crays.
Best selling Trico….BY FAR has been the Indicator Spinner followed by double wing, hi vis spinners, drowned tricos and buzzballs. No need to limit yourself to those though. We’ve got endless options if you want to show them something different. We would concur with what you’ve read elsewhere however that if you aren’t getting them the bug is generally not the problem. It’s all in the presentation so bring your A game. Practice in the offseason….not during the game!
There are a lot of folks missing out on the best dry fly fishing of the season and depending on the day the nymphing could blow your mind. Our loss is your gain…Get out there and enjoy it before the return of the crowds. They are coming.
You’ve got 10 days left to take advantage of our Dog Days Guide Trip and Lodging Special. Book a full day guide trip and one night of lodging and the second night of lodging is on us through the end of August.
Give us a call at the shop or swing by for up to the minute reports and conditions, the best bugs and the friendliest service you’ll find anywhere.