A Different June

A Different June for sure but regardless, PMD’s have emerged on the MO’ – photo courtesy of montana-riverboats.com

We’re three days into June and while in some respects things seem to be approaching normal, in many others the sense of Covid weirdness still pervades.

The biggest stride towards normalcy we’ve seen in months happened on Monday as Montana entered Phase II of reopening which included the lifting of the mandatory 14 day quarantine for those coming from out of state. We did have some spur of the moment lodging and guide trip bookings from out of state residents on Monday and Tuesday but for the most part Phase II feels about like Phase One did with light traffic on the river and an eerily quiet atmosphere in Wolf Creek and Craig.

Weekends have been a different story, feeling much more like the heart of the season with overflowing parking lots and flotillas of drift boats, rafts and all manner of floating apparatuses. Montanans were out in force over the weekend taking advantage of the clean, controlled flows of the MO and also re-discovering the Dearborn River in droves.

We’ve always advised against scheduling your guide trips on weekends, particularly on Saturdays. It’s no different this season. There has been a well-documented shift towards outdoor activities since things began to open up and we’re expecting that this trend will keep things busy here on the weekends as Montana residents stay close to home.

Obviously, our hope is that things get steadily busier during the week as we transition into Phase II but at this point our loss of out-of-state business is your gain as this could be the least fishing pressure the Missouri River has seen in decades. Between the continued Covid restrictions around the country and the travel complications caused by a reduction in air traffic the MO will likely see a relatively quiet June so if you have avoided the Missouri in the past due to the crowds and you are within a day’s drive we would love to be your June destination on the Missouri.

Conditions couldn’t be better. The weather has been nice and the water is in great shape. Flows are currently at 5100 but will bump over the next two days, nearing 7,000 cfs on Friday. Water temps are ideal at around 57 degrees and the Dearborn and Little Prickly Pear are dropping rapidly and should not be a factor going forward unless we get a bunch of precipitation.
Snowpack is dwindling but we’re in good shape for a good water year.

Oh, and the fishing? The fishing has been consistently solid and is about to get super fun as PMD’s emerge on the scene. We’ve had some sporadic bugs but it’s just getting started so if you’ve ever wanted to fish the PMD hatches on the MO’ now is the time. We’re also seeing plenty of caddis around though the fish have yet to settle into surface feeding mode. Rising fish have been few and far between but fear not, it’ll happen soon. Make sure you’re out there when it does.

In the meantime, nymphing has continued to be the go-to with, you guessed it, tailwater sow bugs continuing to be the nymph of choice. Split Case and Crack Back PMD’s, PMD Magic Fly, PMD Redemption, Psycho Mays, Peep Shows, S & M’s, Frenchies all on the menu right now. Gold or Purple Weight Flies, Tung Darts and other Caddis pupae patterns are all good choices for a point fly and we’ve heard a few rumors of the Zirdle getting eaten as well. Medium depth, fast (ish) water with or without lead, depending on the day. Target those nymph runs while keeping an eye on those PMD flats for bugs and rising fish. Rusty Spinners, Buzzballs, PMD Sprouts, HI Vis PMD’s, Film Critics, Flash Cripples, Doc’s PMD all good PMD Go To’s. All these and more currently filling the bins at WCA.

Restock that caddis box as well with Outrigger Caddis, Cornfed Caddis, Bloom’s Hi Vis Caddis, Stockingfoot Caddis and the ALMOST ALWAYS EFFECTIVE CDC Caddis Emerger. The time is drawing near!

We haven’t heard much on the streamer front this week but with the bump in flows coming and hopefully at least a couple of weeks left before the weeds arrive you could do worse than bombing the banks with big bugs as you hunt for rising fish.

The bottom line is the fish are here, the bugs are here….the people really aren’t. It’s a rare and golden opportunity to enjoy some summer solitude on the Missouri.

The shop is open at 7:30 daily and while we may be a little skinny on T shirts and trinkets this season we’re fully stocked on the stuff that matters. Bugs, Bugs and more bugs. Lines, leaders and tippet a plenty.

We’ve got good availability on lodging and guide trips through around the third week of June and limited availability of both right on through prime time. Shuttles, sun protection, Air Lock Indicators, Simms wading gear and sportswear, Adipose drift boat rentals, essential tools and accessories and a sensible inventory of rods and reels from Loop, Echo, Redington, Ross and Lamson.

We are the preferred fly fishing destination operation on the Missouri, close enough to the action but far removed from the chaos. We are closer to Holter Dam and Wolf Creek Bridge than any other shop and it won’t take but a few minutes spent on the porch at cocktail hour, scanning the hillsides for roaming critters, to realize that what the town of Wolf Creek lacks in publicity it more than makes up for in genuine Montana Ambiance.

Shotgun Annie’s is open daily from 11 AM to 8 PM and serving breakfast on Saturdays and Sundays from 7:30 am – 11:00 am and our friends at Izaak’s just down the road in Craig is open Wednesday – Sunday from 3:00 PM – 9:00 PM. We urge you to support them both.

We’re also loving the breakfast and dinner delivery right to your door from MO’ River Eats. Call your order in the night before and have an amazing breakfast delivered to your door. Order the morning of and Kelli will return in the evening with absolutely delicious dinner once again delivered right to your door.

Are things weird this season in Wolf Creek and Craig? Of course they are, but we can’t stress enough the opportunity this is presenting to those in close proximity to enjoy relative solitude on one of, if not THE BEST fishery in the lower 48.

Book it!

Phasing Out Phase One this week on the MO’

As we close out the month of May this week I dare say things around here are actually starting to feel something close to normal.

There’s no doubt, the seemingly parallel universe of life under Covid19 has thrown all of us off. It seems like yesterday we were doing our late winter plotting and strategizing in anticipation of the coming season and then, just like that, time stopped but at the same time accelerated to the point where we’re now looking back at spring and wondering where it went as we begin to approach prime time on the Missouri River.

We got a taste these past couple of days of what’s hopefully to come with holiday traffic streaming into Wolf Creek and Craig. Nice weather, good fishing and the unofficial start of summer brought the crowds to the river this weekend.

A perfect way to end the week which brought us the best news we’ve heard in a long time as Governor Bullock announced that Phase II of Montana’s reopening would begin on June 1st. Included as part of phase II is the lifting of the mandatory 14 day quarantine for out of state travelers which was cause for celebration amongst not only fly shops, fishing guides and outfitters but also amongst the collective outdoor tourism industry in Montana. We spent last week passing the good news on to our out of state clients who’ve been anxiously awaiting a verdict on their summer travel plans.

Mind you we’re not abandoning safe practices and social distancing measures but the continued downward trends in the numbers along with news from the CDC late last week that the virus does not spread easily on contaminated surfaces as had previously been thought, is cause for optimism and yet another step closer to normalcy.

In keeping with the good news, it looks like it’s going to be an absolutely beautiful week on the MO’ and with the Dearborn and Little Prickly Pear on the drop we’ll look forward to spreading out again and seeing what’s happening in the canyon once the mud clears.

The Holter Dam to Craig beat was busy over the weekend but traffic has been light during the week. Make it a point to get out there this week and enjoy the Montana solitude before the out of state traffic returns next week.

Mid 70’s to mid 80’s on tap all week long with plenty of sunshine and highs near 90 on Saturday. I expect we’ll see a busy river again this weekend.

BWO’s and March Browns in the rear view but there have been caddis around and PMD’s won’t be long.

Nymphing has been good to great most days with the best action in the faster water, medium to shallow in depth. The Tailwater Sow Bug continues to rule the day but we’ve also had good action on worms, Rainbow Czechs, Pill Poppers and Little Green Machines. I’ve been cycling in some PMD standards like the Magic Fly and Crack Back PMD but we’re not quite there yet. Keep them in the mix but don’t spend too much time on them it they’re not producing.

Streamer fishing has continued to be inconsistent but could be good this week as things start to clear. Water temps are in the low 50’s and will be on the rise this week so don’t be afraid to move those bugs. Mix it up with short, fast strips with plenty of pauses and a few long strips thrown in for good measure. Switch up your bugs, your colors and your retrieve until you find what works (or until you hit the takeout, whichever comes first)! We’ve got a few weeks left before the aquatic vegetation becomes an issue. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Per the Covid retail protocol we’ve been trying to run as lean as possible but we’re stocked up on essentials with our focus on flies and terminal tackle this season. Plenty of Simms waders, boots and sportswear on the shelves and a workhorse lineup of rods and reels from Loop, Echo, Redington, Ross and Lamson. We’re also stocked up on sun protection from Blackstrap, Buff and Simms (which double nicely as masks) and we’ve got enough packs, tools and accessories to meet most, if not all of your needs. Anything we don’t have we’re more than happy to order for you.

We’ve got plenty of lodging available these next couple of weeks and guides are standing by. We’re happy to be resuming our out of state bookings next week but we have had substantial cancellations and we’d like nothing better than make up some of that ground and get some folks back in our guide boats and cabins. Give us a call if you’re interested in booking lodging, guides or drift boat rentals for PMD season…I think it’s going to be a good one!

Second Annual Fall Rod and Reel Sale happening NOW at Wolf Creek Angler

We’re in the midst of our second annual Fall Rod and Reel Sale at Wolf Creek Angler.

These are the best deals of the season. Don’t miss your chance to snatch up a great new rod and reel (or several) at prices that can’t be beat.

25% Off all rods and reels and deeper discounts up to 40 percent off on discontinued items from Ross, Echo and more.

We carry rods from Loop, Redington and ECHO and reels from Lamson, Ross, Redington and ECHO and they’re ALL on SALE now.

Here’s what we carry;


Loop Rods – Cross S1 in #5 and #6 and Evotec Cast ranging from #3 – #7 in various actions.

Redington Rods – Hydrogen, Crux, Vice and Predator. We’ve got the Vice and Crux in #5 and #6, the Predator in #7 and #8 and the Hydrogen in #5 as well as in an 11’ #2 two-handed Trout Spey rod.
Redington reels include the Behemoth and Zero.

Echo Rods – Ion XL, Carbon XL, Boost, Dry, Echo 3, Gecko and Echo Glass in a 7’6” #4 as well as a 10’6” #3 2-handed trout spey rod. We carry a full lineup of Echo Ion and Bravo reels.

Lamson Reels – A full lineup including Speedster, Guru, Remix and Liquid 3 Packs (Reel and two extra spools).


Ross Gunnison, Colorado LT, Cimarron II and Animas reels all 40 percent off.

Loop – Multi 3/6 and Evotec 3/5 40 percent off.

Sale runs through October 31st.

Welcome September

Big Game Season coming soon

Good bye summer, fall is on the way and with it our “second season” on the Missouri.

Soon the empty parking lots at the boat ramps and the empty beds at WCA will be filled again as the crowds return to experience what many feel is the absolute best time of the year to fly fish in Montana.

Mind you “crowds” is a relative term and while there will be a marked increase in traffic over what we’ve seen for the past month or so it won’t be anything like what we see during the height of the season in June and July.

Fall is busy, but not CRAZY busy which is a large part of the appeal for those who skip the summer months and reserve autumn for their Missouri River pilgrimage.

Chilly mornings and evenings separated by an abundance of blue sky and sunshine (with a few dark and cloudy days mixed in) and temps that are not too hot, nor too cold. It’s the PERFECT season as far as I’m concerned.

And the fishing? The fishing can be absolutely phenomenal (and sometimes not) but if I had to choose a favorite time to fish the Missouri (and actually to fish in general) this is the time!

Flannel shirt hot coffee mornings followed with a good soaking of autumn sunshine…does it get any better? Why yes, actually it does. Pair the above with a good long float, your favorite streamer stick and colored up browns on the prowl….it’s NIRVANA. We live for this!

Or, if you prefer the top water game Tricos are sporadic but still going  strong and there’s plenty of hopper and ant fishing ahead of us. It won’t be long before we see October Caddis in the mix followed by the eagerly anticipated fall baetis hatch but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. After all, it’s just barely September.

Nymphing has been hit or miss but overall we’ve enjoyed pretty damn good nymph fishing all season long and while we may have hit a late summer lull things should start to pick up from here on out. Keep focusing your efforts on the medium fast to fast water as well as the swirly water where you’ll likely find the fish suspended.

Keep fishing those crayfish along with beatis nymphs, zebra midges and sow bugs. Best sellers as of late have been 2 Bit Hookers, Peep Shows, LGM’s, Jujus, Tailwater Sows, Black Zebra Midges, purple Lightning Bugs, Pheasant Tails, tan UV Czechs and for some reason Crack Back and Split Case PMD’s. Split Case BWO’s, BWO Magic Flies and Soft Hackle Sow bugs should get it done as well.

Rooms are starting to fill and last minute guide trips have been the norm as of late which works out great during the lull but that’s all about to change. Starting around mid-September our guide calendar gets pretty full so if you’re thinking of a fall guide trip on the Missouri or Blackfoot don’t wait any longer.

Lodging availability is good through early October when we hit the prime of our second season but even then we’ve got some holes to fill so call and book your guides, rooms and drift boat rentals today.

We’re fully stocked for fall with new cold weather gear and waders and boots a plenty from Simms. And don’t miss out on the best deals of the season during our second annual Fall Rod and Reel sale…25% off all rods and reels. It’s the perfect time to treat yourself to a new Loop, Echo or Redington rod and Lamson or Ross reel.

Fall shop hours are 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM daily.

Late Summer on the Missouri

Hopper Time on the MO!

As expected, things on the Missouri have gone from quiet to crickets as August grinds on.

Wolf Creek has become a lonely place, especially on a Monday morning with no rec floaters and just a few anglers around.

It’s the time of the season when we like to catch up on summer projects and also the time when many in the Missouri River fly fishing industry like to take advantage of the slowdown and escape for a spell. Summer is coming to a close and for many of us this is the best opportunity we have to unplug, relax and enjoy some summer downtime.

For some that means getting out of town for late summer vacation. For others it means more time fishing or perhaps a bit of both. In any case it’s a great chance to recharge and reset in preparation for the second season which is soon to be upon us.

Painting, cleaning, watering, washing, mowing, procrastinating, dusting, fixing, scrolling, planning ….all happening daily at Wolf Creek Angler.

And how’s the fishing you ask?

Fishing has ranged from slow to good to great depending on who and when you ask but overall I’d say it’s been solid.

Tricos have been hit or miss which is kind of the nature of the beast but even so, there have been ample opportunities for those willing to put in the time and believe it or not we’re still seeing PMD’s in fishable numbers almost daily. How long will they last? I wouldn’t expect much longer but I’ve been saying that for about three weeks now so take it for what it’s worth and fish em’ while you can.

There are piles of hoppers around this year and so far hopper fishing has not disappointed. We’ll always preface our hopper reports with the disclaimer that the MO is not known as a great hopper river but we’ve got no complaints about this year’s hopper action. Pair your hopper with an ant or drop a small nymph or just throw solo and avoid the wraparound issues the hopper rigs seem to be so prone to.

We’ve had good action most everywhere we’ve fished them so don’t limit yourself to any one stretch. There are hoppers everywhere. Fish the banks, fish the riffles, fish the flats…you might be surprised where those fish will eat a hopper.

Nymphing has been very productive, especially at the dam. Split Case and Crackback PMD’s, Tailwater Sows, Peep Shows, Purple Lighting Bugs, Frenchies, PT’s, 2 Bit Hookers, Weight Flies, Zebra Midges, Zirdles, Claws R and Snapping Crays all getting eaten consistently. We’ve been running deep (6’ – 8’ overall) and getting plenty of action but the word is that the short leash has been productive as well.

Blue skies and sunshine on tap all week long with highs in the 80’s and low 90’s. Cool nights continue with lows in the 50’s. Enjoy these lazy late summer days on the Missouri.

We’ve got an abundance of lodging available and while many guides are enjoying the downtime most would rather be working. Don’t miss out on our Dog Days guide trip and lodging special through the end of the month. Book a full day guide trip and a night of lodging and your second night of lodging is on us.

We are your go- to full service Missouri River fly shop with everything you need for your day on the water and we are closer to Holter Dam and Wolf Creek Bridge than any other shop…we’re right on your way!

We’ve got clean and affordable lodging, the hardest working guides on the water, vehicle shuttles, Adipose Drift Boat Rentals and a fully stocked shop with the best products from the best brands in the industry including Simms, Rio, Smith, Lamson, Ross, Loop, Fishpond, Umpqua, Montana Fly Company, Korkers, Echo and many more.

We’ve also got an open RV spot available now through October 1st. $25/night – Full Hookup AND free WiFi.

And don’t forget we are the Exclusive host of the Mending Waters Montana drift boat program providing drift boat rentals FREE OF CHARGE each and every day to all vets and active duty military members. Book your boat today at mendingwatersmontana.org

Come enjoy the Dog Days with us at WCA.

Autumn Creeping In

Chris with a Pre-Autumn Streamer Eater from this past weekend. A sign of things to come!

There’s plenty of summer left on the calendar, six weeks to be exact, but with the cooler temps and cloudy wet weather we’ve been experiencing one can’t help but feel like Autumn is starting to creep in. The weather trend will continue through this week with highs struggling to reach 80 and nighttime lows dipping into the high 40’s. We got a good dose of thunder, lighting, rain and hail yesterday and it looks like the next chance we have for that will be towards the end of this week but whether it’s in the forecast or not you should always be prepared. There’s nothing worse than being caught out in it without the proper gear.

The greens are starting to fade to browns, yellows, oranges and reds. There’s a chill in the air most mornings and evenings and the black bears have started to show up to feast on the choke cherries which are rapidly ripening. Antlers are reaching full growth and many are starting to turn their attention to hunting with Upland Bird Season and Archery season just weeks away.

Pre-season football has begun and college football begins in earnest two weeks from Saturday. School starts two weeks from Wednesday so yeah, summer is slipping away from us.

Fishing this past weekend felt fallish as well with a good crowd in the grass flats and plenty of fish willing to play. It’s been a long-time coming but we did finally have a good day on the Zirdle with all but a few fish opting for the big bug. Plenty of dry fly opportunities as well with ample Tricos and caddis. Ants were a good option as well between thunderstorms. Hoppers not so much but look for that to improve this week with a little sunshine and a little heat.

Streamer fishing will try your patience right now with the challenge of weeds and other floating and submerged debris but if you can maintain your composure and work through it you’ll likely find some willing players exactly where you’d think you’d be finding them. Bring on the fall fishing!
The late August doldrums are definitely in full swing as evidenced by the lack of traffic out there but those in the know will tell you that August fishing on the MO can often be nothing short of exceptional. Not to say that’s always the case but we normally manage to put together some pretty good days out there in August and the best part is that with the exception of the dam you’ll more than likely have it all to yourself (relatively speaking of course).

Lodging is wide open and guides are suddenly finding themselves with time to kill so book a trip today and put them to work. Remember now through the end of the month you can take advantage of our Dog Days of Summer Guide Trip and Lodging Special. Book a full day guide trip and a night of lodging and the second night of lodging is on us.

Summer deals in the shop are still in full swing but the goods are rapidly disappearing. 25% Off Simms summer sportswear including Guide Pants, Guide Shorts, Stone Cold and Big Sky shirts, Rip Rap wading sandals and more. And don’t miss our Annual Fall Rod Sale coming soon….25% off all 2019 rods and reels from Echo, Redington, Loop, Ross, Lamson and more.

Enjoy these last weeks of summer and don’t despair. Autumn is coming soon and just happens to be our absolute favorite time of the year to fish in Montana. It’s a magical time on the MO and beyond.

Finally…A Farewell to February

Coming Soon?

The shortest month of the year feels like it’s been the longest as winter drags on with no end in sight.

March will pick up right where February left off with single digit temps through the weekend and into the first part of next week but then it looks like something might just be starting to happen. Things could change between now and then but at this point it looks like we’ll be bathed in sunshine Sunday through Tuesday and while the temps will be far from warm we all know how good that late winter sun feels.

We’ll climb into the 20’s on Wednesday and Thursday and near 30 on Friday. Is it a warming trend? Here’s hoping so!

We’re thankful to have made up for winter’s slow start with plenty of precipitation throughout the last month but I for one have had just about enough. I’ve had enough of shoveling snow. I’ve had enough of fighting ice dams on the roof. I’ve had enough of NOT FISHING!

Snowpack has edged up to 110 – 120 percent of normal in our region and most of the state looks good right now at or near 100 percent of average. Only the Kootenai and the Sun, Teton and Marias drainages are lagging behind but  are currently right around 90 percent of average. We like the looks of this map and we’re remaining cautiously optimistic that high water will not be an issue however Mother Nature always gets the final say on this so no guarantees here.

Ideally we’d see a return to normal temperatures sooner rather than later. The average high for February is 39 degrees, we’ve seen highs in the single digits or below zero more days than not this month. The average high for March is 47. We obviously won’t see that the first week of the month but sooner or later it has to warm up and when it does we’re expecting an extremely busy spring as the throngs arrive to satisfy that long-delayed Missouri River Fix.

And speaking of spring fishing, don’t forget it’s time to buy your 2019 Montana fishing license. 2018 licenses expire tomorrow.

Sadly we still have no fishing report to share but as you look towards the eventuality of spring fishing here’s what you need to know.

Water temps are currently holding in the 33 degree range….COLD! We would expect much of March to be full on winter fishing as far as the nymphing goes. Slow, deep water is what you’ll want to target with winter fare. Pink should be in the mix along with firebeads, tailwater sows, Yum Yums, Caviar Scuds, Zebra Midges, Rainbow Czechs, Soft Hackle Sows, Lightning Bugs, Ray Charles etc. Fish deep with weight (tungsten bead nymphs or split shot or both) and cover the water from the inside out, shortening the depth of your rig until you find where they’re at.

Warming water will get them moving at which time we’ll start to key in on the traditional spring hot spots, typically a little faster current with a little less depth. We like to run sowbugs all season long as they’re a constant food source but as we move into spring we will typically swap out the winter fare for mayfly nymphs and maybe even a dirt snake. Little Green Machines and the like tend to shine as the water conditions hit the spring prime.

Spring is brown trout time as the spawning rainbows become scarce. Watch those redds and please don’t target spawning fish. Late March through April and into the first part of May are the prime weeks for streamer fishing on the Missouri. We can’t wait!

Spring is also dry fly time as the Midge Machine churns out piles of bugs. We typically start fishing midges in late February but since nobody has been on the river harassing and educating the fish this year, those first few fishable days could be lights out with relatively easy pickings.
Don’t care for fishing midges? Spring is also Skwalla time so if throwing big dries is your thing don’t miss this opportunity. Many of the larger browns we catch each spring fall for the Skwalla.

I think we could be in for one phenomenal spring if this weather ever breaks and while it’s tough to shift gears to fishing mode while winter continues to have a stranglehold, it’s coming soon so there’s no time like the present to prepare.
It’s time to dig out your gear and get it organized. It’s a great time to replace those old, worn fly lines and this is the spring you should treat yourself to a new pair of Simms waders and boots. We’d be happy to help you with that!

How about a brand new Lamson, Ross or Redington reel or maybe a new LOOP, Redington or Echo rod. We’ve also got a limited supply of Nautilus reels we’re clearing out at 25% off. Once they’re gone they’re gone.

Great deals on Simms winter wear including Cold Weather Pants and Shirts and guide flannels….all 25 % off. Help us make space for the new gear arriving daily.

Remember spring is also time for the WCA Spring lodging and guide trip special….we guarantee it’s the best deal you’ll find on the MO’ and it’s happening right now!

$500 for two nights of premium lodging at Wolf Creek Angler and a full day guide trip for one or two anglers through the end of April. This same package will cost you over $800 starting May 1st so don’t miss this opportunity.


WCA 2018 Holiday Gift Guide


Our picks for the best fly fishing gifts of 2018.

Simms ColdWeather LS Shirt/Pants $99.95

Longtime staples around here for cold weather fishing and all around winter wear.

Quick dry warmth featuring micro fleece waffle-lining But Simms takes this hardworking mainstay into the 21st, with the boosted warmth of waffle-lined micro-fleece internals. ColdWeather LS features include quick-dry performance, potent UPF 50 sun protection, and chafe-free, off-shoulder seaming for added comfort. Stash gear in two super-sized, top-close chest pockets. And stay effortlessly stylish in these ultrawarm, brushed-flannel performance plaids.

Pants equipped for deep-freeze conditions. Subzero mornings? No sweat. Simms’ Coldweather Pants combat the conditions thanks to micro fleece-lined internals and hand-warmer pockets. Angler-appreciated extras include COR3™ fabric technology; an adjustable waist with a corrosion-fighting center-front snap; and articulated knees for bolstered durability and massive mobility.

Redington Behemoth Reels   $139.99

Our best selling reel in its class!

Our BEHEMOTH reel combines the most powerful drag in its class with stunning aesthetics that push the limits of fly reel design. The unique, un-machinable, die-cast construction is coupled with a durable, interlocking, large-arbor spool design that both looks and functions like a premium reel. A super-heavy duty carbon fiber drag package brings the utmost in drag strength, reliability and performance to the family. Sized for your favorite 5-weight trout rod, and all the way up to saltwater ready, big-game sizes, the BEHEMOTH reels offer performance and affordability to beginner and veteran anglers alike.

Korkers Buckskin and Buckskin Mary Wading Boots  $139.99

Our best-selling boot.


OmniTrax® Interchangeable Sole System adapts your traction to any fishing condition. Two outsoles included with every purchase.

Hydrophobic materials faster dry times lessen the chance of spreading invasive species.

Durability enhanced midsole, scratch rubber toe cap extends to side panels, rubberized anti-abrasion synthetic material.

Drainage integrated, large drainage ports and internal drainage channels.

Traditional laces durable metal hardware provides secure fit.

Weight: 3.2 LBS per pair with felt soles.

Redington Sonic Pro Waders $299.99

The all new Sonic-Pro wader uses 4-layer waterproof-breathable fabric and SonicWeld seams to create a simple wader with superior durability for uncompromising performance on the water. We designed this wader with minimal pockets and a clean silhouette to provide anglers a durable wader that simply performs in all conditions, from deep steelhead wading to hot summer trout runs.

The all-new WOMEN’S SONIC-PRO wader was designed specifically for female anglers. This wader incorporates our reliable, extensively field tested 4-layer waterproof-breathable fabric and SonicWeld seams to create an ultra-functional wader with superior durability for uncompromising performance on the water. Stretch side panels allow anglers to move easily in and out of this wader and add comfort on the water. The flattering design works to fit a woman’s body properly, with minimal pockets to reduce bulk and a stretch mesh back panel to move with the body while casting and crouching. The WOMEN’S SONIC-PRO wader simply performs; it’s durable, comfortable, and designed for women who fish.

Echo Carbon XL

Our best-selling fly rods…three years running.

A true all-around performer with the features and feel associated with rods four times the cost. Tim designed these rods to be airy-light with actions that benefit a wide range of casting styles and fishing situations. Bass to browns, bluegill to brookies, the Carbon XL covers it all.

A true all-around performer with the features and feel associated with rods four times the cost. Tim Rajeff designed these rods to be airy-light with actions that benefit a wide range of casting styles and fishing situations. Bass to browns, bluegill to brookies, the Carbon XL covers it all.

Fishpond Cutbank Gear Bag $249.95

A gear sanctuary on the water

Designed to organize gear and keep it dry. With the Fishpond signature molded bottom and welded recycled TPU fabric, the Cutbank Gear bag covers the bases. As a specialized tackle bag that keeps gear dry on a raft or drift boat, as well as the perfect size to fit in the hatch of most all flats boats, this gear/tackle bag is an organization system that allows for easy access wherever your adventures take you. Built with our incredibly tough 1680d TPU coated recycled Cyclepond nylon, YKK water resistant zippers, and welded construction with a molded top and bottom, this is more than just another gear bag. Think of this as a gear sanctuary on the water.

Simms Exstream Hat  $69.99

Mandatory headwear for winter fishing on the MO’.

Fleece furnace meets 3-layer GORE-TEX® Pro Shell protection Snuff an Arctic assault with Simms’ fully waterproof, quilted fleece-lined 3-layer GORE-TEX® ExStream™ Hat. Features include a plush elastic sweatband and customizable fit thanks to an adjustable circumference with a back cord lock. Black under the brim reduces glare. One size fits most.

Stanley Wolf Creek Angler Growler  $59.00

First fill is on us at Blackfoot River Brewing Company in Helena



What’s that call echoing throughout the land, bouncing off mountains and tumbling through valleys? “Cold beer, and lots of it!” the armies of the thirsty cry out. Rising to the call for cold, fresh beer, the 64oz Classic Vacuum Growler lets you transport your favorite brew in fully functional and iconic style. Take control with a rugged handle for easy carry and one-handed pouring. The wide mouth allows for quick filling, sharing, and cleaning. That satisfying ‘pop’ you hear when you open this bad boy is a sure sign your beer is fresh and bubbly. It ain’t Grandad’s old vacuum bottle, but he’ll raise his pint in admiration. You might just have to top him off.

Fly Boxes Galore   $24.00 – $129.00

(and plenty of flies with which to fill them)

Fly boxes make great Christmas gifts and we’ve got something in every price range.  From $24 plastic WCA logo boxes to hand-made  Al Swanson boxes and everything in between. Choose your box and load it up. Don’t forget our “Cheaper by the Dozen” special going on now…$5/dozen flies while they last.

WCA  Gift Cards  $Any Amount

A perennial favorite for any occasion, but especially for the holidays…WCA gift cards are the perfect gift for all of those anglers on your list for whom you have absolutely no idea what to buy. You can get them in any amount, they never expire and they’re good for absolutely EVERYTHING we sell. Lodging, guide trips, shuttles, boat rentals, merchandise….EVERYTHING! We’re happy to mail them anywhere in the world you need them sent. Just give us a call and we can take care of all of it right over the phone.

These are just a few ideas based on some of our more popular items but we’ve got a shop full of all kinds of gear in every price range. We’re more than happy to help you with gift ideas and while we haven’t yet ventured into E-commerce we’re more than happy to ship you whatever you need.

We hope you keep us in mind when shopping for your favorite fly fishers.





Out like a Lion


It’s hard to believe but March has all but passed us by and while  we traditionally expect March to come in fiercely like a lion and go out gently like a lamb it looks like the winter lion is going to stick around for a while yet.

Rain and snow are likely tomorrow with gusty south southwest winds in the afternoon ushering in a cold front which will drop us into the teens tomorrow night. We’ll see a high of only 32 on Saturday with a chance for some snow but Sunday looks better with temps back near 50. Maybe not the ideal weekend to fish the Missouri but sooner or later we’ll get there.

We definitely saw an increase in traffic this week with spring breakers taking advantage of some decent weather and enjoying the sunshine on the windy MO’. Fishing reports have been inconsistent but overall I’d say it’s been fair for most. As you would expect those who fish here often are having pretty good luck out there while those who are here for the first time or only hit it once or twice a year have been having a tougher go of it.

Nymphing is your best bet for numbers and not much has changed on the bug front. Anything with a pink bead works more often than not and firebeads are getting it done as well. The hottest bug of the spring thus far has been Pederson’s Sow (available exclusively at Wolf Creek Angler and currently in short supply but more are on the way). Pill poppers, Lucent Bead Rays, UV Crush, Bubble Yums, Pink Radiation Baetis and Wayno’s Cotton Candy have all been catching plenty of fish. Don’t shy away from black Zebras, tailwater sows, firebead rays etc. I’m still sticking with a #12 Pink Amex for a lead fly more often than not but Tungsten Rainbow Czechs, Casne’s Pinkalicious, Pink Weight Flies and Bubble Yums work too. Some have gone to the worm and done well.

Fish are still holding in the slower, deeper runs but we are starting to see a migration to transitional water so  fish the slow stuff but don’t be afraid to hit that medium fast, medium depth water as well. Some are fishing deep rigs and doing fine, we’ve been sticking with a 7′ – 8′ overall depth, sometimes with no weight, sometimes with a bb.

Streamer fishing has been hit or miss but if you stick with it throughout the day you should encounter at least a hot stretch or two. Kreelex, Craven’s Dirty Hippy, Sparkle Minnows, Lynch’s Drunk and Disorderly, Baby Gongas, Polar Leeches, Montana Minnows, Clousers and ZK’s Son of Bunny in pearl and MK Ultra in grey (both available exclusively at WCA) have all been effective. Greys, whites and olives have been good but as I say often fish what you like and what you have confidence in…it makes all the difference in the world.

Midges a plenty daily. Some days the fish are on them, some days they aren’t. Keep that dry fly rig at the ready. I’ve been running a hi-vis para adams with a Bucky’s Midge Cluster and haven’t seen any reason to switch it up but any Griffiths gnat or midge cluster ought to do the trick.

Overcast days have definitely been better overall (especially for streamer fishing) but we’re catching plenty of fish in the sun as well. Fish when you can.

Our spring lodging and guide trip special has been gaining in popularity as folks come to realize what an absolute STEAL of a Deal it is. Once again, that’s two nights of premium lodging and a full day guide trip for one or two anglers for just $550. We challenge you to find a better deal on the MO’.

We’re at about 50% open on our lodging just waiting for temps to stabilize before we open the rest but hopefully it won’t be long. Cabins and bungalows available now, motel rooms open soon.

The shop is rapidly filling up with new gear from Simms, Redington, Echo, Ross and more and we’re thrilled to announce that we are now your Exclusive Missouri River dealer for Damsel Fly Fishing, an AWESOME line of women’s fly fishing gear and apparel made right here in Montana. Check them out at www.damselflyfishing.com. We’re also excited to announce that we are now featuring Douglas Fly Rods. More on this soon but in the meantime check them out at   douglasoutdoors.com We’ll let you know as soon as we have them in. We’re sure you’re going to love these rods and we’re hearing  nothing but good things from the other dealers around the region.

It may not feel like it and it may not look like it just yet but spring is definitely here and we can’t wait to see you back on the Missouri.

Remember Izaak’s opens Thursday, April 5th and we can’t wait!!





11 Days Left -Wolf Creek Angler Holiday Gift Guide

Time is running out!

If you haven’t finished your Christmas shopping you need to get after it. Christmas is a week from Monday so stop procrastinating and get it done. We ran this a couple of weeks ago but just in case you need some last minute ideas for the fly fishers on your list here it is again.

To assist you we’ve put together a list of some of our favorite gift ideas. If you don’t see something here that fits the bill we would LOVE to help you find that perfect gift for the anglers on your list. And don’t forget we’ve got WCA Gift Cards in any amount which can be used on anything we sell from lodging to guide trips to shuttles to merchandise.


Simms Cold Weather Shirt $99.95

Just because the leaves are falling and the days are shorter, it doesn’t mean the fish aren’t biting. Set out into the chill of the river in warm, plush comfort with the Simms’ men’s ColdWeather LS Shirt. The quick-drying shirt is made with a soft fleece lining ideal for winter fishing. Two oversized chest pockets offer plenty of storage for your fly boxes. The stylish flannel shirt is finished with UPF 50 sun protection.

This is my absolute favorite shirt from September through March. You won’t find a more comfortable, cozy shirt for those cold fall and winter days. Everybody should have at least one!

Stanley WCA Classic Vacuum Growler and Blackfoot River Brewing Company Beer $59.00

What’s that call echoing throughout the land, bouncing off mountains and tumbling through valleys? “Cold beer, and lots of it!” the armies of the thirsty cry out. Rising to the call for cold, fresh beer, the 64oz Classic Vacuum Growler lets you transport your favorite brew in fully functional and iconic style. Take control with a rugged handle for easy carry and one-handed pouring. The wide mouth allows for quick filling, sharing, and cleaning. That satisfying ‘pop’ you hear when you open this bad boy is a sure sign your beer is fresh and bubbly. It ain’t Grandad’s old vacuum bottle, but he’ll raise his pint in admiration. You might just have to top him off.

After extensive field testing by the WCA staff we have concluded that this is the best value in growlers you’ll find. A 64 oz vacuum growler for under $60 and your first fill free at Blackfoot River Brewing Company in Helena…you’d be hard pressed to find a better deal anywhere.

Korkers DarkHorse Wading Boots  $179.99

A remastered classic from the optimal traction brand; the DarkHorse is not a one trick pony. Made for the angler that can’t compromise weight and durability
for function.

Traction: OmniTrax® Interchangeable Sole System adapts your traction to any fishing condition.

Closure System: BOA® M2 lacing system for quick on/off and custom fit.

Fast Drying: Hydrophobic upper material with ultra abrasion resistance and tonal camo pattern.

Durability: Molded TPU Toe Cap for durability and toe bump protection and protected stitching for prolonged thread life.

Internal Drainage: Water flows thru internal channels then out midsole ports, removing excess water and weight.


Echo Ion Reel  $79.99


Maintenance-free disc drag with low start-up resistance
Easy Left to Right-Hand Retrieve Change
Backlash-free, instant drag reaction
Positive position click drag knob
Incoming/outgoing audible click
Durable alloy construction
Large arbor spool design for fast line pickup and low line memory
Warranty:  12 Month Limited Warranty
With a large arbor for quick retrieves and a hybrid machined/cast design, the Ion is a great choice for balancing single-hand and two-hand rods of all sizes. Designed primarily for freshwater use, they can be used in the salt with a little additional care. Six sizes make sure that there is an Ion reel to suit your fishing situation.

Our best selling reel, the Ion is an incredible value at under $80.

Simms Cold Weather Pant  $99.95

Enjoy winter weather without the sting in Simms’ Men’s Coldweather Pants. The DurapelPlus® durable water-resistant finish on 100% nylon coupled with COR3™ technology blocks water penetration and harmful sun rays with a UPF rating of 50, all while controlling odors. A textured 100% polyester microfleece lining retains valuable body heat. Slash handwarmer pockets with self-fabric abrasion panels protect hands from the bitter cold. Adjustable waist with plastic center-front snap fits comfortably for long wear. Double-layered, articulated knees for durability and ease of movement. Traditional fit.

The perfect companion to the Cold Weather Shirt, you’ll find me wearing these pants all winter long!

Smith Optics Guide’s Choice Glasses  $219.00

The Guide’s Choice has been reimagined to exceed the needs of our most demanding customers. Incorporating our most advanced eyewear technologies, this style boasts wide temples and an aggressive wrap for superior light protection. Add to that premium Italian spring hinges, megol nose and temple pads, a detachable sunglass leash, and premium 8-base ChromaPop™ and Techlite glass lenses, the Guide’s Choice is engineered for those that truly believe in the life outside walls.

Redington Path Combo $199.99

The new PATH rod is a smooth-casting, medium-fast action graphite fly rod, offering classic performance for all levels of anglers. Rods through 6 weight have a half-wells handle with a wood reel seat for a classic look and feel, and 7 weights and above feature a full-wells grip with anodized aluminum reel seat that is ready for salt or fresh water conditions.
All water, medium-fast action rod
Wooden reel seats on rods weights through 6 weight models
Durable anodized aluminum reel seat on rods 7 weight and above
Alignment dots for easy rod setup
Durable cordura rod tube with built in rod dividers
Combo includes: PATH rod, CROSSWATER reel pre-spooled with RIO Mainstream® WF fly line, and cordura rod tube
8 and 9 weight, saltwater application, available with RIO Saltwater® Floating Line
Lifetime warranty *rod only

Ready to Fish for under $200!

LOOP Cross S1  $795

The new LOOP Cross S1 fly rod series is the single most important revolution to occur in fly fishing since we introduced the large arbor reel over 20 years ago. It’s that big.
If the large arbor provided revolutionary function that made the fly reel exponentially better, you won’t believe the difference Cross S1 construction makes with fly rods. We could write an entire book on the adventure that has led to the Cross S1 series of fly rods. We could look up and write down all the available superlatives that are yet unused by other manufacturers (not many left nowadays), but the only way to truly describe what we mean is to hand one to you and let you test it for yourself. If there has ever been a time in our history of development of high-performance fly fishing gear where Loop merited a “look” and a test from the fly fishing world, it is now. Over a period of two years we have developed these fly rods where we used the new 3M™ Powerlux™ Composites. The result is amazing, the strength associated with the 3M™ Powerlux™ Composites generates a lightness and controllable elasticity that simply must be experienced.
We have carefully restricted the inherent elasticity of the Loop Cross S1 so that the rod is working evenly over a much wider range than other fly rods. We have managed to make super-strong featherweight fly rods, with an emphasis on fishing where the rod is working with minimum vibration through an entire load range – from close-in and out to even extreme distances. The design requires minimal input power where the rod does the job. It has never been so easy and taken so little effort to deliver precision loops at 10-meters or 30-meters while easily controlling the line or changing the pace of the cast.

Simms Rogue Fleece Hoodie (His and Hers) $99.00

Your right-hand, with cold-killing power under the hood For microclimates of the brisk and blustery variety, Simms’ Rogue Fleece Hoody comes equipped with weather-shielding attributes to soldier through the day, including a 100-percent polyester woven face backed with a water-shedding DWR finish. Thaw immobile hands inside fleece-backed handwarmer pockets, and duck sideways weather under the three-panel ergonomic hood. Rogues block UV rays with industry leading UPF 50 protection and include fly box compatible chest pockets, comfort-enhanced rib knit cuffs and hems, and a hardworking YKK Vislon® center front zipper.

The Simms Women’s Rogue Fleece Hoodie is designed for all-day comfort on and off the water. This hoodie is constructed of a polyester and nylon fabric blend to provide warmth and ease-of movement. Other features include a water-repellent DWR finish, UPF 50 protection, and a full, center-zip, adjustable hood.

Redington Predator Rod  $299.95

The all-new PREDATOR is the ultimate fly rod for big flies, heavy lines, and aggressive-fighting fish. It features a powerful, intuitive fast action that commands enough power to combat big gamefish and pick up and cast today’s heavy lines and massive flies. Its action is designed to perform in both freshwater and saltwater scenarios, and all components are saltwater-ready. The PREDATOR family encompasses models ranging from spooky-bonefish duty 5-weights to tarpon-ready 12 weights, including unique specialty models like a 7’10” 8-weight and dedicated PIKE and MUSKY models with extended fighting butts for boatside figure-eights.

Your new go-to streamer stick!

Rio/Fishpond Headgate Tippet Holder

RIO has teamed up with Fishpond to offer the perfect bundle to attach to your vest or bag. 5, 30-yard spools of RIO’s Powerflex tippet material (2X to 6X) are included with Fishpond’s Headgate tippet dispenser in a ready-to-hit-the-water configuration. The Headgate has a spring loaded hinge design that allows anglers to easily add or change tippet spools, and features a built in cutting blade for ultimate convenience. Powerflex tippet has a high knot and tensile strength, and is made of a clear, nylon copolymer. It is ideal for dry flies, soft hackles and nymphs.
Includes 5, 30 yard spools of RIO Powerflex Tippet: 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X and 6X
Rotatable razorblade line cutter
Holds up to 7 tippet spools
Secure, spring-loaded pull for access to change spools

Simms mid-weight and thermal socks  $29.95-$39.95

Advanced, optimized warmth without added bulk, Simms’ Midweight OTC Sock is powered by a 75-percent merino wool blend that delivers moisture management and anti-microbial protection. Midweight over the calf engineering bolsters coverage while keeping your temperature range permanently tuned. Extended high-loft toes add warmth where it counts. And Right Angle® arch support improves overall support across rugged trail and river conditions. Made in the USA

So often, it’s the marginal moments at the end of the day that deliver the magic. That’s why we made our Guide Thermal OTC Sock. Priority number one is to keep your feet warm, so you can make it to the end of the day and experience the magical moments. Pure Merino wool is naturally sweat-wicking and provides insulation so your feet stay warm and dry all day. They have just enough stretch to stay in place and are naturally odor-resistant for a long lifespan.

By |2017-12-14T15:57:41-07:00December 1st, 2017|Categories: Shop Life|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

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