Late April Missouri River Fishing Report 4/24/15
Guest Blog from WCA Guide Jim Murray. Call the shop and book a trip with Jim or any of our other guides. Six days left to take advantage of our $300 spring special guide trips. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
With April turning into May, the 2015 season on the Missouri is heading into full swing. I’ve been out guiding a few times this past week, and if you’ve been fortunate enough to be on the water you know what I’m going to say. The Mo is a pretty good trout river. Flows are down, water temps are up, and bugs are EVERYWHERE. Lots of bugs make for lots of happy fish. In these conditions, the fish are acting like it’s summer out there. Fish are holding in riffles, runs, scum lines, and shallow water. Fish are deep in the water column. Fish are shallow in the water column. Fish are EVERYWHERE. I’ve had a lot of success throwing the short leash rig with no weight my last couple of trips, but I’ve talked to other guides who are getting them down deep as well. Pick your favorite mayfly nymph and have at it. And don’t be afraid to throw a little bit bigger bug. You don’t have to throw a size 20 Green Machine to get ‘em out there. You like throwing dry flies? Well have at it, because while we aren’t seeing a ton of heads up, they are there if you know where to find them, and they seem more than happy to eat a properly presented dry/cripple/cluster/spinner pattern of your choice.
I’ve spent the last few trips down in the Canyon, but I’ve been hearing pretty much the same from the guys fishing between the Dam and Spite Hill. Fishing is good. If you aren’t here fishing the Mo right now, you should be! Grab a buddy to row. Teach your husband/wife how to row. Book a guide. Whatever you have to do, come out and fish the Mo….it’s a pretty good trout river.