Mid Week Missouri River Report

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The sun is shining today…intermittently, but enough to brighten our day. Much needed and much appreciated precipitation continues.

Your 10 day forecast? Partly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms and highs ranging somewhere in the high 50’s/low 60’s daily.

Flows are up – currently 6360 cfs. We will continue to see increases as the folks in the know make room in Canyon Ferry for runoff. How high will it go? Only time and precipitation amounts will tell but at this point we’re happy with the water forecast and we’re optimistic about the season.

We get a lot of questions about whether or not fluctuations in the water flow have a negative effect on the fishing and I think some days it  does but the running joke amongst guides is that it depends what kind of day you have. If you end up getting it handed to you then you have your excuse for the day. A couple of hundred CFS  is definitely substantial and if nothing else it does move the fish around and  I’ve seen it happen enough where it’s been good in the morning and then they bump the flows (or drop them) and things shut down so I would say that more often than not it does affect the fish.

So should you plan to come fish the MO’ this week? Absolutely you should. We love 6 – 7,000, you will too. Nymphing continues to be strong and we’ve had some very good streamer days as well as some ok dry fly days. Same story on the nymphs – tailwater sows, wire worms, LGM’s, Tung Darts, Purple Weight Flies etc. My go-to streamer is still Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow Sculpin but we’ve got bins full of bugs that are getting eaten with some regularity so come check out our selection and pick up a few you won’t find at any other shop.

The weather will be perfect for all of the above for the next little while so make it a point to beat the crowds and get out here ASAP. We do have  lodging available for the end of May and the first few days of June before things go crazy so give us a call and book yourself a few nights at WCA and a few days on the legendary Missouri with some of the best guides on the river.

Shop open daily at 7 AM for all of your Missouri River Fly Fishing needs.



Mid May Missouri River Report

John and daughter Ellie were all smiles for a couple of wet days on the MO'.

John and daughter Ellie were all smiles for a couple of wet days on the MO’.

So far May has not disappointed.

The fishing has been good for most and Mother Nature continues to please with plenty of precipitation and cool temps keeping us optimistic about what we’ll see for water on the MO’ this season.

On the flip side we have heard a few complaints about the weather (and maybe even complained about it ourselves from time to time) with a lot of  folks ready for some warm, dry days on the water. We’re selling plenty of Kast Steelhead Gloves and we’ve yet to put away the Hand Warmers and it’s been a good spring for wader and rain gear sales so we’ll take it but it’s sure nice to see the sun shine every now and again! Don’t get me wrong – we’re thrilled to be getting the precipitation and the fishing in the rain is just fine but a bit of sunshine is good for the soul.

We fished through a rainy weekend and transitioned from rain and cold yesterday morning to a gorgeous afternoon/evening and a couple of  warm sunny days today and tomorrow before rain returns for the weekend. Expect plenty of traffic this weekend, rain or shine, with the 10th Annual Craig Caddis Festival and BBQ Cook Off  happening on Saturday. Come out and enjoy some great food along with awesome silent auction items including fishing trips, original art and gear from your favorite local fly shops. The festivities get underway at 4:00 PM.

Good nymphing out there the past couple of days with the stronger reports coming from the middle and lower stretches. The canyon has been fishing particularly well but there are plenty of fish and plenty of opportunities river-wide. Wire worms and sow bugs have been a good go-to combo but we’re starting to get some solid action on various caddis pupa as well. Weight flies in purple or gold are a great choice for a point fly right now, trailed with your favorite sow bug, mayfly or midge imitation. LGM’s, S & M’s in brown, Yum Yums, Tailwater Sows, Granato’s Snack Nasty Sows, Psycho Mays, Dark Peep Shows, black zebra midges, split case bwo’s, Hot Belly PT’s, Pearl Lightning Bugs and on and on.

Fish the bugs you have confidence in and think depth before you think bug changes. There are certainly some bugs that are consistently working out there but it’s funny how we all get caught up in fishing the “Hot Flies”. We are happy to sell you the HOT FLIES but it’s not uncommon to have people return to the shop after fishing these HOT FLIES having not had any luck with them. Fish what you like. If you thinks it’s going to catch fish you tend to fish it well and often times this is the difference between success and failure.

Dry-fly fishing has been hit and miss at best with BWO’s on the wane and caddis few and far between in the stretches below Craig. It’s been a great BWO spring as far as bugs go but more often than not we’re hearing reports of very few fish up on them. Not to worry though, there is plenty of dry-fly fishing ahead. Keep that dry fly rig at the ready.

Streamers have continued to produce for us to the point where I will say it’s been a pretty damn good couple of weeks. Not exactly HOT but definitely worth committing to  for a day, or at least for a couple of hours. Zach and I share a passion for streamer fishing and it shows in our bug selection. Stop by and see what’s new. We’ve got a bunch of new bugs including some WCA/Chewy Exclusives you won’t find in any other shop. We’re happy to set you up with everything you need for streamer fishing on the MO’ and beyond. We’ve got a wide selection of specialty lines from RIO , SA and Airflo and we’ve got some great streamer sticks from LOOP, Echo and St Croix. We’ve been referred to by some as having the best streamer selection in the canyon. Whether or not this is the case we definitely take great pride in our selection and we hope you make WCA your Missouri River Streamer Fishing Headquarters.

We do have a few vacancies in the motel this week and we’ve always got top notch guides at the ready. Give us a call today and book a Missouri River Fly Fishing getaway you won’t soon forget. We’ve also got Adipose and RO drift boat rentals, shuttle service and a shop full of everything you need for fly fishing the Missouri River and beyond. We are your full service Missouri River Fly Fishing destination.

Mid Week Fishing Report

Streamer Time! Photo by Dax Hoovestal

Streamer Time! Photo by Dax Hoovestal

It’s been an interesting weather week on the Missouri going from sunshine and 80 degrees on Sunday to rain and snow and cold on Monday and Tuesday. We started cold today with temps just shy of 30 degrees but it’s warmed up nicely and the sun is shining again which may have a negative effect on the fishing but it sure feels good!

Those who braved the elements on Monday and Tuesday were rewarded with some great fishing including good dry-fly opportunities as well as a good streamer bite which has really been heating up the past week or so. Nymphing is of course very good right now and will continue to be your best bet for numbers.

We’re in the midst of our busiest week of guide trips so far this season so the shop has really been abuzz with activity in the mornings and with most of our lodging full every night it’s starting to feel a lot like prime-time. One of my favorite things about WCA is the community that happens around here during the busy season.

It’s been cold and rainy so there hasn’t been a lot of hanging out going on but on the warmer evenings when everyone returns from their day of fishing the porches and the bar at WCA are the place to be. You will usually find folks having a cocktail or two while trading stories from the day with friends both old and new. It’s what has kept many of you coming back to stay with us year after year and it’s one of the things I absolutely love about this business.

Back to the fishing report. As I said, we’ve had a couple of pretty darn good days out there. We’ll see what happens with the return of the sun and a substantial bump in the flows today. I haven’t heard any reports as of yet but I would bet things might be a little different out there today.

Best sellers from the nymph bins this week have been Tan UV Czechs, Purple Weight Flies, Gray LGM’s, Brown 2 Bits, Psycho Mays, Angel Case Emergers, Bubble Back Emergers, Dark Peeps, Juju’s, PT’s, S& M’s and Lightning bugs in Pearl and Purple.

On the dry side we’re still liking the Olive Adams, BWO Drown Spinners, Nyman’s DOA Cripple Baetis, Purple Haze, Rocky Mountain Mints, Bucky’s Midge Cluster, Buzzballs, Grey CDC Caddis Emergers, Outrigger Caddis, BWO Flash Cripples and other assorted BWO, midge, caddis and March Brown patterns. When in doubt go with the Parachute Adams which likely catches more fish on the MO’ than any other dry fly.

Chewy and I have both been thinking Streamers lately and it shows. Our new streamer bin is full of all kinds of new bugs neither you nor the fish will be able to resist. Hot ones as of late have been Home Invaders in Grizzly/Olive, Lil’ Kim in Copper, Sculpin Sparkle Minnow, Skiddish Smolt in Olive or White and Circus Peanuts in tan or olive. Some cool new additions we haven’t even had a chance to fish yet are Craven’s Dirty Hippy in Black, Rainbow Snot Rocket and Sundell’s Moss Fire. Come check out the ever-expanding bug selection at Wolf Creek Angler – we’re confident you might just be blown away! FullSizeRender (10)


We’ve got a full house for the rest of the week but we hope you still make us your one-stop on the way to the river for shuttles, bugs, RO and Adipose Drift Boat Rentals, Redington wading gear, Fishpond packs and accessories and a bunch of cool logo products including Stanley beer growlers and pocket flasks and piles of Simms logo gear.

Weekend Outlook and Water Update

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Today looks to be the best day of the weekend to fish with sunny skies returning tomorrow. It looks like it’s going to be a pleasant, though not so fishy weekend before the next weather system moves in on Sunday night brining a wet start to the week. We love it. Keep that precipitation coming!

At this point the conversation has definitely shifted from snow pack to rainfall amounts. There is still a fair amount of snow in the high country but it’s rapidly disappearing , especially with the 80+ degree temps we saw over the past few days. Daytime temps in the more seasonable 50’s and 60’s next week along with cool nights will help maintain the moisture levels though rainfall will be the wild card where flows are concerned. Canyon Ferry is currently sitting at 83% of average which is 110% of the 30-year average which has us feeling optimistic.

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The Bureau of Reclamation has adjusted their water supply outlook ever so slightly downward in the latest report but we’re still looking good with the most probable flows holding at just over 4,000 cfs through the month of May before peaking just shy of 6,000 next month and then holding in the 4000 range for the remainder of the water year. Max probable would give us 7500 this month and a peak of around 10K before holding around 5,000 for the remainder of the water year. Minimum probable would look very similar to last year with no real push of water and flows maintained somewhere in the 3000 range. We would LOVE to see that max probable scenario take place but as always, we’ll take what we get and make the best of it. There’s not much else we can do. A wet spring will move us ever closer towards those desired flows so while there’s nothing like floating the MO’ on a warm sunny spring day we’ll take the rainy days while we can get them.

Things are ramping up again at WCA. We had a couple of slow-ish days earlier this week but now we’re heading in to full tilt mode with our busiest week of guide trips so far this season happening next week. We’ve got a few lodging vacancies tonight and tomorrow but starting on Sunday things are pretty well full for the week. Regardless, we encourage you to give us a call if you are in need of lodging. We do have a few vacancies scattered intermittently and we do get the occasional cancellation. If we’re full we’re always happy to help you find lodging in the area.

Our guides are busy but our bench is deep so if a day of guided fly fishing on the Missouri is on your list don’t hesitate to give us a call. Each and every one of our guides is committed to making your day on the water one you won’t soon forget. You are our number one priority whether in the shop or on the water. Call and book a trip with us today and find out for yourself what a trip with Wolf Creek Angler is all about, you’ll be glad you did and we’re confident you will return to fish with us again.

Thanks to all who came out for the Inaugural Bugs & Suds Fly Tying night at WCA. It was a great night and we hope to do it again soon.

Inaugural Bugs & Suds Fly Tying Night at WCA with Vince Wilcox - photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Inaugural Bugs & Suds Fly Tying Night at WCA with Vince Wilcox – photo by Wolf Creek Angler




This Week on the MO’

Book your Missouri River trip of a lifetime today.

May is off to a somewhat quiet start after the busiest April we’ve seen at Wolf Creek Angler.

We’ve traded in the clouds and cold and snow and rain of last week for blue skies, sunshine and temps in the 80’s through the later part of the week. Things will return to more seasonable conditions on Friday with cooler temps and a chance for some rain over the weekend. If dry-fly fishing is what you long for then maybe wait until the weekend. In the meantime we’ll be taking advantage of the pause this week to recalibrate our nymphing rigs while holding out hope for some decent streamer action and perhaps a head or two during the low-light hours of the day.

If you’re just looking to get out and enjoy the sunshine and maybe work on that tan the next couple days will be ideal. If you’re planning on making a serious effort to catch some fish look to mayfly nymphs and deepish rigs. We’ve been having our best luck on Split Case BWO’s, Olive Psycho Mays, PT’s, Grey LGM’s, Tungsten Juju’s, Soft Hackle Sows, Yum Yums, Rainbow Czechs, Angel Case Emergers, Bubble Yums, Purple Lightning Bugs, S & M’s, Military Mays and various other standard and not-so standard Missouri Spring Go-To’s.

Fish are where they should be, adjust until you find them. Think medium fast, medium depth and don’t forget the swirlies!

Again, not the best conditions this week for dry-fly fishing though there certainly have been plenty of BWO’s and midges around as well as March Browns and rumors of caddis clouds in a few locations. Stop by the shop for the rest of the story! Olive Adams, Bucky’s Midge Cluster, Flash Cripples, Quigley’s Film Critic BWO, Wilcox’s Micro Mayfly BWO, Buzzballs, Keller’s Rocky Mountain Mint, CDC BWO Emergers, BWO Drown Spinner and BWO Hackle Stackers all getting some attention out there on the right day. We’ve also got you covered on March Browns and Mother’s Day Caddis Patterns.

If it’s streamers you’re after we’ve got you covered there as well with all of your Missouri River favorites and a bunch of WCA Exclusives you’ll only find in one shop!  Looking for foam? We’ve got more foam than we’ve ever had. Come check out the ever-expanding largest selection of bugs ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana.

Plenty of lodging available this week, not so much in the weeks to come. Call today and book your Missouri River fly fishing trip of a lifetime. We are your go-to Missouri River fly fishing destination with on-site lodging, Adipose and RO Drift Boat Rentals, a fully stocked first-rate fly shop featuring anything and everything you need for fishing the MO’ and beyond and a guide crew and shop staff unmatched in their commitment to professionalism and exceptional customer service. WCA is the best fly shop you never knew existed! We hear it all of the time….”I never knew you guys were here.”

Stop by soon and see for yourself what the buzz is about.



Socked In


True to the forecast from a few days back we’ve been stuck in the clouds/rain/snow for most of the week and while we’re happy to have the precipitation I for one am anxious to see and feel the sun shine again.

Per our predictions there has been some decent dry-fly action out there but still primarily towards the end of the day. A little perplexing but the challenge is what keeps us coming back. I haven’t been out this week but I’ve heard plenty of reports of MASSIVE BWO hatches with no fish up during the day. Those putting in the time and the miles are finding willing fish but you should definitely plan on working for them. Go to dries this week  have been Wieses Purple Phase Loop Wing, BWO Drown Spinners, Olive Parachute Adams, Rocky Mountain Mints, Nyman’s DOA Cripple Baetis, CDC Baetis Emergers and BWO Hackle Stackers on the baetis side while Bucky’s Midge Cluster, Griffiths Gnats and Buzzballs are good bets for midge imitations.

A bit of a mixed bag as far as nymphing reports go but overall it seems to be getting good out there.

We’ve heard a few lackluster reports but the word from the last couple of days has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s been wet and chilly but we’re seeing plenty of smiling faces regardless. It’s amazing what a couple of tugs can do to make you forget about being cold and miserable. Rainbow Czechs, BWO Angel Case Emergers, Split Case BWO’s, LGM’s, Psycho Mays, Micro Mays, PT’s, Bubble Yum Scuds, S & M’s, Dark Peep Shows, Juans Hi Def Baetis in purple, Black Zebras, Pink or Purple Lightning Bugs, tailwater sows, soft hackle sows……and on and on. A lot of stuff is working but its changing from day-to-day and even by the hour. Giver yourself plenty of options and don’t be afraid to stray from the standards.

And speaking of standards, don’t forget to stop by the shop next Thursday from 6 pm – 9 pm and visit with Vince Wilcox creator of THE quintessential Missouri standard the Little Green Machine.  We’ll be hanging out with Vince doing some lying, some tying, some grilling and just kicking back and enjoying springtime on the MO’.

Streamers? Still nothing stellar to report but once again, definitely worth your time. My intention is  to spend my next day on the water devoting most if not all of the day to throwing them. We’re loaded up on the big bugs right now with all of your Missouri River standards as well as a bunch of stuff from the mind of Chewy you aren’t going to find anywhere but at WCA. Wolf Creek has never seen the likes of the bug selection you’ll find in our bins and we’re adding to it almost daily!

It looks like we’re going to transition back to sunshine and warmer weather starting Sunday. Take advantage of the cloud cover while you can – it should be a great weekend for fishing as long as you’re dressed for it. Need some cold weather gear or rain gear? We’ve got ridiculous deals on outerwear from KAST, hats and gloves from Outdoor Research and wading gear and layering from Redington and a bunch of new inventory you haven’t seen yet. Make us your first stop on your way out to the river.

Lodging is full tonight and tomorrow but really opens up Sunday and into the first part of next week. Sunshine and mid 70’s expected by the middle of the week. It’s a great time to book yourself a guide trip and a night or two with us. Traffic is still relatively light and the fishing should only get better from here on out.


Game On!

Are there any bugs you ask? Ummm....just a few! photo by Luke Koerten

Are there any bugs you ask? Ummm….just a few! photo by Luke Koerten

It looks like the weather is finally going to cooperate and give us what could be the best dry fly fishing this season to date. BWO’s have been consistent and abundant for a couple of weeks now but the heavy dose of sunshine we’ve been getting, while providing some gorgeous days on the water, has kept the daytime dry-fly action to a minimum. The couple of cloudy days we’ve had have provided plenty of opportunities to target rising fish and it looks like we’re in for a stretch of cloudy/rainy/cooler weather so plan on making the Missouri River your destination this week.

BWO Days

BWO Days

The timing couldn’t be better as we’ve got one week left of $400 full day spring guide trips and discounted lodging. We’re full tonight but have a few vacancies starting tomorrow and running through Wednesday. Things fill up again on Thursday so make it an early to mid-week trip. Guides are at the ready, anxious to treat you to a day of legendary dry-fly fishing on the Missouri.

Things have been a little inconsistent this week but there have been solid reports from below Craig, a little less so in the top section where we’ve had to work for them. Winter fare is holding on but really starting to wane. We’re still picking fish up on Bubble Yum Scuds and various firebeads but we’ve definitely noticed a shift to mayfly nymphs. LGM’s (Gray or PT), Trina’s Angel Case Emergers, Split Case BWO, BWO Magic Flies, Olive Psycho Mays, S & M’s, PT’s, Purple, Silver or Pink Lighting Bugs and the good old black zebra. Don’t abandon the pink stuff altogether but mix it up and show them something they haven’t seen.

Go-to dry flies for us this week have been the Parachute BWO, Nyman’s DOA Cripple Baetis, BWO Flash Cripple, BWO Drown Spinner, Olive Parachute Adams, Rocky Mountain Mint, Purple Phase Loop Wings and various midge clusters. Stop by and check out our vast and ever-expanding bug selection. We’re dedicated to offering you a fly selection as good as you’ll find anywhere and we’re happy to walk you through it.

We’ve maxed out and outgrown our streamer bins so you may find a little bit of chaos in the shop this week as we install our brand new bin and do some rearranging but not to worry, Zach and I will have things back in order directly.

If streamers are your thing this is go time for that as well. The next four weeks are Prime Time for streamer junkies on the MO’. We’ve heard of very few stellar streamer days thus far but there are plenty of big fish being caught on streamers. Put in your time, commit and eventually you will be rewarded.

Stop by WCA this week for shuttles, bugs, Rep Your Water clothing, LOOP Evotec CAST rods, Fishpond packs, MFC Boat Boxes, piles of logo gear and much more. Open every day at 7 AM for all of your Missouri River Fly Fishing needs.


3 Pot Days…The Season is Here!


We had the first three coffee pot day of the season Saturday at WCA which means the 2016 season has now REALLY officially begun.
If you were out here this weekend you know the ramps were looking like Mid-June and there was no shortage of company on the water.

Friday brought us a substantial winter storm with several inches of  slushy snow, howling north winds, power outages, jack-knifed Semi Trailers….the real deal. Despite having no power for the first hour of the day we persevered for the die-hard anglers who showed up selling bugs by flashlight and we even ended up doing a guide trip that day. A little snow and wind wasn’t enough to deter our clients or our guide. They ended up having a good day out there and liked it so much they returned the next day for more.

Friday’s winter weather gave way to blue skies, sunshine and temps in the 50’s and 60’s  for the remainder of the weekend and the people came in droves! It was by far our busiest weekend of the year so far with a full house, a bunch of guide trips out and plenty of day-trippers swinging in for bugs and shuttles and more.

As measured by coffee consumption – winter and early spring days are generally a one-pot affair with a good share of that being consumed by the WCA crew. We’ve definitely had a couple of two-pot days over the past month but now we’ve crossed the line into the busy season with the first of what will be many three and four pot days. Some have proclaimed our coffee to be the best in the canyon, others have not. Regardless, the coffee is on us so the price is right. Stop in for a cup next time you are in Wolf Creek and decide for yourself.

Fishing reports were definitely a mixed bag this weekend but the consensus is that things are inconsistent right now. The blue sky sunny days can make things tough, especially if you’re wanting to play the dry-fly or streamer game. Nymphing can be tough on these days as well but is generally the best bet for putting fish in the net. No big changes on the menu just yet. We’re still getting them on pink stuff and firebeads but LGM’s, Split Case BWO’s, BWO Magic Flies, PT’s, Tailwater Sows, zebras, Lightning Bugs and a host of other Missouri River favorites have started to turn on as well.

Cloud cover is your best bet for streamer fishing and while you will likely see BWO’s and midges coming off in big numbers daily,  the sunny days have been a bust. Cloud cover or last light are what you need if you intend to play the dry-fly game.

The bad news if you want to fish dries is that we’re in for a week of sunshine and blue skies. That being said, with temps in the 70’s daily and little wind in the forecast the good news is that we’re going to have some gorgeous days on the water this week. Plenty of lodging available  at this point though things fill up for the weekend and will likely fill in for the early part  of the week as well as it looks like we’re going to see another Missoula Hatch come off with rivers on the rise again over there.

Things are definitely getting busy out there but you can still find plenty of solitude during the week. It’s a great time of year to book a Missouri River guide trip.

Some great deals still to be had on winter gear and clearance items in the shop. Stop in for bargains and while you are here check out all the new stuff including bins overflowing with great new bugs.


The Week Ahead

Arriving Daily - BWO Days Ahead.

Arriving Daily – BWO Days Ahead.

It’s another gorgeous start to the week here in Wolf Creek with sunshine and 70 degrees. Another nice day to soak up the sun though not the preferred fishing conditions.

It looks like we’ve got some favorable BWO days coming with a chance of rain every day for the remainder of the week. We might see 70 tomorrow but then things cool down for the rest of the week with more seasonable weather. Cloudy with a chance of rain each day and highs in the 40’s and 50’s. Sunshine returns this weekend.

In the meantime we could see some great fishing this week with prime conditions for throwing dries or chucking streamers. The nymphing will continue to produce as well as we make the transition into full-on spring fishing.

Keep running those Bubble Yum Scuds, Rainbow Czechs, Firebeads etc but make sure to throw some mayfly nymphs into the mix. The time is now. Little Green Machines, Split Case BWO’s, Psycho Mays, Juju’s, LB’s in all flavors, Allen’s Holla-Back Girl in pink or purple, S & M’s, 2 Bits, Juan’s Hi-Def Baetis, Peep Shows, Hot Belly PT’s….it’s time to both broaden and think outside of the box.

Our nymph bins are overflowing with hot new patterns as well as tried and true Missouri River staples. We’ve also got a bunch of new dry flies including some great midge clusters and BWO patterns.

What’s happening on the streamer side of the equation? Still a little slow out there but the conditions say GO and if you’re going to go then you need to commit!

Best bug for me as of late has been the old standby Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow Sculpin but we’ve got piles of new bugs (and old ones as well) in the bins which are just a cast and a strip away from being crushed by a hungry 2′ brown. Keller’s Montana Mouthwash in Olive or White, Kraft’s Kreelex in all flavors, Gongas, JJ’s, Polar Leeches and a bunch of WCA exclusives from ZK!

We’re running our spring special rates on lodging and guide trips through the end of the month so don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience world-class fishing on the Missouri River minus the crowds of late spring and summer. $400 guide trips and $99 cabins or bungalows along with our always affordable single and double motel units. While you are here stop in the shop and take advantage of blow out pricing on spring clearance items from all of your favorite companies.

We’ve got vacancies through the early part of the week but only one cabin left for the weekend which will likely be gone by the end of the day. Why not make it yours today. Guides are at the ready so give us a call and put us to work for you.

Weekend Outlook 4.01.16


April Fools Day here in Central MT, lots of you fools missing out on some awesome fishing, I pity you. If you’ve been calling or swinging by the shop over the last week you’ve probably noticed a strange absence. No joke, someone is missing. Not to say that we miss him, I’m getting along just fine; but with that said, single handing the shop has had one major drawback: It’s really cutting into my fishing time. In case you’re wondering, the big boss is on Spring Break somewhere in Michigan getting some family time in and of course fishing. So while Jason is having a blast chasing Great Lakes Steel, drinking, what I’m told is some of the best beer in the nation and cruising around in a wicked awesome mini-van (rental), I’m at the shop finding new homes for flies, booking lodging, pimping trout guides and generally, just making sure the place doesn’t burn down. It’s all fun and games until you get a #22 trico spinner buried in your finger, alone, bleeding on the floor. Hopefully the weekend will treat me better.

Weekend ahead is looking good as far as the weather is concerned and based on the reports we’ve been getting, the fishing should follow suite. Still waiting to see the blue wings in mass but I did get into a few yesterday in the canyon. Nothing to go crazy for just yet, but soon. Midges have been out consistently and the dry-fly fishing is picking up. Small, make your eyes bleed size midges have been getting it done when the wind permits. Nymphing is still the main game for now with lots of success being had on a multitude of  patterns. Transitional water and the slower runs have been fishing well but remember to keep an eye out for the Redds! Streamer fishing has been hit or miss depending on the stretch and time of day but is still a viable option. Hard banks and deep slower water paired with an intermediate sink tip has been fishing best for me. Leeches, buggers and bait fish all doing getting some attention.

Boss man will be back Monday so keep an eye out for another On The Road Report from, well, wherever the hell I decide to go. I’ll be checking fishing reports over the next few days in between spring cleaning and fly slinging. As for the self impalement with the trico, it was successfully removed and the bleeding was stopped before the situation became dire. As far as a workman’s comp claim, I think some of that fine MI oat-soda and few days fishing with the boys will do, that’s fair right?

Flies to get your fourth month of 2016 off right….

Dries: Q’s Cluster Midge, Baetis Sprout, WCA Trude, Parachute BWO, Cripple Thorax BWO, Black Sippers & Q’s Hackle Stacker BWO.

Nymphs: Amex, Pinkalicious, Firebead Sow, Firebead Rays, Zebras, Split Case Blue Wing, LGM, Olive Psycho Mays & Rainbow Warriors.

Streamers:  Polar Leeches, Sparkle Minnows, Ganagas, Kreelex, Iced Out Grills, & Skiddish Smolt.

~Cheers, Chewy.

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