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The sun is shining today…intermittently, but enough to brighten our day. Much needed and much appreciated precipitation continues.

Your 10 day forecast? Partly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunderstorms and highs ranging somewhere in the high 50’s/low 60’s daily.

Flows are up – currently 6360 cfs. We will continue to see increases as the folks in the know make room in Canyon Ferry for runoff. How high will it go? Only time and precipitation amounts will tell but at this point we’re happy with the water forecast and we’re optimistic about the season.

We get a lot of questions about whether or not fluctuations in the water flow have a negative effect on the fishing and I think some days it  does but the running joke amongst guides is that it depends what kind of day you have. If you end up getting it handed to you then you have your excuse for the day. A couple of hundred CFS  is definitely substantial and if nothing else it does move the fish around and  I’ve seen it happen enough where it’s been good in the morning and then they bump the flows (or drop them) and things shut down so I would say that more often than not it does affect the fish.

So should you plan to come fish the MO’ this week? Absolutely you should. We love 6 – 7,000, you will too. Nymphing continues to be strong and we’ve had some very good streamer days as well as some ok dry fly days. Same story on the nymphs – tailwater sows, wire worms, LGM’s, Tung Darts, Purple Weight Flies etc. My go-to streamer is still Coffey’s Sparkle Minnow Sculpin but we’ve got bins full of bugs that are getting eaten with some regularity so come check out our selection and pick up a few you won’t find at any other shop.

The weather will be perfect for all of the above for the next little while so make it a point to beat the crowds and get out here ASAP. We do have  lodging available for the end of May and the first few days of June before things go crazy so give us a call and book yourself a few nights at WCA and a few days on the legendary Missouri with some of the best guides on the river.

Shop open daily at 7 AM for all of your Missouri River Fly Fishing needs.