Happy Thanksgiving from Wolf Creek Angler

We would like to take this opportunity on this day of giving thanks to say thank you to all of you who have helped to make Wolf Creek Angler the growing success that it is.

We are so very blessed to be able to do what we do where we do it and it’s all thanks to you who have supported us over the years with all of your business.

Whether you shop with us, fish with us, stay with us or all of the above we owe you a huge debt of gratitude and we’re looking forward to another great season next year even as this one has yet to officially come to an end.

So enjoy your Thanksgiving gatherings today. Enjoy the food. Enjoy your time with family and friends and take a minute to count your blessings. We are.

We’re thankful for our health and thankful for our friends and family. We’re thankful for clean, cold water and trout and mountains and access to all of them and we’re thankful for the opportunity to make a living sharing our love of this place with all of you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Go Lions

By |2018-11-21T18:22:06-07:00November 22nd, 2018|Categories: Local Buzz, Shop Life|0 Comments

Thanksgiving Week

Just a quick update on what’s happening at Wolf Creek Angler this Thanksgiving week.

We had intended to start our winter hours this week however the nice weather has gotten us some bites on our MOvember special so we scrapped that idea for the time being.

Starting next week however we’ll go to winter hours with the caveat that if it’s fishy weather we’ll likely be here, at least in the mornings.

Our regular winter hours will be Wednesday – Saturday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM and Sundays from 8:00 AM – 12 noon but please give us a call if the weather is nice and you’re headed this way on a Monday or Tuesday, just to make sure we’re around. By the same token if it’s blizzard conditions and single digits Wednesday through Sunday you might just give a call on those days as well to make sure we braved the weather and made the trip if you’re planning to come out.

We’re open through Wednesday this week but will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Looks like colder weather and a chance for some snow on Friday and Saturday but we should be here both days, at least in the morning. We will be closed this Sunday, the 25th.

Black Friday Deals? Yeah, we’ve got em’. 25% off all outerwear, sportswear, waders and boots, rods and reels….what the hell, Friday ONLY 25% off EVERYTHING. How’s that for a Black Friday deal?

And don’t miss our Cheaper by the Dozen sale flies. Available now. These are randomly selected flies from our clearance bins for $5/dozen. That’s right $5/dozen. That’s a $25 savings! These are all high quality bugs which for one reason or another haven’t moved so we’re moving them. We’ve pre-packaged them so you get what you get. No picking through them allowed. They may not be exactly what you’d have picked but for $5 a dozen you really can’t go wrong. They make great Christmas presents for those just getting into the sport. Spend $10 on bugs and you’ve got a substantial start on a full fly box for your favorite beginning fly fisher.

Updated fishing report is in the works but suffice it to say that the transition to winter fishing is fully underway. The temps are dropping and the fish are moving to the winter water. Nymph the medium to slow deeper runs with sowbugs, zebras and Rainbow Czechs and start to work pink into your game.

Pink weight flies, Pink Amex, Pinkalicious, pink lightning bugs, Pink Lucent Bead Rays, Pill Poppers, Bubble Yums, Cotton Candy, UV Crush….you know the drill. And don’t forget the firebeads. Try 6’ – 7’ indicator to bb with a mix and match of the above and see where it goes.

Swingers have been hooking up on Kreelex, Polar Leeches, buggers and the like. Don’t be afraid to try some bulkier bugs like Sparkle Minnows and MK Ultras as well and don’t feel ostracized by the Trout Spey craze. It’s a great method to add to your skill set and it’s becoming all the rage on the Missouri, especially in the late fall and throughout the winter, but you can still catch plenty of fish on a single handed rig.

Dry fly fishing? Maybe not so much. This isn’t to say there won’t be some BWO action yet to happen this fall but most have made the mental shift to bobber or streamer fishing. Embrace it! Love it!

We’re anticipating a moderately busy winter season based on the talk of a somewhat mild winter but we never put much stock in long term weather forecasts. Take what you get and fish when you can.

Mid November

Despite a fairly warm week ahead we’ve decided to proceed with shutting down a few more cabins for the winter as it seems things have pretty much slowed to a halt. Not to worry. We are open for business all year but for all intents and purposes the 2018 season is in the books, capping a fifth successful season for Wolf Creek Angler!

Effective next week our winter business hours will be Wednesday – Saturday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm and Sunday 8:00 am – 12 noon. As per usual you can expect to find us here any day (including Monday and Tuesday) if the weather dictates it and likewise we may opt out if hazardous conditions pose a traveling risk or if it’s just too damn cold to fish. We are open for lodging and guide trips EVERY DAY. Don’t forget our MOvember special – $500 for a full day guide trip and two nights of premium lodging. You won’t find a better deal anywhere!

The “fishable” weather parameters tend to shift and evolve as the winter drags on. We’re looking at temps in the mid to high 40’s this week but I don’t expect much traffic. If we see these types of conditions come January however you can bet we’ll be booked solid and busy in the shop.

Mid November through the end of the year is our slowest time as people get busy with the holidays. Many are focused on hunting and have already long since put away the fishing gear for the season. That being said, we will see a bump in traffic (weather permitting) as the colleges go on winter break in a couple of weeks.

It’s been an awesome fall for fishing the Missouri and elsewhere in the state. We couldn’t have asked for better conditions. The weather was great and this was hands down the best fall fishing I’ve seen since moving to Montana.

Dry fly fishing will still be an option for the next couple of weeks though it appears as though sunshine will prevail much of this week which is not great for dry fly or streamer fishing.
Plan on settling in to winter nymphing but keep your options open. Bobber fishing will be your best bet for numbers from here on out but keep that dry fly rig and that streamer stick at the ready.

It’s time to start thinking winter fare….Firebeads, Sows, Pill Poppers, Pinkalicious, Pink Amex, Rainbow Czechs, Cotton Candy, UV Crush, Zebra midges, worms, Bubble Yums, Soft Hackle Sows…etc. Water temps are still holding in the high 40’s so you’ll still find the fish spread out in a variety of water types but you’d do well to start focusing on the deeper, slower winter runs.

We’re running fairly deep (7’-9’ overall) and usually running a tungsten bead point fly along with a bb or two. I wouldn’t say we’ve exactly got things dialed for winter quite yet as water conditions are in flux but it won’t be long and you’ll be fishing the same water with the same bugs and the same rigging for days at a time.

BWO’s are definitely a possibility….keep your dry fly rod rigged and ready, especially on the overcast days.

Streamer fishing has been solid and will continue to occupy our time. Some are shifting into Trout Spey season, others are content to stick to the single handed techniques. Either way, this is your time. Get after it.

Chewy has returned to the tying bench for the winter so expect all of your favorite ZK patterns to be back in stock SOON. In the meantime it’s getting to be Kreelex, Skiddish Smolt and Polar Leech time and it’s always Sparkle Minnow season!

As the Christmas shopping season approaches we hope you keep us in mind to help you take care of the anglers on your shopping list. We’ll do a Holiday Gift Guide soon but in the meantime we’re happy to provide you with personalized gift ideas…just give us a call. A new rod and reel, a new fly box filled with Missouri River flies, new waders, new boots, a Missouri or Blackfoot River guide trip? The options are limitless. Give us a call or drop us a line, we’d be happy to give you some ideas to fit any budget.

MOvember Special

Judging by the abundance of vacancies and the lack of traffic in the shop I’d say the 2018 season has pretty much drawn to a close. We’re currently sitting just shy of 30 degrees with a light snow falling. More of the same on tap through tomorrow with lows dropping into the teens the next couple of nights.

While these aren’t exactly prime fishing conditions we’ll see highs climbing back near 40 by the end of the week which could translate into good fishing and a good opportunity to spend a little more time on the water before winter sets in.

To encourage you to make the journey we’re offering a late fall/winter special you can’t afford to pass up. We’re calling it the MOvember SPECIAL but it will be in effect all winter long.

We are offering full day Missouri River Guided float trips for one or two anglers for $400 or two nights of lodging and a full day on the water for $500. That’s a savings of over $300!

Mind you we’re starting trips later in the morning this time of year and with the dwindling hours of daylight you’re getting a shorter trip but you won’t find a better deal anywhere.

Some aren’t offering winter trips at all. Others are offering them at full price and some are offering a discount but nobody else is offering a lodging and fishing package deal and NOBODY can come close to what we’re doing. We’re offering two nights of premium lodging and a full day on the water for less than a guide trip will cost you elsewhere.

Keep in mind also that while the lodging tax is always in effect, beginning November 15th the resort tax will be on hiatus until April so that’s an additional 3% savings on EVERYTHING. Lodging, Guide Trips, Shuttles, Flies, Simms sportswear and accessories, Drift Boat Rentals…..EVERYTHING!

And the best part of the deal? No cancellation fees! When you book a trip during the season you are locked in and under most circumstances you will end up losing your 50% deposit. That’s not the case now. Winter can be a challenging time to book a trip because the weather can change without notice and while we don’t mind being on the water in sub-zero conditions we realize that this isn’t for everyone.

Not to worry. Book your trip and rest assured that if the weather turns or if you simply change your mind you’re off the hook. No fees. No questions asked!

Just looking for a place to stay on your DIY hunting or fishing adventure? Winter lodging rates are $99/night plus tax. All available units are completely furnished with a kitchen and private bath.

Winter fishing on the Missouri can be downright fantastic. It can also be slow. It’s fishing! We’re concentrating primarily on nymphing and streamer fishing right now but there are plenty of dry fly opportunities as well. As we move into December and into the heart of winter fishing those dry fly opportunities will dwindle but will return in the late winter as midge fishing becomes a viable option.

Winter fishing is not for everyone but once that cabin fever begins to set in a day on the Missouri might be just what the doctor ordered. Things are quiet in Wolf Creek and Craig for the winter months but we do have Shotgun Annie’s and The Oasis for dining and night life; The Canyon Store for gas, groceries and a great Montana Microbrew selection and of course Wolf Creek Angler for all of your Missouri River Winter Fly Fishing Needs.

We’ve got more on-site lodging than anyone, the best winter bug selection around and all the cold weather gear you’ll need to eliminate cold from the equation.

Don’t forget our lodging units are all furnished with a full kitchen and access to barbecue grills so bring your own food with you and you won’t have to go anywhere!

We hope to see you this MOVEMBER and all winter long for HOT fishing on COLD days with Wolf Creek Angler.

Fall Back Tonight

Remember to set your clocks back tonight as Daylight Savings Time comes to an end.

You know what that means. You gain an hour of sleep tonight but starting tomorrow darkness comes early…like 5:30 early and the days will continue to get shorter for another seven weeks.

I love the extra hour of sleep and it’ll be nice to make the drive to work in the daylight again but that afternoon darkness will take some getting used to.

Dark days lie ahead at the shop in the half light of the canyon.

And with the darkness comes the cold. It looks like today is the day to fish if you want to take advantage of the mild weather but with rain and snow in the mix for the coming days we could see some phenomenal dry fly fishing.

Lodging and guides available every day at Wolf Creek Angler.

By |2018-11-03T15:20:12-06:00November 3rd, 2018|Categories: Shop Life, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Bidding a Fond Farewell to October

The season continues to wind down as we bid a fond farewell to the month of October.

We had our last full house over the weekend and this morning all is quiet at WCA as only a few guests remain. The motel units have seen their last guests of the season and will be winterized by week’s end. The last of our long term RV guests left yesterday and we’ll soon be wrapping up our guide season.

It seems as though the end of the 2018 season is looming but before we close the books on another great year we want to remind you that we’re not going anywhere! The shop is open all year (not necessarily every day, but on the days that make sense) and we’re open for lodging and guide trips each and every day.

Keep an eye out for our MOVEMBER special….details coming soon. In the meantime, as October draws to a close, I just wanted to take a minute and proclaim that October may in fact be my favorite month of the year.

Fall fishing is my favorite fishing period and the peak of the fall color can’t be beat. October fishing on the Missouri was nothing short of spectacular with some of the best fall dry fly fishing we’ve seen in years.

I’ve also made a habit of wandering every October. It’s a magical time of year in Montana.

Every year since we moved here we’ve made a fall getaway to Glacier NP. Often times it can be pretty gloomy in that part of the state in mid-October but this year we were treated to four straight days of blue skies and sunshine and temps in the 50’s and 60’s….Indian Summer at its best.
It’s strictly R & R. It’s sight seeing, eating a lot, sampling local brews, hiking, drinking wine on the porch on chilly nights, sleeping in etc.  and there are very few things I look forward to as much as I look forward to this annual trip. It was on the bittersweet side this year being that it is our son’s senior year in high school. He was in sixth grade the first year we made the trip.

I’m certain there are more reflections on mortality and the passage of time to come (what with the empty nest now on the immediate horizon and all) but for now suffice it to say that we enjoyed the trip immensely, knowing that it may be a while before he joins us on this one again. We’ve had some great times over the years but we’ve also had some downright unpleasant trips where our mopey kid had no desire to be there and in some cases where we’d  preferred he wasn’t. None of that this time! This was a great family trip and I think we all enjoyed most every minute of it.

I’ve also made a streamer float on the Yellowstone an annual October event. This one has evolved over the years and now includes a night of revelry with friends who live in YNP and who tolerate my obsession with hunting big browns on streamers and streamers ONLY. No behemoths for me this year though our friend Sara lost what may have been the fish of the year in my boat.

Add to these trips my first ever day fishing the Jefferson, a few days on the Blackfoot and a bunch of awesome days on the Missouri along with a steady diet of football and baseball and the chance to see a bunch of our favorite regular guests who have become friends and who have made October their annual thing at WCA and you’ve got the best month of the year.

We’re hopeful that with the mild forecast we’ll continue to finish strong at least through the middle of November but dark winter days are looming. It’s already been a month or more since the shop has seen direct sunlight and with this coming weekend’s time change it’s only going to get darker. But that doesn’t mean the fishing won’t be good. Sure the days are shorter but this slow transition to cold has delivered the best fall fishing we’ve seen in several years.

Dry fly fishing has been, and should continue to be strong and if streamers are your obsession this is definitely your time. Nymphing will always deliver so if you think late fall is the time to put away your fishing gear…think again. We fish all winter long when the weather allows for it and so far from what it sounds like we may see a relatively mild winter which means plenty of fishing ahead.

Once again, keep an eye out for our MOVEMBER Lodging and Fishing Special and keep us in mind for lodging whether its fish or big game you are hunting.

The Home Stretch

Another season is drawing to a close.

Halloween is two weeks from today. It’ll be all but over by then.

Or will it?

Early November has been good these past few seasons and it could well be good again. It all depends on the weather.

It seemed like winter was already settling in last week so we weren’t very optimistic about a late fall season but Indian summer seems to have arrived this week. Blue skies, sunshine and temps in the 50’s and 60’s all week long. We may hit 70 this weekend.

Enjoy it while it lasts. Soon the cold grey days of late fall will take hold.

It’s been a very busy fall at Wolf Creek Angler. We’re so thankful for a strong finish, especially after a late start due to the high water which lasted into July. If it stretches into November we’ll gladly take it but at this point we’re not counting on it.

The transition to season’s end continues.  We’re still learning the balancing act of winter inventory. The end of season goal of course being to have as little left as possible but not so little that the shop feels empty. We’ve done a better job this season of turning inventory and we will continue to implement strategies to facilitate this. In other words, keep coming back for more great deals on great gear.

On the other side of the coin we’ve filled the holes on the leader, tippet and fly line walls and we’ve got the bins freshly stocked (or on their way to being so) with all the best late fall and winter Missouri River bugs. Lots of pink, lots of fire beads, lots of streamers…lots of everything you’ll need for late fall and winter fly fishing success on the Missouri.

River flows have been holding in the 4,000 CFS range for some time now and it appears as though they’ll continue to do so. Perfect flows for winter fishing!

Water temps are definitely on the slow drop but are currently holding in the 53 degree range and should continue to hold in that range with the warm daytime temps. Cloudless sunny days may not be optimal, especially if dry fly fishing is your game, but water wise we couldn’t really ask for better conditions. Flows are optimal and the water temps are perfect for supercharged Missouri River trout.

Weeds are in the process of dying off and moving out but it takes time. You should expect to contend with them for the duration of the fall season.

Fishing has slowed a bit this week with all of this sunshine but it’s ALWAYS better than not fishing.

The nymphing will remain strong and the long shadows and low light periods of the day will continue to provide the catalyst for dry fly and streamer action. It is definitely worth your time.

Get out and enjoy autumn’s peak this week. The colors are either peaking or fading, depending on where you are at, but either way, fall weather doesn’t get much better than this. The days are growing short and the long winter will soon be upon us.

This is what you’ve been wating for

Remember those hot sunny days of September when all you could think about was cooler fall weather, BWO’s and fishing the transition to autumn?

Well, those days are long gone.

Spitting snow, soaking rain, cold north wind…this is what you’ve been waiting for.

The 10 day forecast last week was predicting several inches of snow and lows in the 20’s for the first half of this week. Thankfully that’s been adjusted daily to more seasonable weather conditions. The snow has been falling today and has it has been heavy enough in places to warrant the first snow plowing of the season but temps are  tolerable and are slated to remain in the high 20 and low 30’s at night, far from the highs in the low 20’s which had been predicted last week.

The slow process of winterizing the property started today with RV’s and guide cabins being the first to get the winter treatment. It looks like we’ll keep the motel units open through the end of October and we’ll play it by ear with the cabins. Our bungalows will once again be available throughout the winter months and have actually already started to book as the ice anglers look with optimism towards another long and productive season on the hard water.  

It’s all about state of mind when it comes to fall fishing on the Missouri. At first glance it looks miserable outside and when you first step out the door it feels miserable outside but then you start to layer up while envisioning endless pods of Missouri River trout feasting on BWO’s and your perspective begins to shift.

The more layers you add the more optimistic you become about the possibility of an epic dry fly, nymph or streamer day on the Missouri.

Gore Tex is a modern miracle that converts misery to indifference so while it may be tempting to want to stay inside where it’s warm your chances of hooking the biggest trout of your lifetime drop to zero percent when you decide to exercise this option.

You need to be on the water in order to catch fish so layer up and get out there.  

Should you be lacking any of the necessities we are well stocked with Simms cold weather gear. Do like the Simms slogan says…FORGET THE FORECAST. It’s GO TIME on the MO’.

We’re also your go-to  when it comes to Missouri River fall bugs with bins upon bins of BWO’s and the best fall streamer selection on the Missouri. Got Nymphs? We do. Piles of them.

Wolf Creek Angler is your one stop Missouri River Fall Fly Fishing Destination with a well-stocked full service shop, affordable lodging, the best guides on the river and the friendliest service and most comprehensive customer care you’ll find anywhere.

Come enjoy the Montana fall with WCA.

By |2018-10-09T21:20:30-06:00October 9th, 2018|Categories: Shop Life, Uncategorized|0 Comments

October on the MO’

The second season is in full swing here on the Missouri on this second day of October and if the last few days are any indication we could be in for one phenomenal fall fishing season.

Cloudy skies and chilly temps (with the exception of yesterday afternoon when summer made a brief return) have made for ideal conditions. The bugs are going strong and the fish are feasting. These past several days have been a DFO’s dream….a target rich environment to say the least.

Those focusing their efforts below on nymphs and streamers are finding success as well. Fall is definitely among our favorite times to fish the MO’ regardless of the conditions but this fall feels like it has the potential to go down as one of the best in recent memory.

We do have some interesting weather on the horizon next week with the forecast calling for snow with highs in the 30’s and lows in the 20’s. Wednesday could be challenging with a high of 31, a low of 22 and up to 3” of snow. Thursday looks roughly the same. Will winter be here to stay come next week? I wouldn’t count on it but be prepared for the elements if you’re headed out there.

I hit the water a couple of days ago on a 40ish degree morning and opted for muck boots instead of waders and a flannel shirt and vest instead of a jacket. Bad call. The forecast was for highs in the mid 50’s which I’m not sure we ever saw. I didn’t bring gloves, I didn’t bring a stocking cap. Thankfully my buddy had extras.

To be fair, I have piles of gloves and hats and jackets stashed in my boat so I’m used to having what I need when I need it, but on this day we were not in my boat and I didn’t do a very good job of being prepared for the elements. Being cold will rapidly ruin a good day so layer up and bring an extra pair of gloves. Err on the side of too many layers….you can always remove the ones you don’t need.

Along these lines we’re stocked up in the shop with great base layers, outerwear and hats and gloves a plenty from Simms and waders and boots from Redington and Korkers. Stop by the shop for all the best cold weather gear.

With the exception of the chill in the air it feels a bit like July around here right now with close to a full house all month long. We have had a few cancellations from folks who didn’t like the looks of next week’s forecast so we do have a couple of rooms available should you decide to brave the elements. We do have guides at the ready as well who’d like nothing better than to get you dialed in to fall fishing on the Missouri.

Six weeks from now we’ll likely be looking back at the awesome fall season that was. Don’t let it pass you by. Give us a call and book NOW! We’re open daily 7:30 am – 5:00 pm and we invite you to come in and discover what the buzz is all about. Wolf Creek Angler is the best Missouri River Fly Shop you never knew was here. Our mission is to earn your business, one customer at a time by providing you with exceptional customer service and the quality products and services you expect from your Missouri River fly Shop.

Come discover all that Wolf Creek has to offer. Not only is Wolf Creek home to THE up and coming Missouri River Fly Shop, Lodge and Guide Service, but it’s also got great dining (and drinking) options with Shotgun Annie’s and The Oasis; the best cell service for MILES AROUND; The Canyon Store which is the ONLY gas station/convenience store between Helena and Cascade and  all  closer to Holter Dam and Wolf Creek Bridge FAS than ANY  OTHER SHOP.

And speaking of Wolf Creek Bridge FAS – The FAS will be closed to the public starting tomorrow for a capital improvement project which will take approximately 30 days or less.

This will definitely be an inconvenience for the time being but it sounds like we’ll soon also be closer to the NICEST and NEWEST FAS on the MO’.

Autumn has Finally Arrived

Fall has arrived

Here we are in the final days of September and while autumn just officially arrived last Saturday, in some ways summer seems like a very distant memory.

Most mornings have been dark and chilly and while we’ve continued to have some days with temps in the 70’s the chill returns early each evening.

Traffic has been steadily increasing since about the second week of September and while we’ll be winterizing rooms before we know it, we’re currently enjoying a full house more nights than not. I always enjoy the company during the fall knowing that in just six weeks or so the lonely days of the winter season will be upon us.

Soon the dark winter days of the canyon will commence and the shop will be starved of sunlight until spring. In the meantime we’re loving each and every sunny day.

The fishing has been good overall, though with the increase in traffic comes the increase in sub-par fishing reports. Guide reports have been good most days, DIY reports are always a mixed bag.

The river is in great shape right now, holding in that 4500 CFS range with water temps in the 60 degree range and dropping. We’re getting a fair amount of folks inquiring about the flows, feeling like they are higher than normal. This isn’t really the case as indicated by this chart which shows that we are currently just a few hundred CFS over the historical average.

We get a fair amount of wading anglers who prefer flows to be in the 3500 – 4000 cfs range which is great for accessing more spots but that being said, the river is VERY wadeable right now. You should always use extreme caution when wading any river but these flows are not considered dangerous.

Weeds are an ever-present challenge right now, but no worse than normal. Expect to encounter them and be vigilant about keeping your rigs clean. Weeds are part of the deal this time of year on the Missouri. Don’t let them get you down and don’t expect them to disappear anytime soon. They’ll be here throughout the fall fishing season but there’s no reason to let them ruin your day.

Dry fly fishing is a real possibility each day though we are in transition so expect this to improve from here on out. There have been multiple reports of BWO’s and you can expect to encounter pseudos, callibaetis and caddis as well. Terrestrials are definitely a possibility throughout the fall but we’ve all but closed the book on sub-par hopper season. Ants and beetles are still in the mix but keep your expectations low. We’re moving BWO’s front and center in the dry fly bins as we speak.

Nymphing will continue to produce. No big changes on the bug menu though we’ve definitely seen a shift towards rainbow Czechs as the point fly of choice. Purple weight flies are a close second and I wouldn’t hesitate to throw a pink Amex into the mix. Trail with a black zebra or your baetis nymph of choice. If those don’t work try a soft hackle sow or a tailwater sow. More often than not it’s more of a depth issue than a bug issue but sometimes you have to throw the kitchen sink at them.

It pretty much goes without saying that fall is streamer season so if that’s your thing then you should be here now! Yes, weeds complicate things but work through those issues and you’ll be rewarded. Who knows, that next cast might just miss every weed in its path and entice that 24” angry fall brown to strike. You won’t know if you don’t throw.

Streamer bins are full and we’re also fully stocked with cold weather gear from base layers to hats and gloves to jackets, waders, boots and more.

It’s been a busy month for guide trips and we expect October will be the same. We’ve got plenty of dates available for both the Missouri and the Blackfoot.

Don’t wait any longer, autumn is here…make your fall fishing plans today.

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