Thanksgiving Week

Just a quick update on what’s happening at Wolf Creek Angler this Thanksgiving week.

We had intended to start our winter hours this week however the nice weather has gotten us some bites on our MOvember special so we scrapped that idea for the time being.

Starting next week however we’ll go to winter hours with the caveat that if it’s fishy weather we’ll likely be here, at least in the mornings.

Our regular winter hours will be Wednesday – Saturday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM and Sundays from 8:00 AM – 12 noon but please give us a call if the weather is nice and you’re headed this way on a Monday or Tuesday, just to make sure we’re around. By the same token if it’s blizzard conditions and single digits Wednesday through Sunday you might just give a call on those days as well to make sure we braved the weather and made the trip if you’re planning to come out.

We’re open through Wednesday this week but will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Looks like colder weather and a chance for some snow on Friday and Saturday but we should be here both days, at least in the morning. We will be closed this Sunday, the 25th.

Black Friday Deals? Yeah, we’ve got em’. 25% off all outerwear, sportswear, waders and boots, rods and reels….what the hell, Friday ONLY 25% off EVERYTHING. How’s that for a Black Friday deal?

And don’t miss our Cheaper by the Dozen sale flies. Available now. These are randomly selected flies from our clearance bins for $5/dozen. That’s right $5/dozen. That’s a $25 savings! These are all high quality bugs which for one reason or another haven’t moved so we’re moving them. We’ve pre-packaged them so you get what you get. No picking through them allowed. They may not be exactly what you’d have picked but for $5 a dozen you really can’t go wrong. They make great Christmas presents for those just getting into the sport. Spend $10 on bugs and you’ve got a substantial start on a full fly box for your favorite beginning fly fisher.

Updated fishing report is in the works but suffice it to say that the transition to winter fishing is fully underway. The temps are dropping and the fish are moving to the winter water. Nymph the medium to slow deeper runs with sowbugs, zebras and Rainbow Czechs and start to work pink into your game.

Pink weight flies, Pink Amex, Pinkalicious, pink lightning bugs, Pink Lucent Bead Rays, Pill Poppers, Bubble Yums, Cotton Candy, UV Crush….you know the drill. And don’t forget the firebeads. Try 6’ – 7’ indicator to bb with a mix and match of the above and see where it goes.

Swingers have been hooking up on Kreelex, Polar Leeches, buggers and the like. Don’t be afraid to try some bulkier bugs like Sparkle Minnows and MK Ultras as well and don’t feel ostracized by the Trout Spey craze. It’s a great method to add to your skill set and it’s becoming all the rage on the Missouri, especially in the late fall and throughout the winter, but you can still catch plenty of fish on a single handed rig.

Dry fly fishing? Maybe not so much. This isn’t to say there won’t be some BWO action yet to happen this fall but most have made the mental shift to bobber or streamer fishing. Embrace it! Love it!

We’re anticipating a moderately busy winter season based on the talk of a somewhat mild winter but we never put much stock in long term weather forecasts. Take what you get and fish when you can.