Weekend Report
Back in the shop this morning after a couple of great days spent celebrating and relaxing with family and friends. It’s a beautiful blue sky late December day and despite the fact it’s a mere 20 degrees we’ve been surprisingly busy.
We tend to take things for granted with the river just a couple of miles down the road and I for one have narrowed down the window of winter conditions under which I will fish. I’ve been content to stay inside and wait for warmer days but if you are here now and only have a week or maybe even a day or two to fish the Missouri you don’t have much choice other than to get out there and have at it.
The reports I’ve heard from the past few days have been pretty good. Same story – status quo winter nymphing. Slow, deep winter water and pink stuff. That’s all you need to know. Big movers lately have been the pink Amex, Casne’s Pinkalicious, pink lightning bugs, Rainbow Czechs, Firebead Soft Hackle Sows, Pink Soft Hackle Scuds…..notice a trend here?
A few folks swinging and stripping as well though nymphing is always your best bet for numbers this time of year.
Brown Polar Leeches, hot-head Kreelex and Skiddish Smolts in assorted flavors have all been getting some attention.
The roads are clear, the ramps are in good shape though there is some ice to contend with so please be careful out there. Water temps have dipped below 34 and flows are holding just shy of 3200. We will continue to see below average temps for the week ahead with lows in the single digits expected Monday and Tuesday night so things will continue to ice up for the next while. It’s going to be a chilly week out there with the next warming trend arriving on New Year’s Day. Will you fish again in 2015? I’m thinking the next fish I catch will be in 2016 but you never know.
The shop will be open tomorrow from 8 AM – 12 noon. Stop in and see us if you’re in the area.