Welcome Spring!

Finally, the long and frigid winter has relented, and spring is in the air.

Actually, winter wasn’t all that long or all that frigid and we’re really hoping for a few more snow events before all is said and done. The weather has been mild by March standards for the last couple of weeks but the calendar is proclaiming the official first day of spring today so let us celebrate spring’s arrival, knowing that we’ll likely be weathering a bit of a slog these next weeks through ever-changing weather conditions but the countdown is underway.

Soon the brown landscapes will begin to transform into vibrant hues of green as moisture and sunlight bring forth new life. Trees and flowers will begin to bloom as the smell of spring fills the air. Waters will soon begin to warm, waking our trout from their winter slumber and bug life will return.

I still lean slightly towards autumn as my favorite season but spring, especially in the later stages, is truly amongst the most wonderful times of the year. And if we’re strictly talking fishing, I’ll take spring hands down.

Nymphing is already getting good and will continue to improve as we make our way into spring. The die hard DFO’s have already found an abundance of winter fish willing to eat an adequately presented midge pattern. Perfect presentations are not a requirement of winter and early spring dry fly fishing but as angling traffic increases, along with the number of bugs on the menu, you will need to step up your game. If dry fly fishing is your passion, you’re just weeks away from what you’ve been dreaming about since you hung up your waders and stashed your five weights last fall.

Nymphing and dry fly fishing aside, spring is king for the streamer contingent and it’s about to get good! Free from the weeds of fall, spring is without a doubt THE BEST TIME for STREAMER FISHING on the MISSOURI. The swingers know it, they have been after these fish all winter long but now is the time. The fish are hungry coming out of winter stasis and as the water warms energy returns and winter dormancy is replaced by hunger fueled aggression, the perfect conditions for stripping meaty streamers on the MO.

We are the undisputed streamer authority on the MO. We have the best bug selection on the river, a pile of specialty lines for any and all conditions and rods and reels from Sage, Lamson, Echo and Redington. We have got something for every budget, hand selected by yours truly for overall performance and value.

We’ve opened a good portion of our lodging with only the motel rooms yet to do. Our March Madness Spring Guide Trip and Lodging Special runs through the end of the month so book your spot today. We are offering two nights of premium lodging and a full day trip for one or two anglers for just $700. That’s two nights of lodging and a guide trip for what a trip alone will cost you starting April 1st, a savings of $500 off the regular price. And the best part…there’s no penalty for cancellation for any reason.

We are now open daily from 9 AM – 4 PM and will expand hours as needed.

New gear arriving daily for spring including a bunch of new bugs, the Sage R8 Classic and the still reigning best waders in the industry from Simms Fishing Products.

We are your Missouri River one stop fly shop with everything you need for your day on the water including fishing licenses, The Cheapest Dam Shuttles on the MO, Adipose drift boat rentals and so much more.

We hope to see you soon for Spring Fishing on the MO.

More Early Spring this Weekend on the MO

It seems as though winter may have loosed its grip on us for good as we’ll see another spring-like weekend ahead with temperatures back in the 50’s, possibly hitting 60 on Sunday.

Winds looks manageable for the weekend out of the south/southwest at 9 -16 mph with some higher gusts to 25 mph. You’ve fished in much worse!

The trend continues through the first part of next week before temperatures normalize with high 30’s and low 40’s starting on Thursday.

Reports from this past weekend were a bit of a mixed bag but overall the consensus seemed to be that fishing was on the slow side but slow or not, you could do much worse than spending an early March day soaking up the sun while floating down the Missouri River.

It’s been quiet this week despite consistently mild weather and as is generally the case in the early season we’re not sure what to expect heading into the weekend, but we’ll be here regardless. Shop hours this weekend are 9 AM -2 PM, Sunday included, and we’re running shuttles daily.

We’ve got lodging available at winter rates of $149/night (plus tax) and our Adipose drift boat rentals are a great deal at $150/day (you haul the boat). We haven’t had much call for it yet but if you’re looking for a guided day on the river we can accommodate.

During the month of March we’re offering a full day trip, lunch included, at a half-day rate of $550 for one or two anglers. We’re also offering a lodging/guide trip special for $700 (plus tax) for two nights of premium lodging and a day of guided fishing. As is usual with March trips the weather can always be a factor so there’s no penalty for cancellation should winter return. This offer is for the month of March only, normal prices resume on April 1st. Book your trip today and leave the rowing to us.

If you’re sticking to the DIY program it’s status quo this time of year with sow bugs leading the charge. Tailwater Sows, Soft Hackle Sows, Pederson’s Sow, Carpet Bugs, Poxyback Sows, Pill Poppers, Firebead or Pink Lucent Bead Ray Charles, Bubble Yum Scuds, Rainbow Czechs, Amex and Zebra Midges are all go-to bugs for early spring.

Dry fly fishing is an option with plenty of midges in the mix and streamer fishing (swinging or stripping) should be just on the verge of really heating up.

The most commonly asked question we get is when is the best time to fish the Missouri and my stock answer is whenever you’re able to be here because the consistency on the MO is unmatched but if you really want to know you’d be hard pressed to find a better time and place to fish than springtime on the Missouri.

We invite you start your day on the MO with us, especially if you’re coming from the south. We’ll get you set up with FISHING LICENSES, shuttles, all the best bugs from all the best vendors, and anything else you might need for your day on the water. Simms waders and boots, Sage and Lamson rods and reels, fresh new fly lines from SA, Rio and Airflo and piles of tools and accessories from the best brands in the business. And it’s all right on your way. No need to drive another 10 minutes down the road to get the same stuff and then turn around and drive right back up to the dam or Wolf Creek Bridge! We are closer to the Holter Dam to Craig section launches than ANY OTHER SHOP.

See you soon for spring fishing on the MO.

Wolf Creek Angler Missouri River Election Day Update

It’s a cold and gray election day…just as it should be this first full week of November on the MO.

Snow in the forecast for today and tonight. A high of 41 with southwest winds 14 – 17 mph switching to north northwest in the afternoon and gusting to 25 mph. Snow will continue into the evening with patchy blowing snow between 8 pm and 11 pm and an overnight low of 19 degrees. Sunshine returns tomorrow with temps climbing back into the 50’s. Sounds like it could be a BWO day out there though we’re certainly not expecting much in the way of traffic based on what we’ve seen over the past week.

It’s a ghost town out there!

River flows are currently holding at a skinny 3180 CFS with water temps right around 50 degrees. Those flows are lower than we’d like to see but aside from that and those pesky autumn winds, conditions over the past few days have been ideal with plenty of cloud cover and plenty of hungry fish.

With winter on the way those rainbows are bulking up making for some good days out there, especially for those chasing bobbers. Sow bugs, sow bugs and more sow bugs perhaps with a Little Green Machine or other baetis nymph thrown in for good measure. Tungsten Tailwater Sow with a beadles sow, Pill Popper with a beadles sow, Rainbow Czech with a beadles sow…you get the idea. Faster shallows are still going to be your primary target but don’t overlook the tail outs and other holding areas.

The browns are in full, glorious, spawning colors and are amped up and just ornery enough to smash a streamer. If you are wade fishing please be mindful, especially with these low flows, of spawning redds and stay off of them!

Sparkle Minnows, Skiddish Smolt, Mojo Minnows, Thin Mints, Kreelex, Polar Leeches and Swim Coaches all getting plenty of looks depending on the day. And if there was ever a time to go big with your bugs on the MO (some would argue there is not) this would be that time as the perceived threat may trigger an aggressive attack. The better streamer action has been in the upper stretches but don’t let that deter you from hitting the middle and lower sections if conditions allow for it. You never know…

Stop by WCA for the best streamer intel and best bug selection on the MO….hands down!

There’s NO TIME like STREAMER TIME on the MO’ photo by Wolf Creek Angler

And speaking of stopping by…WINTER HOURS went into effect on November 1st. Published hours are Tuesday – Saturday 8 AM – 4 PM, CLOSED on Sundays and Mondays. Hours may fluctuate based on weather or other factors so it’s never a bad idea to call ahead to confirm we’re going to be here. Our crew is gone for the season so it’s just me which unfortunately means that if there are scheduling conflicts then the shop will be closed. We apologetically acknowledge the inconvenience this may cause but with 11 seasons under our belt we’ve learned that winter sales rarely cover winter staffing.

Along these same lines, I haven’t yet figured out how to do shuttles with no staff so while there may be days we can do them, practically speaking shuttles are done for the season.

Fortunately for you there are other options for winter shuttles on the MO.

We’ve closed and winterized the vast majority of our lodging but we will have our three bungalows open all winter at a great rate of $149/night (plus tax). Bungalows have two twin beds, a full size pull out couch, a kitchenette with cooktop, microwave, fridge and a dishwasher and big screen televisions for all of your streaming services.

Whether fishing the MO, chasing waterfowl or elk or deer hunting these rooms are a great late season option. The kitchens come in handy but we’re also thrilled that Lazy I Beerworks is currently open every day but Wednesday for lunch and dinner.

The seasonably relevant fly bins are fully stocked. We’ve got plenty of Simms waders, boots, hats, gloves, socks and layering for whatever Mother Nature throws at us as well as a few clearance sportswear items still hanging around.

WCA 10th Anniversary drinkware and T’s are on clearance as well and our Annual Fall Rod and Reel Sale runs through the end of November so a trip to WCA and the MO could be the perfect opportunity to knock out your Christmas shopping.

Adipose drift boat rentals available as long as the weather holds though the Mending Waters vet boats will be on hold for the winter beginning November 15th.

Get out and VOTE today and come see us next time you head out to fish the MO.


Mid June on the MO

It’s hard to believe but we’re already talking about mid-June on the MO as the 2024 campaign continues to fly by

This is PRIME TIME. These next several weeks comprise the most coveted dates of the season. These are the weeks that book out a year or more in advance. This is GO TIME in the Missouri River Fly Shop, lodging and guiding world. Buckle up!

Bugs have been semi-cooperative most days. The wind has been about the most consistent component of our young season. The two do not go hand in hand. Mid day dry fly opportunities will avail themselves more days than not but gusty winds change the equation. It’s not only heads we’re hunting but also those coveted sheltered spots that provide a respite from the often howling onslaught. We’ll always do our best to get you to those spots where sheltered waters and bugs and rising fish converge but it’s not always the case so be prepared to overcome micro-currents with that reach cast while also managing that cast in the presence of strong head or tail winds. This has always been and will always be part of the challenge of the Missouri so come prepared.

PMD’s are your mid-day go to. We highly recommend incorporating an emerger or cripple into your offering. Sprout PMD, Hatchback PMD, Dolly Wing PMD, Helen Keller, Film Critic, CDC Case PMD Emerger, Loopwing Emerger…just a few of the techy PMD patterns available now at WCA.

Caddis are present in the canyon and lower stretches. We haven’t heard much on that front just yet as far as the fishing goes but it’ll happen sooner or later.

Nymphing continues to be solid and while I was going to post the obligatory sow bug game comment I did actually hear a couple of reports just this afternoon that just maybe they are taking a break from the sow in order to focus on tasty PMD nymphs. Try a Split Case or Crack Back, PMD Magic Fly, Redemption, Psycho May, Frenchie, Glass Bullet, Military May or the like and pair it with a Purple Weight Fly or a Tung Dart or maybe even a worm with the bump that’s coming today and tomorrow.

Tomorrow looks to be another summery day with highs near 90 before things trend cooler for the weekend and into next week when there is a winter storm watch in effect for the high country with snow returning to the mountains. We won’t likely see any of that here but do prepare for highs in the 50 on Monday and Tuesday with rain in the forecast and keep those jackets and fleeces at hand as overnight lows will be dipping into the 30’s beginning on Sunday.

We’ll see what the change in weather brings. Streamer season is certainly waning at this point but with a couple of cool, rainy days on tap that might be just the ticket.

We’re in the midst of our busiest month of the season for guide trips so expect traffic in the fly shops in the morning and if you’re trying to call in a shuttle and we don’t answer try back in a bit or better yet, stop by the shop. We’re likely busy with customers so answering the phone becomes much less of a priority. We generally start running shuttles around 9:30 am  so we can accommodate early outs and we generally wrap up by 3 PM so the later shuttles aren’t usually something we’re able to do. It never hurts to check though.

The shop is open at 7 AM daily for all of your Missouri River fly fishing needs. We are of course home to the CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES on the MO, Adipose drift boat rentals, ice, Sage rods and reels, Fishpond straw hats, Simms waders, boots and flip-flops, Suncloud and Smith optics and the largest selection of flies ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana.

The Blur Begins to Fade

The second half of June and the first half of July are our busiest part of the season, often referred to as THE BLUR due to the lack of demarcation from one day to the next. It’s a time of pre-dawn boat rental boat launches, chaotic mornings in the shop getting trips out the door and often times working well into the night picking up boats and prepping them for the next day. A few hours a sleep per night is pretty standard during The Blur. Our guides have their own Groundhog Days to deal with during this time, often working three or four weeks straight without a day off. It’s these weeks that test the mettle of those looking to make a go at a career in Montana Fly Fishing.

Now as we move into the latter part of July, the Blur has started to fade. Don’t get me wrong, things are still busy, just not the fever pace of a week or two ago. Slowly but surely, things are slowing down. Traffic has lessened and soon will slow to a relative crawl as the Blur gives way to the Fade and the Fade gives way to the Dog Days of Summer.

The days are already noticeably shorter and while we’re still opening at 6:30 AM daily you can expect later light and cooler temps as summer falls away. We’ll see where the weather goes but for now we’ll likely push you to start as early as possible to counter the triple digit highs on tap for the days ahead. July is our hottest month of the year and we may see this heat wave stick around for a while but sooner or later cooler temps will return as will a 7 AM open. We’ll let you know when that’s happening.

Fishing has been somewhat inconsistent but overall there’s not much to complain about.

Some Like it Hot

The wade anglers are happy with flows having now dropped below 5K (currently 4860 CFS) with water temps holding in the mid 60s range. Keep an eye on those water temps on those hot days as it doesn’t take long to heat up with these lower flows. We encourage every angler to carry a thermometer with them at all times and check water temps often. Once that temp eclipses 68 degrees it’s time to think about giving the fish a break and finding something different to do.

We’re expecting flows to hold where they’re at which should keep things cool but once water temps hit 70 degrees or greater you really shouldn’t be fishing. There’s been no talk of Hoot Owl on the MO this season but self-regulating is something we should all be doing. You can expect us to request 6 AM starts on the really hot days but regardless of whether you start early or not our guides will stop fishing if water temps exceed 68 degrees.

Need a stream thermometer? We have them available for purchase at WCA!

Tricos have been gaining momentum, Caddis have been the consistent evening go to and hoppers and ants are getting the occasional looks. Plenty of options for the DFO. Best-selling dries this week have been Hi Vis Trico, Guide Winna Spinna (Rusty or Trico), Double Wing Trico, Indicator Spinner Trico, Barr’s Trico Emerger, Lighthouse Spinner Trico, Cornfed Caddis, Missouri CDC Caddis, Outrigger Caddis, Blooms’s UV Caddis, Stockingfoot Caddis and CDC Grey Caddis Emerger.

More or Less Hoppers in Peach, Tan and grey have been moving fish and Micro Chubbies are getting plenty of looks as well. Come check out our greatly expanded FOAM section, which, I think it’s safe to say, rivals or exceeds that of any other shop on the MO.

Those chasing bobbers have had good luck with black Zebra Midges, Frenchies, Little Green Machines, Pheasant Tails, Split Case PMD’s, Purple or Gold Weight Flies, Tung Darts, S & M’s and of course, Sowbugs. Zirdles have also continued to have their moments though that has lacked consistency.

Not much to report as far as streamer fishing goes though buggers, particularly Thin Mints, have been effective.

Hot summer nights (though not too hot) are the perfect time to throw a mouse as well. Once again, keep a close eye on those water temps, but when the water temps allow for it why wouldn’t you try your luck at fooling a mammoth Missouri River brown trout with a mouse. Not for the faint at heart!

Just to repeat, we’re open at 6:30 AM daily for all of your Missouri River summer fly fishing needs. Sunscreen, Ice,Headwear, Neck Gators, Sun Gloves, Smith and Suncloud Sun Glasses, Simms Solarflex shirts, flip flops, NEW Korkers wading shoes and sandals and much more. How about a new SAGE R8 or Sonic? We’ve got em’.

Lodging and guides are still locked up but another week and we’ll have rooms available and might even be able to find you that (somewhat) last minute guide trip.

Adipose Drift Boat rentals, Simms waders and boots, Rio and SA lines, leaders and tippet and without a doubt, the largest selection of Missouri River flies ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana.

Don’t forget, Wolf Creek Angler has the confirmed CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES on the MO. You won’t find a cheaper Dam shuttle anywhere. Our shuttle business has more than doubled from last year but we still can’t help but wonder why anyone would go anywhere else for a shuttle from the Dam down unless they just enjoy spending more money on said shuttles which must be the case because there are all kinds of rigs being shuttled from the dam which we aren’t moving.

The only other thing it could be is that folks don’t know that we’re here. Case in point, we had clients show up a few minutes late the other day for their trip because they “just assumed we were in Craig”. They assumed WOLF CREEK angler was in CRAIG! Help us get the word out – CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES ON THE MO ONLY AT WOLF CREEK ANGLER located in Beautiful WOLF CREEK MONTANA. 

We LOVE Craig. We’re perplexed by watching the rigs with drift boats in tow passing us by in the morning presumably en route to Craig, only to see those same rigs at the dam later in the morning. And in this case it’s not just that our shuttles are cheaper, it’s that some folks are driving an extra 15 miles which means more money spent on fuel and at least a half hour later start than what would’ve been the case had they stopped here for a shuttle. Obviously to each their own but we’d love it if you spread the word to your peeps.

We hope you join us for The Fade and beyond this season on the MO. 

The Calm Before the Storm (Welcome June)

Wolf Creek Angler is your Missouri River Fly Fishing Headquarters

It’s relatively quiet this first day of June on the Missouri but that’s about to change!

Chalk it up to being a post-holiday week or just the calm before the summer storm but it’s been eerily quiet this week with many of the transient guides and outfitters taking their clients and returning to their home waters.

Wet weather has perhaps kept some of the local angling traffic away and we’re still a ways out from the heat that drives the recreational floaters to the MO but all that aside, the fact of the matter is, we’re on the cusp of the start of the summer season and a few days from now things are going to look a whole lot different so if spring solitude is your thing this is your window and it’s about to close!

We’re now entering the days folks book a year or more in advance. These are the days of pilgrimage from afar to the hallowed waters of the Missouri. These are not the days of “everything else is blown so we’ll have to fish the MO”, from here on out everyone who is here is here for this. They’re here to carry on what are often times generational traditions of summer days on our giant spring creek.

These are the days of the DFO. Not that you won’t see plenty of bobbers on any given day but the history of fly fishing on the Missouri is one steeped in the lore of epic hatches and monster browns and bows sipping well-presented dry flies. It’s a place known for technical fishing with all of the elements in play that make a soft landing and a drag-free drift a necessity.

The coming early days of Caddis and PMD activity always allow for a fair amount of sloppiness and less than stealthy presentation but it won’t be long before things get techy and the fish get extremely picky and if you’re not on your game you’ll likely have a tough time on the Missouri. Prepare yourself for the Missouri River Dry Fly Extravaganza! 

That being said, this world class tailwater is chock full of sub surface food which means if you prefer the bobber to the dry fly the Missouri is for you as well. It’s almost always game on for the nymphing set and while the reckless abandon with which these trout have been feeding for the past month may be waning there is an incredible abundance of food in the water right now and the fish don’t stop eating.

Of course sow bugs continue to be the staple but there are caddis pupae, baetis nymphs, PMD nymphs, March Brown nymphs, worms, crayfish and who knows what else bouncing around the water column. Anchor your rig with a beaded Tailwater sow, Czech nymph, Weight Fly, worm or Crayfish and trail a Little Green Machine, 2 Bit Hooker, Magic Fly, Split Cast PMD, S & M, Frenchie, Psycho May and on and on….All available at Wolf Creek Angler.

Back to dry flies – we’re currently making the shift, switching the hi vis bins from BWO’s to PMD’s and Caddis. Stock up today on the latest and greatest as well as the old standbys. We recommend you keep a good selection of spinners and duns at the ready but we catch a bunch of fish on cripples…just sayin.

The Guide Winna Spinna is a relative new-comer to the Missouri. Great Fly….Terrible Name. CDC PMD Spinners and Para PMD’s along with Indicator Spinners in PMD and Rusty – all fine PMD options. Hellen Keller PMD, PMD Film Critic, PMD Flash Cripple. CDC Winged Emerger, Brooks Sprout PMD and the ever-popular Buzzball should all hold a place in your fly box.

Our go-to Caddis patterns include Cornfed Caddis, Blooms Para Caddis, Sloan’s Outrigger Caddis, Stockingfoot Caddis, Missouri CDC Caddis, Iceberg Caddis, Front End Loader, X Caddis and the always popular CDC Caddis Emerger.

You’ll find all of these and many more filling the bins at WCA amongst the largest selection of Missouri River flies ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana.

As you prepare for the weeks ahead think about replacing those old fly lines. There’s nothing quite like fishing a fresh new line to help you step up your game. It’s difficult enough to overcome the challenges posed by micro currents when trying to perfect that presentation. Why add the challenge of a line that won’t float? Cleaning and dressing helps but at some point you need to replace those lines.

We’ve got you covered with all the basics as well as the more technical tapers from SA, Rio and Airflo.

Stock up on 5X and don’t forget your floatant.

We’re open at 7 AM daily for EVERYTHING you need for your day on the MO.

Sun protection, rain gear, Simms waders and boots, the brand new Korkers Swift Sandals and All Axis wading shoes, SAGE R8’s, Lamson Speedsters, tons of Simms logo gear, Adipose drift boat rentals, Mending Waters Drift boats FREE TO ALL VETS, Fishing licenses, Fishpond Nomad Nets and now featuring the CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES ON THE MO!

Welcome to Pre Prime on the MISSOURI!

Mid May on the MO


Two weeks into May and we’re rapidly settling into the grind.

The new Wolf Creek Angler crew is continuing to take shape, guides are fully ensconced in the groove and honestly, it feels busier at this point in the season than I can recall it ever being which is obviously partially a product of the influx of guide traffic from other parts of the state but I like to think it’s also a product of WCA continuing to grow and gain momentum as your Missouri River fly fishing destination.

We recently welcomed Keith Tucker aboard as our go to shop guy. Keith’s been doing the salt water thing as a captain in the Florida keys for the past 9 years and brings with him a wealth of experience in the industry. Stop in and meet him next time you’re headed to the MO.

Lodging has been slammed with WCA guests as well as a steady stream of folks fishing with other outfitters and many of those outfitters and guides also staying with us when vacancies allow. We’ve always worked hard to build these relationships with our colleagues in the industry and we’re thrilled that in what is definitely a highly competitive business, we’ve established a trust that allows for working together.

WCA has long been a favorite haunt of many guides and outfitters who prefer the chill nature of our location to the chaos.

Fishing has been consistently spectacular despite the concentration of traffic in the upper stretches. It’s definitely been busy, more days than not.

A steady parade of drift boats can be found at the dam daily from first light to early afternoon with the busiest time generally in the 9 AM – 11 AM range. If you don’t want to see other boats you should probably think about hitting a different river but an extra early start or a post 11 launch will alleviate some of that sense of crowding.

Guides who have worked on the Missouri know the drill and when everyone operates within the accepted parameters things go swimmingly. You’ve seen the fish numbers. There are plenty of fish and even in a short stretch of river there is plenty of water to accommodate the heavy traffic. What’s always amazing is how consistently good the fishing is day after day even with this kind of pressure. It’s truly an amazing fishery.

With the Little Prickly Pear and Dearborn on the drop things are rapidly coming into shape on the lower stretches and traffic has started to spread out accordingly. You’ll still see crowds at the dam but now there are a host of options if you want to get away from some of that traffic.

Current water conditions on the Missouri – 7290 CFS, water temp 47.5 degrees. Little Prickly Pear and Dearborn at 405 and 851 cfs respectively and dropping. We expect we’ll see some traffic on the Dearborn this weekend. Call the day before for shuttles as we’re planning on doing just one or two runs a day to the Dearborn depending on demand.

Nymphing continues to be the numbers game with sow bugs still reigning as the go to food source but with the water temps steadily climbing the baetis action is heating up. BWO nymphs should definitely be a part of your arsenal at this point. Little Green Machines, Psycho Mays, Redemptions, Pheasant Tails, Military Mays, Radiation Baetis, Olive or Pearly Lighting Bugs, Split Case BWO’s….all good options and don’t be afraid to work some PMD nymphs into the mix as well, it won’t be long. You might start with a PMD Magic Fly or a Split Case or Crack Back PMD.

Dry fly anglers are finding targets with midges, BWO’s and a few March Browns around and Caddis waiting in the wings. First or last light is best, cloudy days offer some mid-day opportunities.

Streamer fishing has been hit or miss but definitely worth your time. Brown and Yellow has been good with white, natural and olive all getting some attention as well. Ply the shallows off the banks, dredge the depths, vary your retrieve and if you’re not getting looks then change bugs. It can be slow going. It can turn on just like that and shut down just as quickly.

Need gear? We’ve got you covered with a streamer line for any and all situations or just go with a VersiLeader if you’re not ready to commit. Come by and try a Streamer X or Sage Igniter if you’re in the hunt for a new streamer stick.

Got questions? We’ve got answers. From gear to rigging to bug selection we are the Missouri River Streamer Authority!

The shop is open early, 7 AM daily with everything you need for your day on the water. Simms waders and boots, sun protection, Adipose drift boat rentals, fishing licenses, piles of fresh WCA logo gear, the CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES ON THE MO and of course the most extensive selection of flies ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana.

January Thaw

Winter Retreats on the MO – photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Our mild month continues with the January Thaw still very much in effect.

Accordingly, angling traffic has increased substantially, especially on the weekends and with the forecast being status quo for the time being I’d expect this trend to continue until winter returns.

The snow pack continues to look good with most of the region at or above 100 percent of average but weeks of spring-like weather definitely aren’t helping. Let’s hope for persistent cold and snow in the high country and moderate conditions on the MO…the best of both worlds! Current conditions on the Missouri have flows at 3560 CFS with water temps just shy of 34 degrees.

We decided to take advantage of the conditions yesterday, in particular the absence of wind in the forecast, and get out on the water. Contrary to what we’ve been seeing on the weekends we had the river to ourselves save some late season waterfowl hunters.

Per usual the focus was streamer fishing though we did run the obligatory nymph program early on just to confirm recent reports. As expected, winter water was productive with no big surprises on the fly front. The Pill Popper/Tailwater Sow pairing is about as close to go-to as you can get but a Rainbow Czech, Pink Amex or Pink Weight Fly paired with a Soft Hackle Sow, Radiation Baetis, Rainbow Warrior, Pederson’s Sow, Pink Lighting Bug or Zebra Midge will get it done as well.

Interestingly, the fish were not limited to the winter depths and in fact seemed to be more concentrated in the slightly faster, not quite as deep runs. Still the winter water, just not the EXTREME winter water. Go with the early spring program water wise and see what happens and if you aren’t finding them then shift gears, particularly as you move further down, distancing yourself from the ultra-stable conditions provided by the dam.

Scouting obligations having been met, we broke out the streamer rods for the remainder of the day and had good action from the start, consistently moving fish without changing bugs and boating several good browns and rainbows before the action tapered off late afternoon.

Yellow, Olive and white were good, but again, we used what already happened to be rigged up and never changed bugs so I would call that a good streamer day, particularly by January standards. And as with the nymphing, most of our fish came out of faster water you wouldn’t typically target in the winter.

You’ve read this here many times, but just to repeat it once more, don’t let anyone tell you stripping streamers isn’t effective in the winter. Most opt to swing through the winter months which is great, but we got em’ on various retrieves ranging from slow to medium fast but always stripping, never swinging, with plenty of pauses in between. It may have been a case of just the right time in just the right place but isn’t that what fishing is anyways?

Medium current, medium depth, sunny side of the river. Work the banks with a varied retrieve. Most of our fish came halfway between the bank and the boat and were fairly deep so leave the intermediate lines at home and get down.

There were a few midges on the water and we did see a handful of eats so as long as this weather persists get out there and fish it any way you like.

Opportunities abound!

The shop is open at 9 AM Tuesday – Saturday and while we don’t have lodging available this winter we are stocked up with winter bugs and anything you might need for your day on the water including Adipose Flow Drift Boat Rentals.

Ramps in the top section are in good shape and all should continue to improve as the warm weather persists. I did get stuck in the ice ruts at Spite Hill the other day while checking ramps so maybe avoid that one for the time being. Stickney should be in good shape by now. Dearborn is currently a no-go so if you’re intent on fishing something other than Dam to Craig maybe look at Craig to Stickney or Stickney to Mid.

Say NO to Cabin Fever and enjoy the January Thaw. 

Closing Out April – Closing in on Prime Time

Below average temps and above average precipitation starting to improve the outlook for much of the region

Warm spring days are upon us…at least for a day or two. We’ll see highs near 70 today and tomorrow before things cool off on Wednesday ushering in what looks to be a cool and wet couple of days as we head into the weekend.

We won’t complain about a couple of sunny warm days but happy to see the return of cooler temps to preserve that critical snowpack for as long as we can.

Traffic is steadily picking up and we’re now getting to the point where the weather won’t have much of an effect as we’re getting into the thick of it with trips that have been on the books for months. Rain or shine – it’s go time.

We’ve got a few holes in the lodging and guide books this week so give the shop a call and we’ll get you booked for that spontaneous last minute trip on the MO.

We expect fishing will continue to improve with dry fly opportunities becoming more abundant from here on out. BWO’s a plenty, we just need to get those fish looking up. Nymphing is your numbers game and the streamer junkies are in PRIME TIME right now. Not a bad time to fish the MO, no matter what your go-to method.

We’re now open daily at 7:30 AM for all of your Missouri River fly fishing needs. Clean and affordable lodging, the best guides on the water, Adipose drift boat rentals, shuttles, bugs and so much more.

Look no further than WCA for anything and everything you need.

A quick note about boat parking.

One of the most frequent pieces of feedback we’ve gotten over the years is that boat parking can be a challenge and more than that, a limited space parking lot filled with drift boats leaves very little room for vehicle parking. Some of our guests have utilized the large turnout at the end of our property for years to stash boats which was not looked upon favorably by the owner of that piece of property. Fortunately we were able to come to an agreement with the property owner at the end of last season and we now have the exclusive use of that turnout. We’ve cleaned it up and topped it with gravel and it’s now an awesome space for auxiliary parking.

Please utilize this space for your vehicle/drift boat rigs and make sure our guests who aren’t towing boats have spots in front of their rooms to park their cars. It’s not to say we’re prohibiting folks from parking their hooked up rigs in front of their rooms but if it looks busy at all (which it will more often than not from here on out) then please be considerate of our other guests and leave boats in the auxiliary lot when space is at a premium.

The season is upon us…Here’s to busy parking lots and hungry trout!

MARCHing into Spring


Our current weather forecast looks much more like May than March with highs in the 60’s all week and likely breaking 70 this weekend. It’s warmer than it should be and this weather isn’t going to do our snowpack any favors but boy that sun feels good!

Angling traffic has been moderate during the week and downright busy on the weekends with plenty of folks getting out and enjoying the spring weather. Has winter left us for the season? I wouldn’t count on it but it’s hard to imagine winter’s return with spring really starting to take hold. We generally end up getting at least one final blast of winter at some point in April. Let’s hope it happens, at least in the high country as we’re in desperate need of precipitation.

At this point it looks like river flows will likely hold where they’re at (currently 2980 CFS) right on through the season. Late snows and spring rains could, and hopefully will, change the equation but my gut feeling is that these are the conditions we’ll be seeing for 2022.

Obviously water and weather conditions are out of our hands and not really worth obsessing over. As we always do we’ll work with what we’ve got and do everything we can to successfully strike the balance between keeping our clients happy and preserving and protecting the resource, the latter of which will always take precedence.

But enough about that for now, there’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealing’s done.

In the meantime I’m pleased to report that we just happen to be in the midst of one of the best early spring fishing seasons we’ve seen.

As previously reported, dry fly fishing has been outstanding with plenty of opportunities more days than not. Midges galore and plenty of hungry trout looking up. #18 Griffiths Gnat is money but you’d be smart to mix it up with various midge clusters or a parachute Adams. And speaking of dry fly fishing, you could do much worse than rolling with a big bug, prospecting, as there have been a few reports of Skwala sightings out there. Try a True Skwala or a chubby and cover all of those fishy spots that scream large lurking trout.

Nymphing? Yes. Your best bet for numbers as always. Pill Poppers, Yum Yums, Tailwater Sows, Pederson’s Sow, Radiation Baetis, Zebra Midge, Little Green Machine, Amex, Rainbow Czechs, Caviar Scuds, Soft Hackle Sows, Psycho Mays, Magic Fly BWO…..all in play. Favor the slowish water but don’t ignore the moderately fast stuff. Water temps are on the rise (currently 36.5) and fish are on the move. Expect more of this as air and water temps climb.

And yes, if Streamers are your game it is indeed the most wonderful time of the year and it’s just getting started. Swinging has been solid, stripping just starting to come into its own. Swing a Balanced leech, a Thin Mint, a bugger, a Fruit Rollup, a Kreelex etc. Strip what you like and commit to doing it all day long…or not. Good reports on Olive, black and natural but every day is different. Find one that works and roll with it. And don’t be afraid to go big. Conventional wisdom on the MO might say otherwise but conventional wisdom catches conventional trout. We prefer to defy convention and I don’t mind telling you that we do just fine.

Our streamer bins are overflowing with bugs you won’t likely find anywhere else on the MO. Come have a look for yourself and let us know if you’ve seen a better streamer selection on this river.

We also just got a bunch of new SA streamer lines in that we can’t wait to try. I’ve been fishing Airflo Streamer Max Short for years and I love it but I’m anxious to try a couple of these new lines. It’s our first season carrying SA and we’re super stoked to have them in the shop. I learned the streamer game back in Michigan on SA Streamer Express and swore by it so I wouldn’t be surprised if I happened to find a new favorite among these.

Spring shipments are arriving daily and the shop is filling up quickly. We’d be honored as always, if you came by to have a look at what we have to offer and we’d like nothing better than to be your Missouri River go to.

The shop is open at 8 AM daily with everything you need for your day on the water. Brand new 2022 Adipose Flows for rent and Mending Waters boats are back free of charge for all vets and active duty military personnel.

Lodging is two thirds open and we will likely open the rest within the next week or so.

Guides are chomping at the bit and are about to be extremely busy so book em’ while you can.

The season is upon us and we couldn’t be more excited. We hope to see you soon.

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