The Missouri River is a year-round fishery – photo by Wolf Creek Angler
We’re just a couple days into a bit of a cold snap which has brought with it some much needed winter precipitation but it looks like a warm up underway for the remainder of the week. It doesn’t take long to grow tired of the cold and while we appreciate the fact that many love Montana for the winter activities it offers, we love to fish. We love to fish any and every month of the year and it just so happens that we have a year-round fishery here on the Missouri River.
We love the summer crowds and the hustle and bustle on and off the river but we also love the solitude afforded us by the colder months. Traffic on the river is minimal but the fishing can be downright spectacular depending on the day. The first time I fished the Missouri was a February day with temps in the high 30’s and lots of sunshine and we had one of the best days of winter fishing I’ve ever had anywhere.
Winter nymphing is nearly always productive on the MO and the late fall and early winter can offer some of the best streamer fishing you will have on this river. Add to this the the ever-present midge hatches offering dry fly fishing opportunities and you have everything you could want no matter what your game.
Well into the winter fishing season, we’ve entered the time of year when nymph selection is a no-brainer. Firebeads, pink anything, sowbugs, lightning bugs…you know the drill. I should spend more time trying different patterns out in the winter but since cold hands are kind of part of the deal and since one double nymph rig often works for weeks at a time, I usually leave things alone for as long as I can.

Some of our favorite winter nymph patterns. Top – purple lightning bug. 2nd row Rainbow Weight Fly with firebead. 3rd row left to right pink san juan worm, Rainbow Czech, Firebead Soft Hackle Sow Bug, Keller’s Payczech Rainbow, Hot Bead Wire Worm. 4th Row Firebead Rainbow Czech, Pink Scud, Tungsten Tailwater Sowbug. 5th row Casne’s Pinkalicious, Rainbow Warrior, Firebead Pink Ray. 6th row PInk Lightning Bug, Black Tungsten Zebra Midge, Purple Tungsten Zebra Midge. All available at Wolf Creek Angler. Photo – Wolf Creek Angler

Wolf Creek is your year-round Missouri River fishing destination – photo Wolf Creek Angler
So where to stay?
There is a common misconception that EVERYTHING shuts down in Craig and Wolf Creek once winter sets in. This is simply not the case. While things are quiet you can still find everything you need from flies to shuttles to boat rentals to lodging to dining…it’s all right here in Wolf Creek. With Shotgun Annie’s open for food and drinks, The Oasis serving up plenty of strong winter libations, the only gas station and only grocery store between Helena and Cascade (The Canyon Store) and Wolf Creek Angler, your 12-month full service fly shop, guide service and lodging operation you need go no further than Wolf Creek. And since most of the winter fishing on the Missouri River takes place between Holter Dam and Craig, by staying in Wolf Creek you are just minutes from both the dam and Wolf Creek Bridge launch sights.
Winter really is the secret season on the Missouri and while there are some hardcore anglers who will fish in single digits we prefer 30 and above. Fortunately we see a fair amount of these 30 plus degree days over the course of the winter so watch the weather and find time to come fish the Mighty Mo this winter. We typically fill our weekend lodging up by mid-week when the forecast is for nice weather so keep an eye on the 10-day and don’t wait. We understand that the weather can change quickly and we wouldn’t expect you to fish through a polar vortex so don’t worry about cancellation fees for lodging or guide trips due to cold weather. Book your trips and worry not – we get it! Take advantage of our off-season lodging rates ($99/night) and guide trips for $400 while the snow flies. Better yet, book your winter guide trip and lodging special for just $500. That’s a full day Missouri River guide trip for one or two anglers AND two night’s premium lodging for just $500. It’s the best deal on the Missouri River Hands Down. Nobody…and I mean NOBODY can touch this one.
We look forward to seeing you in Wolf Creek this winter.

The Canyon Store is the only gas station/convenience store between Helena and Cascade and has an awesome Montana Microbrew selection.

Winter Solitude on the MO’
Reblogged this on Running Line and commented:
We originally posted this in November but here in the midst of January with forecasted temps in the high 30’s later this week and cabin fever creeping in why not head to Wolf Creek and the Missouri River? $395 guide trips, $99 lodging and all the winter bugs and cold weather gear you need at Wolf Creek Angler!