
The first half of March has been a little tough around here. A couple of good days but hit and miss for the most part. The weather has been awesome but as winter comes to a close we’re happy to see some precip in the cards today and through the first half of the week. It could be really good out there the next couple of days with clouds and snow and light winds and temps in the 40’s.
Water temps are creeping upwards towards 40, we’re thinking streamers but we’re also thinking that the nymphing may turn on and it’s a safe bet there will be fish up on the midges under cloudy skies. This could be the week it turns on and the timing couldn’t be better with our $300 spring special guide trips commencing on Friday – the first day of Spring!
As of yesterday we’ve doubled our lodging capacity and rooms are filling quickly. In addition to the bungalows, we now have Cabins 1 and 2 available, each with its own full kitchen and bath for $99 and we’ve also got Cabin #3 back on the roster at the ridiculously reasonable rate of $69. No kitchen in #3 but two beds, a private bathroom, fridge, microwave and coffee maker. Get it while you can!
Make WCA your destination this week. We’ve got everything you need. Rooms, boats, shuttles, cold weather gear, warm weather gear, cool River Steel tools from Montana Fly Co, all kinds of indicators including Strike Foundry’s Lil’ Nuggets, Loon Aquel, Flyagra, leaders and tippet from RIO and Trout Hunter, a bunch of awesome clearance items and of course, the largest selection of Missouri River flies ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana. Outfitter Owned and Operated and open EVERY DAY from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
See you in the shop and on the water.