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It’s feeling a little more like winter right now with a current temperature of 24 but we’re headed back into spring-like weather later this week with temps in the 40’s and near 50 on Saturday.

The groundhog has predicted an early spring, let’s hope it’s not too early.

Despite the unseasonably warm temps here on the Missouri our snowpack isn’t looking too bad, currently at 90 percent of average. We would definitely like to see that continue to increase. It’s really an ideal situation to have the cold and snow in the high country building our spring flows while we experience above average temps here making winter fishing on the Missouri a fairly constant option.

We’ve got lodging available throughout the week, though the weekend is almost full so don’t wait too long to book that room. We’ve been staying busy with lodging all winter long between the hard water anglers and those coming out to fish the Missouri. We’ll keep an eye on the long-term forecast and will likely open up a few more units sooner rather than later as the weather and the demand dictate.

Don’t forget $400 guide trips all winter long. Book it now, if you don’t like what the weather brings on the day of your trip you are free to cancel with no penalty for doing so. Guides are starting to get restless and are ready to get back at it. Give us a call and put them to work today.

Be sure to stop in on your way to the river for shuttles and bugs and anything else you might need for your day on the water.