Missouri River Winter Fishing Headquarters in Wolf Creek Montana – photo by Wolf Creek Angler
It’s feeling like spring these last couple of days with temps pushing into the 40’s and it’s supposed to continue through the coming week. Definitely worse ways to spend December days than fishing the Missouri. A little more traffic around today, though not as much as you might think considering.
As promised I did manage to get out on Thursday for a quick solo run from Wolf Creek to Craig. Aside from four wade anglers I saw not a soul. I ran a bunch of winter bugs to see if I could find anything that was RED HOT. The closest I came was the firebead wire worm which got the majority of the eats but I did coax a few into taking a pink lightning bug and also had a couple takes on the rainbow czech. Each of these and many more available now at Wolf Creek Angler.
All in all it was a pretty productive couple of hours. I spoke with the wade guys Thursday night who were staying with us and they also did well with the firebead wire worms. The wire worm craze was apparently short-lived however as the same guys fished the same water on Friday morning and didn’t get a single take on the worm. They loaded up on rainbow czechs and I didn’t see them again for what it’s worth.Bottom line – winter fishing is on. Winter bugs, winter water, winter techniques are all coming into play right now. The weather couldn’t be better.

The largest selection of flies ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana – photo by Stefan McLeod
We are full through Monday but will have vacancies during the week and into next weekend.Great deals on all kinds of great fly fishing gear now through Christmas Eve and don’t forget WCA gift cards good for anything we sell! Why not treat yourself to an early Christmas present and book a guide trip this week while the weather is nice. Winter special rates of $395 for a full day while the snow flies! Rooms for under a hundred bucks a night.
Now through January 1st book a guide trip and a night’s lodging for next season and we’ll throw in a second night’s lodging for free. Our normal winter hours are 8 am – 4 pm Wednesday – Saturday but if we’re seeing 40’s all week you will find us here every day but Sunday. Fishing Dam to Craig? Remember you need go no further than Wolf Creek. We’ve got you covered with winter bugs, shuttles, RO drift boat rentals, rooms and much much more.
Hope to see you around the shop and on the water this week.
Go Griz!
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