Eternal Winter on the MO


It just keeps coming!

A steady snow falling this Thursday afternoon, APRIL 20th. Lows in the mid 20’s expected tonight with more snow on the way tonight and tomorrow. One more night of unseasonably cold lows Friday night and then maybe, just maybe we’ll be done with this.

No complaints about the snow – it’s all good but generally once we’re this far into April we’re ready for those temps that might freeze plumbing to have ceased. I’ve been waiting to turn the last of the water on having learned my lesson in years past when we’ve ended up with frozen plumbing in mid-April but we’re getting down to the wire and we’re going to need that water soon.

The dice will undoubtedly be rolled this weekend. Overnight lows look to be climbing and I think perhaps we’re on the precipice of leaving winter behind.

In addition to challenging my sanity, the unseasonably cold weather has also had somewhat of a chilling effect on business. With the exception of a couple of nice days that brought folks out of the woodwork (notably last Saturday) things have been relatively quiet for late April on the MO. Cold weather has kept the waters state-wide in good shape and delayed the runoff that generally precipitates the annual spring migration of guides and outfitters to the MO from around the region.

This has made for some relatively quiet days on the water which no one is complaining about. No one with the exception of the fly shop owners who are sitting on piles of new inventory watching the spring season pass by! But that’s neither here nor there.

Weather and stories of woe aside – fishing has been outstanding. Just what you would expect in mid to late April on the Missouri. Nymphing has been outstanding, last light dry fly fishing on midges has been consistently good depending on the day and streamer fishing is in PRIME TIME so if that’s your game these next few weeks are when you’ll want to be here.

Best bets for nymphs….Pill Poppers, Peterson’s Sow, Tailwater Sow, UV Yum Yum, Pink Ray with lucent pink bead, Caviar Scud, Rainbow Czech, Radiation Baetis (Pink), Pink Lighting Bug, Rainbow Warrior, black Zebra midge, soft hackle sow, Cotton Candy, Split Case BWO, BWO Magic Fly, Little Green Machine, Olive Psycho May. Sow bugs and anything with pink or orange beads have been the go tos but you should definitely be mixing some baeits and midge nymphs just to show them something they maybe haven’t seen quite so much.

The fish are on the move. You might find a few hanging in that slow winter water yet but you’ll definitely want to target the medium fast, medium depth water which is where they seem to be congregating at the moment. 

Most of the nymphing traffic has been in the Holter Dam to Craig stretch but there’s no reason not to spread it out as the river is fishing well in all sections. 

Dry Flies – Black Midge, Griffiths Gnat, Parachute Midge, Bucky’s Midge Cluster, Midge Sprout, Parachute Adams and maybe give that Skwala a try.

Streamers – all over the board but best sellers have been Skiddish Smolt, Sparkle Minnow, Thin Mints, Kreelex, Silk Kitty, Swim Coach, Mini Dungeon, Baby Gonga, MK Ultralite. Best Colors – Natural, white and olive.

Swing or strip. Bomb the banks, work the troughs, dredge the depths. The fish are where you find them which could be anywhere right now. Try a varied strip with plenty of pauses. Hit the shallows and give it a second to settle before you strip.

There’s no time like spring time on the MO.

We’re open daily from 7:30 AM – 4 PM. Stop in for everything you need for your day on the water including the CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES ON THE MO.

Early April Update – Goodbye Winter Edition

Spring Coming Soon…photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Could it be that this ridiculously prolonged, slow burn of a winter is FINALLY coming to an end?

We can’t say for sure. But the forecast seems to be leaning that way.

A couple of more days of high 30’s/ low 40’s with overnight lows dipping into the teens but then it happens. 50’s on Thursday, near 60 on Friday and 60’s pushing 70, yes, you read that right, pushing 70, early next week.

They’re calling for a 30 percent chance of snow tomorrow, with little or no accumulation expected. But other than that the only precip we’re seeing in the forecast is in the form of rain.

Maybe, just maybe, spring is settling in.

With any luck we’ll be bidding a fond farewell to the snow and ice which have been blanketing the property since early November.

The combination of snow and ice and mud have made the parking lot a mess for weeks and by extension, since those who have been staying with us have had to park in and walk through said parking lot to get to the rooms, housekeeping has been a challenge to say the least.

But that’s all about to come to an end as a couple of days in the 60’s with even a little bit of sun will go a LONG ways in drying us out.

We’ll look to open up the last of the lodging late this week.

Traffic has been building, ever so slowly. A few folks around the shop each day, busy lodging on the weekends and guide trips just starting to roll. Just enough activity to get acclimated as it’s about to blow up.

The river is in great shape, currently running 5400 CFS with that temp holding steady in the 36 degree range. The upcoming warming trend should get things cooking as the water warms and the fish snap out of their winter slumber.

Nymphing the usual suspects will keep a bend in the rods. Anything with a pink bead has been exceptional as of late. Dry fly fishing has been decent on the right days, absent the wind and should only improve. Keep those midge rigs at the ready.

Streamer fishing has been adequate and is about to go PRIME TIME! The hour and the day is unknown but it could happen any time so go after it. Swing, strip, do what you do knowing that it could happen anytime now. We’ve got 6 weeks of Prime streamer fishing ahead of us with dry fly nirvana to follow. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

Treat yourself to a new streamer set up today. We’re stocked up with plenty of the tools you need to get the job done from Sage, Echo, Redington and Lamson and a bumper crop of streamer lines from SA, Airflo and Rio for any and all sub surface scenarios. It’s just the bugs you need? We’ve got you covered there as well with the best streamer selection on the Missouri. We are your Streamer Fishing Authority on the MO!

Shop open at 8 AM for everything you need for your day on the water. Shuttles, bugs, hats, gloves, waders, boots, wading jackets, rain gear, lines and leaders, tools and accessories and the best free coffee in the canyon.

We hope you make WCA your fist stop on your way to the MO.

Predlude to Spring

It’s been a roller coaster weather wise this week on the MO with spring showing up on Monday and Tuesday before another winter smack down in the form of a Winter Storm bringing 6 plus inches of new snow on Tuesday night and Wednesday.

The sun is shining this St Patrick’s Day morning and the forecast looks good with an abundance of sunshine and a high near 42 and south southwest wind just 7 – 11 mph. Definitely a favorable forecast for spring fishing on the MO but you might want to give it a minute as we’re currently sitting at 14 degrees.

And speaking of spring fishing – Monday is the day, the official first day of spring. The current forecast is calling for mostly cloudy skies with a high near 50 and calm winds. If that forecast holds you can’t do much better than that for the first day of spring on the Missouri River.

Between now and then the weekend looks similarly appealing with highs right around 50 each day, manageable winds on Saturday and calm winds on Sunday. No sign of snow in the forecast until Monday night and that chance will linger throughout next week but maybe, just maybe we are past the significant winter weather. A welcome change to be sure!

In spite of the weather ups and downs what has been consistent is the fishing which has been consistently good all week long. Early spring is amongst the very best times to fish the MO if numbers are important to you. It’s already heating up as our fish emerge from their winter slumber. A couple of more ticks up in the water temps and it’s going to go off! We’re still hanging around 34 degrees which is on the cold side but it won’t be long and those spring sun BTU’s will get things moving towards optimal trout temps (44 – 67 degrees).

Best bets for nymphing – Pill Popper, Bubble Yum, Cotton Candy, Pederson’s Sow, Tailwater Sow, Rainbow Czech, Pink Amex, Pink Lucent Bead Ray Charles, UV Yum Yum, Caviar Scud, Radiation Baetis, Zebra Midge, Firebead Ray, Firebead Czech, UV Sow, Soft Hackle Sow…you get the picture. All of these and many more in stock NOW at WCA.

Midge Madness on any given day for those looking to catch that first fish of the season on a dry fly. Try a Griffiths Gnat, Grizzly Midge, Bucky’s Midge Cluster, Black Sipper, Black Midge or even the tried and true Parachute Adams.

We’re a couple of weeks out from Prime Time for streamer fishing but there’s no time like the present to start down that road. Good reports as of late on white, grey and black but that will change with the day depending on water conditions and light levels. Polar Leech, Kreelex, Sparkle Minnow, Skiddish Smolt, Thin Mints, Mod Maidens, Mojo Minnows, MK Ultralite all good on the slow strip. Best bet on the swing would be leeches, buggers, Fruit Rollups and the like.

The shop is stocked up with TONS of Bugs, Simms Waders and boots, a bunch of new sweet sticks from Sage, Lamson, Echo and Redington and all the gear and accessories you’ll need for your day on the water.

We’re open from 8:30 – 4 PM Monday – Saturday and will expand those hours as things get busier.

Stop in for shuttles, fishing licenses, intel, the best coffee in the canyon and so much more.

January Thaw

Winter Retreats on the MO – photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Our mild month continues with the January Thaw still very much in effect.

Accordingly, angling traffic has increased substantially, especially on the weekends and with the forecast being status quo for the time being I’d expect this trend to continue until winter returns.

The snow pack continues to look good with most of the region at or above 100 percent of average but weeks of spring-like weather definitely aren’t helping. Let’s hope for persistent cold and snow in the high country and moderate conditions on the MO…the best of both worlds! Current conditions on the Missouri have flows at 3560 CFS with water temps just shy of 34 degrees.

We decided to take advantage of the conditions yesterday, in particular the absence of wind in the forecast, and get out on the water. Contrary to what we’ve been seeing on the weekends we had the river to ourselves save some late season waterfowl hunters.

Per usual the focus was streamer fishing though we did run the obligatory nymph program early on just to confirm recent reports. As expected, winter water was productive with no big surprises on the fly front. The Pill Popper/Tailwater Sow pairing is about as close to go-to as you can get but a Rainbow Czech, Pink Amex or Pink Weight Fly paired with a Soft Hackle Sow, Radiation Baetis, Rainbow Warrior, Pederson’s Sow, Pink Lighting Bug or Zebra Midge will get it done as well.

Interestingly, the fish were not limited to the winter depths and in fact seemed to be more concentrated in the slightly faster, not quite as deep runs. Still the winter water, just not the EXTREME winter water. Go with the early spring program water wise and see what happens and if you aren’t finding them then shift gears, particularly as you move further down, distancing yourself from the ultra-stable conditions provided by the dam.

Scouting obligations having been met, we broke out the streamer rods for the remainder of the day and had good action from the start, consistently moving fish without changing bugs and boating several good browns and rainbows before the action tapered off late afternoon.

Yellow, Olive and white were good, but again, we used what already happened to be rigged up and never changed bugs so I would call that a good streamer day, particularly by January standards. And as with the nymphing, most of our fish came out of faster water you wouldn’t typically target in the winter.

You’ve read this here many times, but just to repeat it once more, don’t let anyone tell you stripping streamers isn’t effective in the winter. Most opt to swing through the winter months which is great, but we got em’ on various retrieves ranging from slow to medium fast but always stripping, never swinging, with plenty of pauses in between. It may have been a case of just the right time in just the right place but isn’t that what fishing is anyways?

Medium current, medium depth, sunny side of the river. Work the banks with a varied retrieve. Most of our fish came halfway between the bank and the boat and were fairly deep so leave the intermediate lines at home and get down.

There were a few midges on the water and we did see a handful of eats so as long as this weather persists get out there and fish it any way you like.

Opportunities abound!

The shop is open at 9 AM Tuesday – Saturday and while we don’t have lodging available this winter we are stocked up with winter bugs and anything you might need for your day on the water including Adipose Flow Drift Boat Rentals.

Ramps in the top section are in good shape and all should continue to improve as the warm weather persists. I did get stuck in the ice ruts at Spite Hill the other day while checking ramps so maybe avoid that one for the time being. Stickney should be in good shape by now. Dearborn is currently a no-go so if you’re intent on fishing something other than Dam to Craig maybe look at Craig to Stickney or Stickney to Mid.

Say NO to Cabin Fever and enjoy the January Thaw. 

Mid December on the MO

All is quiet on the MO right now.

With the river having been firmly held in winter’s grasp since early November, angling traffic has been sparse to say the least.

Oh sure, there have been a few folks out there on any given day but for all intents and purposes the 2022 late season has been defined more by the absence of traffic than anything else.

Our snow pack has been quietly building and we haven’t seen bare ground since early November thanks to the sustained well below average temperatures and above average snowfall.

It’s been cold. It’s about to get REALLY COLD. The forecast for next week, starting Sunday is for highs in the single digits and lows well below zero. Next Wednesday looks to be particularly brutal with a high of -9 and a low of -20.

River traffic has been sparse. It’s about to come to a stand-still though the hard water set should be mobilizing very soon. We’ll see highs in the mid 20’s for the next few days so if you must scratch that itch I’d plan on doing it sometime before Sunday.

Current river flow is 3300 CFS with water temp holding just shy of 34 degrees. I’d expect we’ll see a bump in flows next week to keep things moving but expect shelf ice to start to become an issue as those temps plummet.

Winter has undoubtedly become Swing Season on the Missouri but with the current and upcoming conditions deep nymphing will be your best bet for success. That being said, I know of at least one dry fly obsessed individual who has been finding rising fish and getting them to eat so don’t rule anything out.

Fish how you like to fish, just know that deep nymphing will give you your best odds at success from here on out. Of course it all depends on how you define success. If that definition is not tied to numbers then by all means, swing to your heart’s content, hunt those heads or strip those depths.

Best bets for those deep nymph rigs would be a pink Amex, Bubble Yum Scud, Rainbow Czech or Pill Popper trailed with a Soft Hackle Sow, Tailwater Sow, Pink Lightning Bug, Pink Ray or Pederson’s Sow. Run deep, 5-6 feet indicator to split shot and target the slow winter water. With water temps barely above freezing, fish are not expending a lot of energy. You’ll need to put your flies right in front of them as they aren’t going to move for them.

Obviously hooking and landing fish is a big part of why you’re out there but handling fish when air temps are in the mid 20’s can make you very uncomfortable extremely quickly. Good gloves are a must but there’s really nothing worse than fishing in gloves. I recommend putting hand warmers in the chest pocket of your waders or in your coat pockets as well as in a good pair of gloves.

Fish gloveless if you can, taking plenty of breaks to warm your hands and if you do happen to be “lucky” enough to have to handle a fish make it quick and get your dry hands in those pre-heated gloves immediately.

I’m all on board with #FORGETTHEFORECAST and I think you can do so with the right gear but even if your covered from head to toe and keeping that core temp where it needs to be, cold hands can ruin your day quickly and whether you’ve got a hike back to your vehicle or miles to row, cold hands will make it seem like an eternity.

That’s the advice for this week. Once we hit those single digits on Sunday my advice would be to STAY HOME!

Get that Christmas shopping done, sweep up those fallen pine needles, organize your gear or just sit around and daydream about coming warmer days on the water.

Winter is still technically a week out but we’ve already had a bunch of it and it’s about to put us in an arctic stranglehold, just in time for Christmas!

Winter Returns

24 degrees this Monday morning in Wolf Creek with a light snow falling…the calm before the storm.

There is a Winter Storm Warning in effect from 6 PM tonight through 6 AM Wednesday for heavy snow and gusty winds starting late this afternoon.

We saw temps near 80 degrees last Friday and while it’s hard to not enjoy a day like that, we hope we don’t see that again for at least the rest of April. The forecast is calling for blustery north winds at 24 – 28 mph this evening with 4-8 inches of snow expected followed by more of the same with an additional 2 – 4 inches of snow tomorrow. The snow tapers off on Wednesday but we won’t make it above freezing that day and the temps actually dip into the single digits Wednesday night with a low of 6.

Things return to somewhat more seasonable conditions starting on Thursday with daily highs in the low 40s. Storm Total snow accumulations of 5-10 inches expected at lower elevations with 10 – 20 inches of desperately needed snowfall expected in the mountains. Let’s hope so!

We had a fairly busy week of guide trips scheduled and have already cancelled all trips for Tuesday and Wednesday. Hopefully we’ll be able to salvage a few days at the end of the week.

The extended forecast looks good as far as fishing weather goes with temps back in the 50’s next week but we’ll take as much of this winter weather as we can get.

Our lodging is 100 percent open now with plenty of availability throughout the rest of the month. Things get progressively busier once we hit May but we’ve generally got at least a vacancy or two most nights until we hit June so we hope you make us your Missouri River spring fly fishing destination.

The shop is bursting with new gear. In fact we’re running out of places to put it all.

We’re open at 8 AM daily with everything you need from guides to lodging to shuttles to flies and all the gear you could possibly want.

Sit back and enjoy the spring snow storm resting assured that this is exactly what we need, and we’ll see you on the other side.

Winter Holding On

Winter Holding On

As if on cue, last week’s mild temperatures which spurred us to de-winterize and open up a couple more cabins, were replaced this week with another arctic blast. We’ve seen the brunt of it though temps will dip down into the negative digits tonight with wind chill factors hovering near -10.

The warm up will be underway starting tomorrow with temps back in the 30’s and we will see 50’s by the weekend and into the first part of next week. Expect breezy conditions this weekend with the warmer air moving in with gusts of to 33 mph expected on Saturday.

We’re expecting a busy week on the MO next week. We’ve got a full house starting on Monday and I would expect we aren’t the only ones.

Despite the frigid conditions out there at the moment warm spring days aren’t far off. Spring Fever has started to take hold and the MO is your perfect spring fishing getaway.

Things are still in Winter Mode in Wolf Creek and Craig for the moment but it won’t be long before things start to open up and before you know it we’ll be back in full swing.
In the meantime you’d be smart to make Wolf Creek Angler your destination as we offer kitchenettes in all of our open lodging. And speaking of lodging, there’s just 11 days left to take advantage of our Winter Guide Trip and Lodging Special which means that spring is less than two weeks away!

The expected product floodgates didn’t exactly break open wide last week as we had anticipated. Two words….and I bet you can guess what they are….Supply Chain. So we’re not where we thought we’d be with spring product but we’ve got your essentials covered. Bugs, leader, line and tippet are fully stocked and chances are we’ve got most of what you need outside of that as well. We’re light on waders and boots at the moment but should have those items in very soon.

We’ve got plenty of cold weather gear, nets, tools and accessories, 2022 fishing licenses, 2022 Adipose Flow rental boats and much more.

The pre cold-snap fishing report was EXTREMELY encouraging with a couple more epic days of midge action, consistently good nymphing and ever improving streamer action.

There’s nothing quite like spring fishing on the MO. The action is consistently good and while there is definitely an uptick in traffic it can still be considered the calm before the storm of the busy prime season.

As we enter Season Number 9 at WCA we couldn’t be more excited for things to get underway.

We’re open at 8 AM daily though with Daylight Savings Time beginning this Sunday you’ll probably want to push your start time to allow things to warm up a bit.

Either way, we’ll be here bright and early ready to take care of all of your Missouri River fly fishing needs.

February on the MO

We’re one month in to 2022 and though it feels like the dead of winter as we settle into the current cold front, the season will be upon us before you know it. January felt LONG, as it always does but as we turn the page to February today the countdown is underway.

Enjoy these final weeks of solitude because very soon we’re going to be in the thick of it. We got a little taste of what’s to come over the weekend with a fair amount of traffic both the wade and boat varieties. A mild weather weekend in late January always brings out the crowds by winter standards but nothing like we’ll see in a few more weeks as spring approaches.

Fishing has been good, especially on the front side of this weather system which arrived last night. The nymphing has been solid with plenty of fish being caught on the swing as well. More often than not you’ll have at least a little wind to contend with but if you somehow hit it on a calm day you can expect some dry fly action as well as the midge action begins to heat up.

It’s the time of year you can often run the same nymph rig all day long, never changing flies or depths and hooking up throughout the day.

Rainbow Czechs, Tailwater Sows, Pill Poppers, Bubble Yums, Pederson’s Sow, Soft Hackle Sows etc. Bug selection is not critical. If you happen to be out there on the right day and you’re fishing the right water you should have plenty of success.

Slow and deep is your target water but don’t overlook those tailouts, especially if you’re swinging. Polar Leeches, Kreelex, Fruit Rollups, Thin Mints and Black Buggers have all been deadly on the swing.

Winter has returned today with temps back in the teens and wind chills in the single digits and below. More of the same on tap for tomorrow but we start to warm up again Thursday and into the weekend with highs back in the 40’s and pushing 50 on Monday. Expect some traffic out there this weekend and look for things to get busier as winter progresses. Cabin Fever usually starts to hit folks pretty hard in February with the promise of spring on the not-too-distant horizon.

It’s the perfect time to take advantage of our Winter Guide Trip and Lodging Special. Get Two nights of lodging and a full day guided trip for one or two anglers for just $550 with NO CANCELLATION FEES FOR ANY REASON.

It’s always a roll of the dice with the weather in the winter but rest assured that if things end up going south with the weather, or if you just have a change of heart and decide you don’t want to catch a bunch of Missouri River trout on a winter afternoon, you’re not on the hook for anything. With nothing to lose there’s no reason you shouldn’t be booking your winter guide trip on the MO. An abundance of fish and winter solitude await!

If you’re looking for things to do in Helena this weekend don’t miss Pat Barnes TU 2022 Ice Bowl Membership Drive and Winter Social at Sleeping Giant Lanes on Saturday at 4 PM. Bowling compliments of PBTU, pizza compliments of Rocky Mountain Credit Union. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday evening in February.

Fishing the Averages

Quiet on the MO’ photo by Wolf Creek Angler

The cold snap which lingered over the holidays is but a memory now as we settle in to more seasonal conditions with daily high temps hanging right in that average, or slightly above average, 35 – 40 degree zone for the next while.

It’s been breezy more often than not as you would expect but the breeziness is much easier to contend with on a 40 degree day than a single digit day. While snowpack conditions are holding fairly steady in the high country the snow is all but gone here in Wolf Creek and on the Missouri. A bit of shelf ice hanging around here and there and the occasional chunks of ice falling off of the dam but wading conditions by winter standards, are actually optimal right now.

Flows are low and steady currently at 2840 CFS with water temps just shy of 34 degrees.

This is winter fishing at its best. Mild temps, low flows and hungry trout.

Hungry yes, aggressive….not so much. While there are no shortage of hungry fish, their primary concern right now is conserving energy. Winter is hard. Water temps are cold. It’s a whole different game from an angling perspective.

Sexy riffles and seams are not your winter targets. Holding in cold fast water requires energy the fish simply don’t have during the winter months.

Slow and deep….that’s where you’ll find them. And you’ll need to pick that water apart because they aren’t going to move much for a meal. Grid your water starting in close and working from the inside out. If you’ve covered the grid without success try going a little deeper and cover it again. Once you find one, you’ll generally find more in that same zone as they tend to stack up where favorable conditions prevail.

Bug selection is usually not the issue, it’s just a matter of putting the bugs in the right place.

A tungsten bead lead fly, usually along with a bb or two, will help you achieve your desired depth. Good options include Rainbow Czechs, Pink Amex, Caviar Scuds, Pill Poppers, Bubble Yum Scuds, Pink Weight Fly, Rainbow Weight Fly, Firebead Sows…you get the picture. Trail with a soft hackle sow, tailwater sow, Pederson’s sow, Pink Ray, Pink Lightning bug etc. and you should be in business.

Start with 5’ – 6’ from your indicator to your split and see what happens.

Or you could swing.

Or you could strip.

These methods tend to be less effective in cold water conditions but that’s not to say you won’t coax a few into breaking the rules. Nymphing is where the winter numbers are but you’ll still find plenty of folks swinging and a few even sticking to the single handed stripping game. Go DEEP and strip PAINFULLY SLOW…you might be surprised what you dredge up from the depths.

A high calorie target moving lethargically through the zone with plenty of pauses in between strips is often too great a temptation for our resident hogs to resist. It’s a low percentage method you might not want to commit your whole day to but I would. The largest brown trout I’ve caught on the Missouri was on a cold early January day. Dredged up from impossible depths.

It’s a great time to fish the MO and you can pretty much have it to yourself for at least another month.

We’re not quite ready to commit to published daily hours  but we’re working in that direction and as it stands now we’re here more often than not at 8:30 AM with the definite exception of Sundays.

Open for lodging and guide trips EVERY DAY. Call, email or direct message us on Facebook and we’ll respond promptly.

December Gales

Winter Solitude on the MO’

It’s been one of the windiest Decembers I can recall, so much so that I arrived this morning to once again find our rental boats blown from their parking spots into the yard, a good 20 – 30  feet away. This is the third time this has happened in the last few weeks. It certainly didn’t happen at all during the season and I don’t recall it happening at all last fall/winter. Suffice it to say it’s been windy.

Howling winds have kept river traffic to a minimum though there’s usually at least one or two hard core anglers out there regardless.

Conditions seem ideal this morning with cloudy skies, 38 degrees, no wind and an occasional light snow falling. It’s perhaps the fishiest day we’ve seen this month but thus far I’ve not seen a race to get to the river.

If you’ve had the itch to get out there but have been kept away by the winds, today might be the day. In fact, the week ahead looks favorable with similar conditions tomorrow followed by colder air arriving later in the week. A few snow showers predicted today, tomorrow and again on Thursday and temps dipping down into single digits Thursday night before things return to somewhat average seasonal conditions for the weekend…the last weekend before Christmas if you’re counting.

Water temps have been steadily dropping and are currently holding at around 40 degrees while flows remain low, currently at 2840 CFS. Snow pack is starting to accumulate, slowly but surely.

Hopefully we’ll soon start to see some substantial precipitation in the high country, our 2022 season depends on it!

With the aforementioned wind seemingly always present along with now having an 8 week old puppy to tend to, I haven’t been on the water for a while though plans are in place for our Annual Staff Christmas Float next week, hopefully the weather will cooperate. In the meantime however, while I don’t have an up to the minute fishing report, I can tell you that current conditions point towards classic winter nymphing techniques coming into play.

Colder water temps have undoubtedly spurred migration into the deep, slow winter waters. Go deep (5’ – 6’ from indicator to weight and adjust accordingly). It’s time to break out the winter nymph box – think pink! Pill Poppers, Pink Amex, Rainbow Czech, Pink Weight Fly, Bubble Yum Scud, Caviar Scud, Pederson’s Sow etc in the lead followed by Tailwater Sows, Pink Lightning Bugs, Rainbow Warriors, Soft Hackle Sows, UV Yum Yums, Lucent Bead Pink Ray Charles, Radiation Baetis in Pink and don’t overlook a standard Black Zebra Midge. The bugs are generally not the challenging part of the equation. It’s finding where in the water column they’re at (aim deep) and putting your flies directly in front of them. Cold water means conserving energy is critical so they aren’t going to move far for a meal.

All that being said, the 2 Handers will continue to ply the faster tail outs all winter long and will entice fish to move on a well swung leech (buggers, fruit rollups, polar leeches, balanced leeches etc)

Likewise, cold water be damned, the strippers will persist in targeting subsurface structure as well as seeking those occasional rogue fish hanging in the shallows, near the drop offs close to the bank. It’s time to load up that heavy sink streamer tip and get down. Don’t ignore the sexy water off the banks, there may be fish there, but you’ll also want to get down deep with a SLOOOW a retrieve and plenty of pauses. The slow retrieve is critical…the bugs not so much. Winter may not be prime streamer time but we’ve dredged up plenty of BIG FISH on days the water temps were in the mid to high 30’s with the air temps bordering on too cold to be out there.

The online store has been busy these past couple of weeks with folks loading up on gift cards and WCA apparel for Christmas giving. Our fall rod/reel sale will run through the end of the year and we’ve got clearance pricing on select items from Simms including G3 waders and boots.

Lodging and guide trips available ALL WINTER LONG.


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