Weekend Report 8/1/2015


Dry Fly Eat on the Missouri - photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Dry Fly Eat on the Missouri – photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Well, another month in the books. Our busiest month yet and that with a late July slow-down resulting from weird weather and weird bug activity (or lack thereof) and the general sense that the fishing simply isn’t all that good right now.

August is typically pretty slow around here but oddly enough we’ve been booking a fair amount of guide trips and lodging for the next couple of weeks. As long as the weather and the fish cooperate we might just have a stronger-than expected showing this month.

While it’s certainly not prime fishing time on the Missouri we don’t mind August one bit. There will be some good days and some not so good days out there but if you want to float down a beautiful Montana river on a bright and sunny summer day this is your time. The days are getting shorter, the nights are typically cool and we’re starting to see signs of Autumn as the  greens of spring and summer begin their transformation.

August fishing can be good with Hoppers and ants being our go-to bugs right now. Plenty of tricos around and plenty of opportunities if that’s your game but we love to watch the fish eat the big bugs….the takes may be few and far between but definitely worth the wait. Stop in and check out our hopper/terrestrial selection, you won’t be disappointed. Nymphing is your best bet for numbers. It’s Zebra Midge time at the dam!

We like to view August as a breather before the second season which generally starts to ramp up in mid September. It’s a great chance for us to take care of projects around the property which need attention and to assess and evaluate our season and begin pre-season orders for next year. It’s also a good time to play so don’t be surprised if you see some reports this month from other waters or maybe even some reports that have absolutely nothing to do with fishing.

Shop open early (6:00 AM) daily for all of your Missouri River fly fishing needs. We’re starting to receive our fall merchandise so expect to see some deals as we make room for the new stuff.

We’ve got a full house Monday and Tuesday but things open up after that so give us a call and book that last minute Missouri River fly fishing getaway.

Mid Week on the MO

Late summer on the Missouri - photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Late summer on the Missouri – photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Plenty of blue skies and sunshine out there and some fish as well.

Good nymphing and decent trico reports from the morning shift at the dam and word of decent caddis action last night between Wolf Creek and Craig.

It’s hit and miss right now to be sure but don’t believe the hype! These are awesome days to be out there. The weather is beautiful, the pressure is light to moderate and there are plenty of fish. You may need to work for them but we’re ok with that.

Plenty of doom and gloom muttering about the fishing this season going on but we choose to take the conditions for what they are, adjust our game accordingly and fish on. We encourage you to do the same.

It’s certainly been a less than stellar season for the DFO’s but that being said, there have been and there will continue to be plenty of fish caught on dry flies.

August trip bookings have really started to take off so apparently not everyone has soured on the 2015 Missouri. As is generally the case in August we’ve got a fair amount of lodging vacancies so come out and enjoy the quiet time on the Missouri.

Make Wolf Creek Angler your one-stop on the way to the MO for shuttles, bugs, sun protection, almost legendary coffee, fishing licenses, ice, river maps, tools and accessories, Fishpond Nomad boat nets and anything else you might need for your day on the water. Open daily at 6 AM.

The Week Ahead

Hopper Time on the Missouri photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Hopper Time on the Missouri photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Feeling like fall out there on this cool and damp late July Monday with temps hovering in the 50’s and a steady soaking underway. We’re thinking San Juan Worms and streamers!

A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms tomorrow and then clearing out and heating up for the remainder of the week with temps back in the high 80’s by week’s end.

Could be some good trico days this week but hoppers and ants have been the dry flies of choice around here as of late. Stop by and check out our terrestrial bins, you won’t find a larger selection of bugs anywhere in Wolf Creek.

What a difference a week makes! A week ago today may have been the busiest boat day of the season on the MO – today there is scarcely a soul to be seen. Empty parking lots and miles of unoccupied water. Much of the traffic has disappeared for the time being but expect the majority of what’s left to continue to congregate between the dam and Craig. Enjoy the solitude of a day in the canyon or further down.

Hoppers, Pine Squirrel Leeches, Ants, Crayfish, Zebra Midges, Split Case PMD’s, Peep Shows, Weight Flies…for what it’s worth, these are the bugs folks have been buying.

Stop by Wolf Creek Angler for all of your Missouri River fly fishing needs. Open early at 6:00 AM every day, make us your one stop on the way to the river.



Great Days on the Missouri

Al Kaplan thoroughly enjoying every minute of his time here in Wolf Creek.

Al Kaplan thoroughly enjoying every minute of his time here in Wolf Creek.

Getting frustrated with the fishing?

There are definitely worse things you could be doing than spending your summer vacation fishing the Missouri. Sure it can be tough out there but is it really that bad?

We’ve heard a fair amount about how tough it is out there over the past week and while we all hope for awesome fishing all of the time it simply doesn’t work that way. The flows are better than what we had expected earlier in the season, the water temps have been good, there are plenty of fish and plenty of opportunities available to those willing to work hard at it. From where we sit the glass is more than half full! It’s not all bad. Fishing can be tough but it’s day to day and it will always get better….eventually.

We’ve got an awesome guest staying with us named Al Kaplan. Al is a bus driver from New York and this is his third trip to Wolf Creek and  the Missouri. Al adds a few days to his trip each year, in fact he’s here for three weeks this time around.

Each afternoon when Al returns from his morning of fishing I ask him how his day was. His response is always the same. He responds that he had a great day. If you ask him whether he caught fish or not he will tell you but that answer never has any bearing on his daily response of having had  a great day. Sometimes he catches fish – sometimes he doesn’t. Catching fish is not what makes or breaks a day for Al Kaplan and we can all learn something from him.

It is not lost on us that people spend a bunch of money and time to come here and fish the Missouri and when the fishing is tough it can be frustrating but we ought not let ourselves get bogged down in that frustration.

Al gets it! He gets the big picture and he loves Montana and the Missouri and the entire experience regardless of how many fish he does or doesn’t catch, of how many caddis there are, of how windy it is, of how many people are on the river etc, etc, etc.

So while we appreciate and sympathize with the frustration that goes along with tough fishing we should all strive to take it in stride and appreciate the experience for all that it affords us. And who knows, tomorrow is another day and fishing might just be spectacular but whether it is or isn’t , a day spent under the Big Sky on the waters of the Mighty MO is a Great day in our opinion regardless of the fish counts.

Stay Strong!

Mid Week Blues



Many of our guests are feeling it right now. Most roll with it knowing it’s part of the game no matter where you fish.

Bugs have been a little unpredictable which of course has limited the dry-fly opportunities but as we’ve been saying those who are putting their time in are finding plenty of opportunities and are enjoying plenty of success especially as measured by finding oneself in the state of wading in the Missouri River, fly rod in hand, casting tiny bugs to rising fish miles away from reality. How much better could it be? Catching a bunch of fish certainly might add something to the experience but those who have figured it out return to the porch at WCA each night satisfied and happy regardless of the number of bugs on the water or the number of fish up.

Of course some leave disappointed. Some are wired to measure the enjoyment and success of their experience by the amount of fish they catch, the size of the fish they catch, the amount of bugs on the water…etc. That’s ok too, we get it but we encourage all to take the time to take in your surroundings. Enjoy the sights and sounds and the company of your friends as you experience this magical place.

It’s interesting talking with our guests each morning and hearing about how they did. We hear a lot about a lack of bugs or things being tough out there but we also hear a lot about what an amazing place this is and how lucky we are to call this home. We don’t disagree.

How’s it fishing? It’s fishing ok and the better you are the more success you will have. If you’re having a tough go of it we encourage you to book a trip with us and let one of our expert guides get your game dialed in.

Tricos are still getting going and offering good opportunities depending on the day. PMD’s and PED’s are still around but definitely fading fast. Caddis are here and could very well be your best bet for the time being. Too early for hoppers? Definitely not. Try throwing a hopper or a Chubby, you might be surprised!

Nymphing? We haven’t heard a lot of nymphing reports as it’s definitely prime time for the DFO’s but those who are doing it continue to do well with Split Case PMD’s, Purple Weight Flies, Tung Darts, PT’s, Psycho Mays, Zebra Midges etc.

Stop by Wolf Creek Angler, your 5:30 AM one stop on the way to the MO.

Mid July Missouri River Report



Summertime in full swing here in Wolf Creek with some cooler temps and cloudy conditions and even a little rain on occasion. It’s been a little windy out there for the past couple of days which has made things challenging for the dry-fly guys but we’re continuing to hear some good reports from those who are putting in the time.

The Missouri is in better shape than most which has brought more traffic than usual, however the monsoon-like conditions we saw on Saturday kept many off of the water and in the fly shops waiting it out which was great for us but we are starting to hear a bit of grumbling about the weather etc. You won’t hear any grumbling from us – let it rain! Cooler temps and rain showers? We’ll take it.

Tricos in the mornings – some good days, some not so good.  PMD’s still a staple of your day. Caddis? Plenty around but not like in the old days, at least that’s what we’re being told. Good nymphing most days but sometimes you’ll be working for them.

We’re loaded up with all kinds of bugs for all of the above so make us your 5:30 AM one-stop shop on the way to the river for shuttles, bugs, fishing licenses, damn fine coffee, Flyagra, Strike Foundry Strike Indicators, Kast Guide Wear and much,  much more.

Need help with fly selection or rigging or wondering where to go?  That’s what we’re here for. No pressure, no posing, no posturing, no intimidation. Just friendly service and a commitment to each and every one of our customers to do everything we can to make your day on the Missouri as successful and enjoyable as it can possibly be.


Following are the current Hoot Owl Restrictions around the state.

Beaverhead River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/10/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Portions of the Beaverhead River from Anderson Lane to its confluence with the Big Hole River (7/9/2015)

Big Hole River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/03/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Entire Big Hole River, excluding Dickey Bridge to Maiden Rock Fishing Access Site. (7/2/2015)

Bitterroot River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/03/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Bitterroot River from its origin at the confluence of the East and West Forks of the Bitterroot River to its mouth (7/2/2015)

Blackfoot River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/03/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Blackfoot River from its headwaters to its confluence with the Clark Fork River (7/2/2015)

Clark Fork River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/03/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Clark Fork River from its origin at the confluence of Warm Springs and Silver Bow Creeks to the confluence with the Flathead River (7/2/2015)

East Gallatin River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/10/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Entire East Gallatin River from its origin at the confluence of Rocky and Sourdough Creeks to its confluence with the West Gallatin River (7/9/2015)
Flint Creek Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/03/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
From the Highway 1 Bridge near milepost 53 to the mouth (7/2/2015)

Gallatin River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/10/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Lower Gallatin River from Sheds Bridge (Hwy 84) near Four Corners, MT, downstream to its confluence with the Madison River at Three Forks (7/9/2015)

Jefferson River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/03/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Entire Jefferson River (7/2/2015)

Madison River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/10/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Lower Madison River from Ennis Dam to the Missouri River Headwaters. (7/9/2015)

Ruby River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/10/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Portions of the Ruby River from Duncan District Road to its confluence with the Beaverhead River (7/9/2015)

Shields River Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/10/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
Most of the Shields River from its confluence with Smith Creek downstream to its confluence with the Yellowstone River. (7/9/2015)

Silver Bow Creek Hoot Owl Fishing Restriction starting 07/03/2015
Mandatory Drought Closure – 2 PM to Midnight
From Blacktail Creek to the mouth where it joins with Warm Springs Creek (7/2/2015)

Weekend Outlook

Caddis Sunset - photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Caddis Sunset – photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Busy weekend already underway on the Missouri. Breezy conditions made things a little tough this morning for the dry-fly crowd but there are plenty of fish up and plenty of bugs around…persistence is the key.

Weather forecast is calling for a chance of showers and thunderstorms tonight and more of the same tomorrow with a 50% chance of rain and a pleasant high of 73 under partly sunny skies with west winds at 8-15 mph.

Missouri River flow currently holding around 3900 with a morning water temp generally in the low 60’s – mid 60’s by afternoon. We’ll see air temps dropping into the mid to high 50’s for the next few evenings which should help to keep things cool.

Expect plenty of company out there this weekend, especially with the latest round of Hoot Owl Closures in the Southwest portion of the state. The Missouri is in good shape and should remain that way. Please be respectful of your fellow anglers out there and treat them as you would like to be treated.

As the crowds increase and the river shrinks the potential for conflict is certainly on the rise so be kind to one another and please be kind to the fish by trying to minimize the time playing them and the time they are out of the water. Perhaps forgo the grip and grins and stick to pics of fish kept in the water. We generally steer clear of any preaching here but we’ve got a long summer ahead of us and we’re likely going to see more traffic than usual so please be kind to our river!

PMD’s on the wane. Tricos gaining momentum. Caddis a plenty. Nymphing is just fine. Stop by the shop for shuttles and bugs and up-to-the-minute intel on what’s happening on the Missouri. Shop open daily at 5:30 AM for your beat-the-crowd early morning convenience.



Mid-Week Missouri River Fishing Report


Classic early July dry-fly fishing on the Missouri. Some good days, others not so much. Lots of bugs and no fish, no bugs and no fish, good mornings with a lot of bugs and a lot of fish shut down by afternoon winds…..and on and on it goes.

PMD’s still going fairly strong and Tricos firing up. A few fish being caught on trico spinners but not many. This should improve daily.

Caddis a plenty – depending on the evening and the location. We’re hearing mixed reports about the caddis but the consensus seems to be that the better action remains below Craig however there are plenty of caddis in the upper stretch as well though they don’t seem to get going until last light.

All kinds of options daily for the DFO’s – go early, stay late and enjoy. What’s working? Best movers on the dry fly side this week have been No Hackle PMD’s, CDC Rusty Spinners, CDC PMD Spinners, PMD Transitional Duns, Flash Cripple PMD’s, CDC PMD Emergers, Indicator Spinner Tricos, Barr’s Trico Emerger, Double Wing Tricos, Poly Spent Caddis, CDC Caddis Emerger, Cornfed Caddis and Buzzballs.

Nymphing has been good though weeds have become a constant so check your bugs often. Weight Flies in Gold and Purple, Split Case PMD’s, PMD Psycho Mays, PMD Magic Flies, Tung Darts, PT’s, Purple UV Prince Nymphs, Hot Belly PT’s, Peep Shows and Zebras have all been getting eaten along with a bunch of other stuff. The big cool down we had on Sunday really turned things on so pay attention to those significant changes in temperature and barometric pressure and see if you can’t stumble upon the weather that flips the switch.

Most of the traffic has been and will continue to be from the dam to Craig. Wolf Creek Angler is closer to Holter Dam and Wolf Creek Bridge than anyone. Planning on getting a super-early start? Make WCA your first stop. Open at 5:30 AM daily for shuttles, bugs, ice and anything else you might need for your day on the water.

It's Trico Time on the Missouri - photo by Wolf Creek Angler

It’s Trico Time on the Missouri – photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Full Tilt Tuesday

Alessandro's first trip to the MO - all the way from Italy. See you next summer Alessandro!

Alessandro’s first trip to the MO – all the way from Italy. See you next summer Alessandro!

Busy days here at WCA as we continue in Full Tilt mode.

We’ve got our entire RO Drift Boat rental fleet out all week with launches at dawn and take-outs after dark. Hard core anglers taking advantage of every minute of their stay on the MO and being rewarded with some awesome action while persevering through some quiet spells as well.

We’ve got a full house most nights with all of our seasonal regulars cycling through. This is the time of year Wolf Creek Angler takes on a real sense of community as we are reunited with old friends and introduced to new friends from all around the country and all around the world. This sense of community is one of the things we love most about our job.

Busy mornings around the shop with bunches of guide trips going out and the DIY crew crowding around the bins, stocking up on bugs and floatant and leaders and tippet and other essentials for the day. The full house is nothing new, the increase in traffic in the shop and in the number of guide trips is what we’re here to do and we are absolutely thrilled with where things are at and where they are going. A huge thanks to all who have supported us from the start and continue to support us as we continue to work towards making Wolf Creek Angler everything you expect your Missouri River fly shop to be.

If you haven’t been by the shop in a while come check us out, we are confident you will be pleasantly surprised by what you find. We’ve got a Missouri River bug selection that rivals that of any in the canyon with new flies arriving all of the time. We continue to work towards building our inventory and expanding our offerings with great gear from first rate fly fishing companies like Kast Extreme Fishing Gear, Fishpond, Umpqua, Redington, Rio, Yeti, ST Croix, Echo, Ross, Nautilus and Smith just to name a few.

Open daily at 5:45 AM for all of your Missouri River fly fishing needs. Great bugs, great coffee, great gear and a commitment customer service are what you will find every day at Wolf Creek Angler.

See you in the shop and on the water bright and early…


Andrew’s first trip to the MO was one he won’t soon forget. See you in Wolf Creek in 2016!


July 4th River Report


Happy Independence Day from all of us at Wolf Creek Angler. It’s a little quiet around the fly shops today as the rafts and tubes and kayaks and various other floating apparatuses take over the MO on this hot and sunny day. Plenty of drift boats out there as well but we generally treat the 4th as a day off from fishing around here.
That being said those who are fishing today are likely getting into them both on dries and nymphs. Reports from yesterday ranged from poor to outstanding with the dry-fly guys having the more challenging day for sure but there are plenty of fish being caught both on top and below the surface.
A nice mix of PMD’s and caddis and now fishable numbers of tricos as well. Good numbers of all of the above depending on who you ask. It’s all about perspective.
Speaking of that, it’s during this dry- fly prime time more than at any other time of year that you can have two people fish right next to one another and have similar fishing results and one will say it’s the most bugs they’ve ever seen and the best fishing they’ve ever had here while the other wonders where all the bugs have disappeared to. One guy catches two fish and is thrilled, another catches 12 and wonders why the fishing is so slow….it’s all perspective. Personally, if I can get a couple of opportunities to cast to rising fish and I hook (and maybe land) one or two I’m thrilled, but that’s just me.
The nymphers are getting it done from the dam to Craig for sure and elsewhere too- still with the gold or purple weight fly and split back PMD combo though the split back has cooled slightly the past day or two. Psycho May PMD’s, PMD Magic Flies, Light Peep Shows, gold or purple lightning bugs and PT’s of all kinds are getting eaten regularly.
As we mentioned there are plenty of tricos around though the fish have yet to really key on them. Last season’s hottest trico pattern was by far the Indicator Spinner Trico and we are fully stocked so keep a few at the ready along with your PMD and Caddis patterns.
We’ve been selling a lot of Eric’s Rusty Spinners, PMD Flash Cripples, No Hackle PMD’s and Drowned Spinner PMD’s. If you can’t find a PMD pattern that the fish want don’t overlook the Parachute Adams in #18 or #20.
Tan Elk Hair Caddis, X Caddis, Outrigger Caddis, Kings River Caddis, Poly Spent Caddis, Corn Fed Caddis and CDC Grey/Tan Caddis Emergers in #16 should all be a part of your Missouri River Caddis arsenal.
All of these and many, many more at Wolf Creek Angler, your first and only stop on your way to the MO. Open at 5:45 AM daily for your early morning first on the water convenience.

Flows holding around 4000, temp creeping up – currently around 64. Much cooler weather on tap for tomorrow with highs in the low 60’s and a good chance for some much- needed precipitation. High 70’s low 80’s for the first part of next week – perfect weather for your Missouri River Dry Fly Fishing Nirvana.

Stop by the shop today and take advantage of great deals on almost everything including WCA Hoodies for right around $25! What a steal. Big festivities everywhere tonight but Craig will definitely be the place to be with live music  at Izaaks and a bunch of fishy people milling around town and having a grand time celebrating the birth of our nation.

Be safe out there!


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