Wishing for Winter while Enjoying the Thaw

January Thaw

Spring-like conditions have taken hold this week with temperatures in the 40’s through the weekend, climbing into the 50’s and near 60 by mid-week next week. And yes, it’s a nice switch from the 30 below we saw last week but there is certainly cause for concern as we approach the end of January with regional snowpack at record lows.

Birds are singing, the sun is shining, the snow is melting, the fish are feasting…feels much more like March than January but these things are beyond our control so I guess the best thing to do is embrace it.

Traffic has increased this week and by increased I mean that we actually had a customer or two through the doors this week and even ended up running a few shuttles. A welcome change for sure!

Conditions on the water really couldn’t be better so if you’re looking for a quick Missouri River trout fix you’d do well to make your way out here in the next week or so and cure that cabin fever.

We’ve got our newly remodeled bungalows available for rent at the special winter rate of $149/night (plus tax) and I’d bet with that feel of spring in the air we could very likely find you a guide willing to spend a day on the water doing all of the work while leaving it up to you to catch all of the fish.

Predictably, nymphing has been the go-to as of late but winter midges are providing ample dry fly opportunities as well. Cover a short section of river on a relatively calm day and you will undoubtedly find plenty of opportunities to hone those dry fly skills. And one of the nice thing about dry fly fishing in the winter is that it’s not all that hard to fool them. Having had months of relief from the barrage of dry flies they tend to be much less wary and much more forgiving of a less-than-perfect presentation.

Black midges, midge clusters, Griffith’s gnats or a small (#18 or #20) parachute Adams should do the trick.

Best bets for nymphs are all of the broken record variety….pink anything and a sowbug! Pill Poppers, Pederson’s Sow, Bubble Yum Scud, Rainbow Czech, Amex, Naughty Bunny, Pink Weight Fly, Caviar Scud and the like trailed with a tailwater sow, pink lighting bug, pink radiation baetis, soft hackle sow, lucent bead Ray, zebra midge, rainbow warrior or a standard PT should get it done.

Following the deep freeze we’ve still not really heard any streamer reports but with the water temps back on the rise there’s no reason not to be doing the swing thing or even a measured strip/swing from the boat. Sparkle Minnows, Kreelex, Polar Leeches, Skittish Smolt, Thin Mints, Pine Squirrel Leeches, Balanced Leeches, Buggers…all good options.

As of early this week the lower river remains locked up with ice so you’ll likely want to concentrate your efforts between Holter Dam and Craig. The upper river ramps are usable and shelf ice, while a factor, is rapidly disappearing. As we mentioned last week, the dam is weeping large chunks of ice regularly so BE AWARE when you are wade fishing. One of these chunks could definitely cause you issues if you happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. In fishing, as in life, situational awareness is KEY. Have it! Heed it!

This ice chunk doesn’t look like much from afar but up close and personal it could and would cause the wading angler problems

We’re open at 8 AM Tuesday – Saturday and offering shuttles when we can. Bug bins are fully stocked and we’ve got plenty of hand warmers, gloves, hats, socks, waders, boots and whatever else you might need for your day on the water.

Winter on the Way?


It’s hard to believe but the descent into darkness has us barreling towards the shortest day (and longest night) of the year just two weeks from now.

In spite of that fact, were it not for the long hours of darkness you might not know we were on winter’s doorstep as the weather hasn’t exactly been what you’d expect for the first week of December.

It’s 60 degrees and sunny as I write which is a carbon copy of yesterday. Breezy in spots, but generally calm out there. Very little traffic yesterday, a few more folks around today but definitely not what you would call crowded.

Nymphers soaking up the sun, swingers doing their swing thing and strippers plying the shadows of the canyon walls. Something for everyone though dry fly opportunities are minimal save some midge activity.

We’re shuttling daily as needed and putting a few boats on the water here and there but the post-Thanksgiving/pre Winter Solstice Silence remains.

We’re getting a few lodging inquiries, though the Inn is Vacant at the moment. Give us a call if you’re interested in taking advantage of this unseasonably mild weather and escaping to the MO. Our newly remodeled bungalows are available all winter long for $149/night plus tax. The best deal on the nicest rooms you’re going to find this winter on the Missouri.

Flows have been steady in the 4400 cfs range with water temps hanging at around 40 degrees. Ideal water conditions no matter the time of year.

Something akin to more normal early December weather conditions will resume starting tomorrow with highs in the high 30’s to low 40’s and lows in the mid 20’s for the next 10 days. Zero precip in the forecast at the moment. Let’s hope that changes.

We’ve enjoyed not shoveling snow but we do need to start building that snowpack and those 2024 stream flows.

Since our Halloween week Winter Storm we haven’t seen much in the way of snow and while it can change quickly, a white Christmas seems unlikely at this point. I hope I’m wrong.

And speaking of Christmas, not counting today there are 18 days left to complete your shopping. We hope you consider us for any fly fishing related gifting including our ever-popular WCA gift cards good for anything and everything we sell.

Some other popular gift ideas this year include Simms flannels, Fishpond Nomad nets, Lamson reels, Sage rods, Simms hats and gloves, WCA logo gear, MFC fly boxes and piles and piles of Missouri River flies.

Happy Shopping and Happy Fishing from WCA!

October Can’t Be Beat

Roughly two weeks in, October has not disappointed.

Cooler air and water temps and plenty of cloud cover have contributed to some excellent days on the water. More of the same ahead weather wise for the remainder of this week with daytime highs in the 50’s and overnight lows dipping into the 30’s with a good shot at some rain tomorrow and overcast skies on Friday.

Temps tick back up into the 60’s over the weekend with lows in the 40’s with a good mix of clouds and sun all week long. You really couldn’t ask for better fishing weather so if you haven’t made it out for much fall fishing now is the time.

Sooner than later the change in the weather is going to come and while there are plenty of folks around to whom the weather is not a determining factor, this next week or two might be it for those looking for idyllic autumn days on the water.

Water temps are in good shape, just shy of 58 degrees making for happy trout.

Flows dropped somewhat dramatically this week and are currently holding around 3000 CFS. Adjust those nymph rigs accordingly.

Varying reports on the dry fly side but there have definitely been some good days and there will be more when the conditions are right. Pseudos, midges, the occasional October Caddis, ants….all on the menu in October with full blown Fall BWO’s on the horizon…fingers crossed.

Nymphing continues to be your best bet for numbers. Zebras, Sows, LGM’s, Psycho Mays, 2 Bits, Peep Show, Split Case BWO, Olive S & M, Olive Micromay, Juju Baetis… all good bets and all available in stock at Wolf Creek Angler.

Let’s face it, fall is STREAMER SEASON and we are loaded up with everything you need for hucking meat on the MO. We are your undisputed Streamer Authority with the gear, the bugs and the know how to get you dialed in.

We like to talk fishing – any kind of fishing. But if you really want to engage us, bring up anything having to do with streamer fishing. We can’t shut up about it!

Cool cloudy autumn days were built for streamer fishing. Get out there!

There’s a lot going on in the world right now, serious times indeed. There’s no better escape than time on the water.

Come enjoy autumn’s PRIME TIME here on the Missouri.

This Weekend on the MO

Creek fishing opens this Saturday

Another heat wave on the way this weekend with temps expected to approach 90 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. As luck would have it we’re currently experiencing some smoke from the wildfires burning in Alberta and British Columbia which does affect air quality to an extent but more importantly it also provides overcast conditions, all the better for those fishing the MO.

Current air quality conditions in Wolf Creek are moderate for the most part, worse as you travel to Helena and Great Falls. Expect hazy conditions today through Saturday with things starting to clear on Sunday.

Saturday is the general stream opener in Montana which will soon begin to distribute the angling traffic around the region however with the current streamflows already running high and hot weather on tap for the weekend which will likely bring about an increase in runoff, we’re expecting continued heavy traffic here for the time being.

We’re in good shape on the Missouri with current flows at 7000 CFS with water temps right around 50 degrees. Flows on the Dearborn and Prickly Pear have steadily dropped this week but will likely be on the rise again this weekend. Both are adding color to the MO but not in a bad way – chalky, not muddy. Just how we like it.

It’s been a decent week for BWO’s, especially with the low light conditions and there are a few caddis bouncing around out there as well as some march browns and of course, the ever-present midges which are still providing plenty of low light action for the dry fly set. Much more to come!

Nymphers are replacing sow bugs and scuds with BWO and PMD nymphs as well worms and zirdles in select locales. You needn’t abandon the sows altogether though as they are on the menu every month of the year on the Missouri.

Streamer fishing has been good enough with the better action during low light as you would expect. White, tan, yellow, olive….all good choices. Deeper has been better with a moderate retrieve and plenty of pauses in between. Work the banks, making sure you hit every fishy looking seam and pocket and every under-brush lair. There’s a reason you think those spots look fishy. It’s because they are. That being said, you’ll also want to hit island tailouts mid-river riffles and drops, water that maybe doesn’t look quite as sexy but which may hold the beast you’re seeking.

We’re open at 7 AM daily with everything you need for your day on the water, be that the MO or anywhere else. The CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES on the MO and so much more!

Mid May on the MO


Two weeks into May and we’re rapidly settling into the grind.

The new Wolf Creek Angler crew is continuing to take shape, guides are fully ensconced in the groove and honestly, it feels busier at this point in the season than I can recall it ever being which is obviously partially a product of the influx of guide traffic from other parts of the state but I like to think it’s also a product of WCA continuing to grow and gain momentum as your Missouri River fly fishing destination.

We recently welcomed Keith Tucker aboard as our go to shop guy. Keith’s been doing the salt water thing as a captain in the Florida keys for the past 9 years and brings with him a wealth of experience in the industry. Stop in and meet him next time you’re headed to the MO.

Lodging has been slammed with WCA guests as well as a steady stream of folks fishing with other outfitters and many of those outfitters and guides also staying with us when vacancies allow. We’ve always worked hard to build these relationships with our colleagues in the industry and we’re thrilled that in what is definitely a highly competitive business, we’ve established a trust that allows for working together.

WCA has long been a favorite haunt of many guides and outfitters who prefer the chill nature of our location to the chaos.

Fishing has been consistently spectacular despite the concentration of traffic in the upper stretches. It’s definitely been busy, more days than not.

A steady parade of drift boats can be found at the dam daily from first light to early afternoon with the busiest time generally in the 9 AM – 11 AM range. If you don’t want to see other boats you should probably think about hitting a different river but an extra early start or a post 11 launch will alleviate some of that sense of crowding.

Guides who have worked on the Missouri know the drill and when everyone operates within the accepted parameters things go swimmingly. You’ve seen the fish numbers. There are plenty of fish and even in a short stretch of river there is plenty of water to accommodate the heavy traffic. What’s always amazing is how consistently good the fishing is day after day even with this kind of pressure. It’s truly an amazing fishery.

With the Little Prickly Pear and Dearborn on the drop things are rapidly coming into shape on the lower stretches and traffic has started to spread out accordingly. You’ll still see crowds at the dam but now there are a host of options if you want to get away from some of that traffic.

Current water conditions on the Missouri – 7290 CFS, water temp 47.5 degrees. Little Prickly Pear and Dearborn at 405 and 851 cfs respectively and dropping. We expect we’ll see some traffic on the Dearborn this weekend. Call the day before for shuttles as we’re planning on doing just one or two runs a day to the Dearborn depending on demand.

Nymphing continues to be the numbers game with sow bugs still reigning as the go to food source but with the water temps steadily climbing the baetis action is heating up. BWO nymphs should definitely be a part of your arsenal at this point. Little Green Machines, Psycho Mays, Redemptions, Pheasant Tails, Military Mays, Radiation Baetis, Olive or Pearly Lighting Bugs, Split Case BWO’s….all good options and don’t be afraid to work some PMD nymphs into the mix as well, it won’t be long. You might start with a PMD Magic Fly or a Split Case or Crack Back PMD.

Dry fly anglers are finding targets with midges, BWO’s and a few March Browns around and Caddis waiting in the wings. First or last light is best, cloudy days offer some mid-day opportunities.

Streamer fishing has been hit or miss but definitely worth your time. Brown and Yellow has been good with white, natural and olive all getting some attention as well. Ply the shallows off the banks, dredge the depths, vary your retrieve and if you’re not getting looks then change bugs. It can be slow going. It can turn on just like that and shut down just as quickly.

Need gear? We’ve got you covered with a streamer line for any and all situations or just go with a VersiLeader if you’re not ready to commit. Come by and try a Streamer X or Sage Igniter if you’re in the hunt for a new streamer stick.

Got questions? We’ve got answers. From gear to rigging to bug selection we are the Missouri River Streamer Authority!

The shop is open early, 7 AM daily with everything you need for your day on the water. Simms waders and boots, sun protection, Adipose drift boat rentals, fishing licenses, piles of fresh WCA logo gear, the CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES ON THE MO and of course the most extensive selection of flies ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana.

Muddy Water Blues

It’s been a busy couple of days at the dam with 80 degree temps triggering runoff both locally and regionally which has pretty much concentrated all of Montana angling into a couple mile stretch of the MO below Holter Dam for the time being.

We’re used to seeing this every spring as runoff kicks off the migration of anglers to the Missouri from every other river in the state but sometimes that happens to coincide with substantial runoff in both the Little Prickly Pear and the Dearborn which muddies up our MO and forces everyone up high where the water flows clean.

Some traffic jams on the water and in the lots but all in all, so far so good with most everyone playing nice at the moment.

Not to say it doesn’t get heated out there but the vast majority of guides know the routine and accept the ground rules of our Missouri River row arounds and it all works seamlessly more often than not. Let’s keep it up. It’s a LONG season ahead.

Traffic has already started to spread out with those in the know going to the places that produce even in the mud if you know the where and the what and the how.

Sow bugs remain the meal of choice but with water temps now in the 42 plus range baetis are in play for the nymphers and the dfo’s alike.

Must use nymphs….Tailwater Sow, Pill Popper, Rainbow Czech, Fish Finder Worm, Zebra Midge, Little Green Machine, Psycho May, S & M, BWO Magic Fly, BWO Redemption, Split Case BWO, Military May, Pheasant Tails etc. Pink still on the menu but fading fast. Sows always in the mix, mayfly nymphs rapidly becoming a sought after meal.

Dry Fly Season is definitely underway with BWO’s now in the mix in addition to the billions of midges you’ve been seeing and inhaling. Even a few March Browns out there as well. Must have dries – Sprout Baetis, Olive Haze, BWO Flash Cripple, BWO Film Critic, Nyman’s DOA Cripple Baetis, BWO Guide Winna Spinna, Parachute BWO, Parachute Adams, North Wind Cripple, Purple Haze.

Streamer Season is still going strong. We’ve been fishing the mud with large flashy patterns and getting them to move on it but it hasn’t been outstanding. Expect an improvement as the mud thins out and the clouds roll in starting tomorrow. Wedge Heads, Dungeons, Sparkle Minnows, Swim Coach, Skiddish Smolt, Silk Kitty, Double Dirty Hippy all good choices. We’ve had good luck on yellow and brown, black, natural and olive.

This early taste of summer is about to come to an end. 80’s today will give way to 60’s and rain through the weekend and into next week. 80 has sure felt good but not exactly great for river conditions. 80’s triggers huge runoff and we lose our water right away. Snowpack is still looking pretty decent across the region but too much more of this weather could be a problem so we’re happy to see a return to more seasonable conditions.

May hours are 7 AM – 5 PM Monday – Saturday and 7:30 – 3:30 on Sundays. We hope to see you bright and early and we’re here to take care of anything and everything you need for your day on the water. Economical lodging, the best guides on the river, rain gear, boots, waders, the CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES on the MO and the largest selection of Missouri River flies ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana.

Predlude to Spring

It’s been a roller coaster weather wise this week on the MO with spring showing up on Monday and Tuesday before another winter smack down in the form of a Winter Storm bringing 6 plus inches of new snow on Tuesday night and Wednesday.

The sun is shining this St Patrick’s Day morning and the forecast looks good with an abundance of sunshine and a high near 42 and south southwest wind just 7 – 11 mph. Definitely a favorable forecast for spring fishing on the MO but you might want to give it a minute as we’re currently sitting at 14 degrees.

And speaking of spring fishing – Monday is the day, the official first day of spring. The current forecast is calling for mostly cloudy skies with a high near 50 and calm winds. If that forecast holds you can’t do much better than that for the first day of spring on the Missouri River.

Between now and then the weekend looks similarly appealing with highs right around 50 each day, manageable winds on Saturday and calm winds on Sunday. No sign of snow in the forecast until Monday night and that chance will linger throughout next week but maybe, just maybe we are past the significant winter weather. A welcome change to be sure!

In spite of the weather ups and downs what has been consistent is the fishing which has been consistently good all week long. Early spring is amongst the very best times to fish the MO if numbers are important to you. It’s already heating up as our fish emerge from their winter slumber. A couple of more ticks up in the water temps and it’s going to go off! We’re still hanging around 34 degrees which is on the cold side but it won’t be long and those spring sun BTU’s will get things moving towards optimal trout temps (44 – 67 degrees).

Best bets for nymphing – Pill Popper, Bubble Yum, Cotton Candy, Pederson’s Sow, Tailwater Sow, Rainbow Czech, Pink Amex, Pink Lucent Bead Ray Charles, UV Yum Yum, Caviar Scud, Radiation Baetis, Zebra Midge, Firebead Ray, Firebead Czech, UV Sow, Soft Hackle Sow…you get the picture. All of these and many more in stock NOW at WCA.

Midge Madness on any given day for those looking to catch that first fish of the season on a dry fly. Try a Griffiths Gnat, Grizzly Midge, Bucky’s Midge Cluster, Black Sipper, Black Midge or even the tried and true Parachute Adams.

We’re a couple of weeks out from Prime Time for streamer fishing but there’s no time like the present to start down that road. Good reports as of late on white, grey and black but that will change with the day depending on water conditions and light levels. Polar Leech, Kreelex, Sparkle Minnow, Skiddish Smolt, Thin Mints, Mod Maidens, Mojo Minnows, MK Ultralite all good on the slow strip. Best bet on the swing would be leeches, buggers, Fruit Rollups and the like.

The shop is stocked up with TONS of Bugs, Simms Waders and boots, a bunch of new sweet sticks from Sage, Lamson, Echo and Redington and all the gear and accessories you’ll need for your day on the water.

We’re open from 8:30 – 4 PM Monday – Saturday and will expand those hours as things get busier.

Stop in for shuttles, fishing licenses, intel, the best coffee in the canyon and so much more.

And just like that….the season is upon us

Sunny Late Winter Vibes as Wolf Creek ANgler

Blue skies and sunshine this ninth day or March, exactly the kind of day we need to get into spring fishing mode. The temperature hasn’t broken the freezing mark in a couple of days but we’re headed there today with a high near 40 on tap. Calm south winds in the 6-8 mph range make today the day to be on the water.

Snow and light winds from the NORTH tomorrow with a high of 33. 1-3 inches of snow expected. I’ll just leave that there without commentary.

Power through it. Spring weather will arrive next week with highs in the low to mid 50’s starting on Monday.

The timing couldn’t be more perfect!

We’ve opened a third of our lodging in preparation for a full house next week when our friends from the Bitterroot arrive for their Annual pre-season fling on the MO.

It’s been a couple of worrisome nights hoping for the best in regards to the plumbing with temps dipping into the single digits (so far so good)  and we’re not quite out of the woods just yet but things look to be trending in the right direction.

Target date for opening the remodeled bungalows is April 1st or before and motel rooms will likely be opened by early to mid-April.

The shop is in GO mode with piles of spring inventory awaiting your arrival. We’re stocked up on Simms waders and boots, Sage rods and reels and of course the largest selection of Missouri River flies ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana.

Streamer bins are full, Sow Bug bins are full, Midge bins are full….we’re ready to rock and roll at Wolf Creek Angler.

We’re also your exclusive FWP License Provider in Wolf Creek and while we encourage all of our guests to purchase licenses online which you can do here, we’re happy to provide this service to our customers. After all, what kind of fishing shop doesn’t sell fishing licenses?

Fishing has been good and it’s about to get a whole lot better as that blazing spring sun warms the winter waters letting our trout know it’s GO TIME.

For the rainbow population that means gearing up to spawn. For the browns that means it’s time to feast. Time to feast on midges, time to feast on nymphs, almost time to feast on eggs and most importantly, time to feast on baitfish. Streamer Time on the MO!

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year for those to whom enticing a hungry beast of a brown with a well-stripped streamer is the Holy Grail of fly fishing. Mind you we’re well aware that to some the Streamer game doesn’t even qualify as “fly fishing” and that’s ok.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and our opinion is that we’re all seeking the “tug” and it doesn’t really matter how we get there. We LOVE feeding dry flies to sipping fish. We LOVE chasing bobbers and you already know how we feel about streamer fishing. Find what you like and do it. It needn’t be any more complicated or controversial than that. #COEXIST

We’ll be adding Mondays back into the mix starting this week so starting on Monday the 13th, spring shop hours for now will be Monday – Saturday 9 AM – 4 PM.

Time change happens this weekend so don’t forget to Spring Ahead. Long hours of daylight on the way!

February on the MO


If the recent past is any indication we’re in for plenty of wintery weather in the coming weeks as February has established itself as our coldest month of the winter as of late.

That being said, this first day of February 2023 is a far cry from what we’ve grown accustomed to.

With temps in the mid 40’s and howling winds on tap through the weekend it feels more like late March than early February but I suspect that could all change very soon.

If you’re looking to take advantage of the situation and get out on the water, tomorrow and Friday look to be your best bets with sustained south southwest winds of 14-16 mph and gusts up to 24 mph. Saturday looks windy with gusts up to 35 mph.

Water flows are on the drop following last weekend’s cold snap. We’re currently looking at 4200 CFS dropping back to that 3500 CFS range by the end of the week. Water temps have been holding fairly steady and are currently 34.5 degrees.

Near perfect winter water conditions. If it wasn’t for the wind these would be can’t miss February days on the MO.

As it is, I’d expect some traffic out there but there will be plenty of solitude as long as the winds persist.

Stick to the nymphing for the numbers, mix it up with some stripping or swinging and keep that midge rod rigged and ready. Should you happen to find fish up, it’s nice to be able to switch gears immediately and target those fish rather than taking the time to rig a dry fly rod when you should be fishing.

February is about to fly by and then it’ll be GO TIME. Take some time over these next couple of weeks to sort/organize your gear, replace those worn out fly lines (or those worn out rods and reels) and organize those fly boxes.

We’re doing the same here in the shop, sorting through the inventory and making room for all the spring gear that will be arriving soon.

Enjoy this last month of winter’s quiet.

Winter Returns

Winter weather on tap for this weekend with a Winter Storm Watch in effect from tomorrow morning through Saturday evening.

Highs near 50 today along with gusty winds. Rain and snow tonight becoming all snow tomorrow morning. Temperatures begin to drop Friday night and we’ll see highs in the single digits and lows in the negative digits through Monday.

Precipitation forecasts are all over the board but the Storm Watch is for the possibility of heavy snow with accumulations between 5 and 10 inches at lower elevations with 10 – 20 inches possible in most mountain areas. We’re not looking forward to the shoveling however that 10-20 in the mountains is much needed so let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

It looks to be short lived as we’ll climb back into the 30’s the middle part of next week but this is probably not the weekend to plan on fishing the MO.

The timing is perfect however as you can attend the Pat Barnes Trout Unlimited Ice Bowl Membership Drive and Winter Social at Sleeping Giant Lanes in Helena without feeling like you’re missing out on fishing. Lanes open at 4 PM.

It’s a great way to spend a winter evening knocking down some pins while supporting the amazing work done by PBTU and maybe even getting yourself involved.

Back at it next week as we close out this first month of 2023 and hopefully kick off February by getting back on the water. There’s nothing like cold, sunny days fishing midges on the MO. Bring it!

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