A Taste of Spring this Weekend on the MO
It’s been less than a week since we were in the icy grip of winter with sub-zero temperatures and a thick blanket of snow covering the landscape.
When I did a boat ramp tour last Friday all ramps and parking lots from Holter Dam to Stickney were buried but after several days of temps nearing 50 degrees nearly all of the snow has vanished, and the ramps and parking lots are clear.
The phones have been ringing non-stop since Monday with folks eyeing up a gorgeous weekend ahead and just like that our winter lodging is full for the weekend, which is something we haven’t seen in months.
I wouldn’t say we’re BUSY but there has certainly been an uptick in traffic in the shop and on the river this week and I’d expect it will feel busy this weekend with a lot of folks from all around the state headed to the MO for a late-winter fix.
As expected with the warmer weather it’s been breezy this week and will be again tomorrow with gusts up to 30 mph expected but Friday we settle into sunshine, temps near 60 and light winds out of the south at 5-10 mph. It doesn’t get much better than that…not this time of year.
Monday will see a return to the 40’s with a chance of rain and snow but above average temps still expected through next week.
The spring-like weather is nice, especially after a couple of weeks of arctic air but we are hoping this is just a brief respite and that we’ve got plenty of more winter on the way.
For now though, we’re here and we’re ready for business. Our lodging may be full but we’re ready to go with shuttles, Adipose rental boats, cold weather gear, sunscreen, bugs a plenty and don’t forget your 2025 Fishing License starting on Saturday, March 1st.
Looking to buy online? You may do so here but if not we’re happy to sell you a fishing license.
Pill Poppers, Pink Soft Hackle Sows, Pederson’s Sow, Tailwater Sow in Rainbow or Pink, Firebead Rays, Rainbow Czechs, Bubble Yum Scuds…you get the picture. Think Pink and don’t forget the Zebra Midges. All available now at WCA.
Conditions might just be right for some stellar dry fly action this weekend as well as March Midge Madness commences. Keep those Griffiths Gnats and other midge cluster patterns at the ready. We’ve got a plethora to choose from.
Swingers are out and having good luck with Polar leeches, Thin Mints, Kreelex, Fruit Rollups and other leechy offerings.
It might feel crowded out there this weekend after months of desolation so please dust off that river etiquette if you’re hitting the water giving a WIDE BERTH to those wade anglers and paying mind to the rhythm of the row arounds, doing your best to maintain the beat.
Official shop hours are still 9 – 4 Tuesday – Saturday at least for another couple of weeks but we’ll likely be here by 8 most days for those getting an early start.
Spring has sprung for the moment…enjoy it while it lasts.