Wolf Creek Bridge on the Mighty Missouri River near Wolf Creek Montana.  - photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Wolf Creek Bridge on the Mighty Missouri River near Wolf Creek Montana. – photo by Wolf Creek Angler

As we think about what we’ve learned over the course of this first season one thing that we know is that we need to do a better job of keeping our blog active and up-to-date. Consequently I’ve been spending some time checking out blogging U on WordPress looking for inspiration and instruction in an effort to better serve you our readers.

I happened upon this photo 101 course/challenge which runs through the month of November and which assigns a subject per day for a photo on our blog. This is the first day of the challenge and the subject today is HOME and we can think of no better representation of home for Wolf Creek Angler than the Wolf Creek Bridge. I have taken countless pictures featuring the bridge and will continue to do so. The bridge is also featured on our shop logo. In fact the logo was created around the bridge so it is certainly  near and dear to us.

Enjoy the pictures and let us know what you think.

Quick Fishing Report – In spite of cold weather and some snow and rain yesterday we have yet to see the BWO’s however nymphing and streamer fishing continue to get it done river-wide. If you simply have to throw dries find those feeding fish and throw a parachute adams or purple haze trailed by  an RS2 or cdc caddis emerger, they can’t resist!

You can find these bugs at Wolf Creek Angler along with all the late season nymph patterns and the streamers that are catching fish daily on the Missouri.