More Early Spring this Weekend on the MO

It seems as though winter may have loosed its grip on us for good as we’ll see another spring-like weekend ahead with temperatures back in the 50’s, possibly hitting 60 on Sunday.

Winds looks manageable for the weekend out of the south/southwest at 9 -16 mph with some higher gusts to 25 mph. You’ve fished in much worse!

The trend continues through the first part of next week before temperatures normalize with high 30’s and low 40’s starting on Thursday.

Reports from this past weekend were a bit of a mixed bag but overall the consensus seemed to be that fishing was on the slow side but slow or not, you could do much worse than spending an early March day soaking up the sun while floating down the Missouri River.

It’s been quiet this week despite consistently mild weather and as is generally the case in the early season we’re not sure what to expect heading into the weekend, but we’ll be here regardless. Shop hours this weekend are 9 AM -2 PM, Sunday included, and we’re running shuttles daily.

We’ve got lodging available at winter rates of $149/night (plus tax) and our Adipose drift boat rentals are a great deal at $150/day (you haul the boat). We haven’t had much call for it yet but if you’re looking for a guided day on the river we can accommodate.

During the month of March we’re offering a full day trip, lunch included, at a half-day rate of $550 for one or two anglers. We’re also offering a lodging/guide trip special for $700 (plus tax) for two nights of premium lodging and a day of guided fishing. As is usual with March trips the weather can always be a factor so there’s no penalty for cancellation should winter return. This offer is for the month of March only, normal prices resume on April 1st. Book your trip today and leave the rowing to us.

If you’re sticking to the DIY program it’s status quo this time of year with sow bugs leading the charge. Tailwater Sows, Soft Hackle Sows, Pederson’s Sow, Carpet Bugs, Poxyback Sows, Pill Poppers, Firebead or Pink Lucent Bead Ray Charles, Bubble Yum Scuds, Rainbow Czechs, Amex and Zebra Midges are all go-to bugs for early spring.

Dry fly fishing is an option with plenty of midges in the mix and streamer fishing (swinging or stripping) should be just on the verge of really heating up.

The most commonly asked question we get is when is the best time to fish the Missouri and my stock answer is whenever you’re able to be here because the consistency on the MO is unmatched but if you really want to know you’d be hard pressed to find a better time and place to fish than springtime on the Missouri.

We invite you start your day on the MO with us, especially if you’re coming from the south. We’ll get you set up with FISHING LICENSES, shuttles, all the best bugs from all the best vendors, and anything else you might need for your day on the water. Simms waders and boots, Sage and Lamson rods and reels, fresh new fly lines from SA, Rio and Airflo and piles of tools and accessories from the best brands in the business. And it’s all right on your way. No need to drive another 10 minutes down the road to get the same stuff and then turn around and drive right back up to the dam or Wolf Creek Bridge! We are closer to the Holter Dam to Craig section launches than ANY OTHER SHOP.

See you soon for spring fishing on the MO.

Autumn’s End

There’s NO TIME like STREAMER TIME on the MO’ photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Just over a week out from the first day of winter (Saturday, December 21st) but based on our current conditions you sure wouldn’t know it.

A few patches of ice in the driveway but the snow from two weeks ago has all but disappeared which is a feat here at the shop where the sunlight won’t touch the ground again until mid-March. Once the snow covers the ground it’s generally here until spring but with daily highs in the mid to high 40’s seemingly for the entire month of December, it looks much more like the middle of autumn than a week out from winter.

As is always the case, regardless of the weather, December is among our slowest months. If you look hard enough you can usually find at least a wade angler or two around on any given day but for the most part the ramps are empty, boat traffic is essentially non-existent and the shop hours drag by even as 2024 speeds to a close.

The fly shops are open, the Canyon Store is open, the post office is open and Joe’s and the Oasis are open…aside from that there’s not much going on here on the MO.

Those still fishing are finding they have the river to themselves for the most part and the fishing, while not on fire, is definitely good enough.

Most are swinging or stripping with moderate success. Some are nymphing the winter water and finding willing players still after the sow bug. We haven’t heard much on the dry fly front but you’ll usually find a fish or two eating on top depending on where you go. Throw a Griffiths gnat or a midge cluster at them. They just might eat it.

Flows remain on the low side, currently 2840 cfs with water temps hanging right around 38 – 40 degrees. Sooner or later winter weather will arrive and water temps will plummet but it looks like flows will likely stay right where they’re at all winter long.

No major changes in the weather expected anytime soon so count on more of the same through next weekend with partly sunny skies and daily highs in the high 30’s or low to mid 40’s and overnight lows in the 20’s. The wind is the wild card. Not much today but more starting tomorrow with gusts in the 25 mph range through the weekend.

You really couldn’t ask for better weather in December but a little bit of wind can make moderate feel cold fast so be prepared.

We’re open at 9 AM Tuesday – Saturday and we’re able to do shuttles during the week though Saturdays have been a challenge. Not to fear, if we can’t do your shuttle we know who can.

We’ve had a steady stream of gift cards going in the mail this week and haven’t even come close to running out so if you haven’t done so already give us a call or go on our web store and pick up gift cards for all the fly fishers on your list. You can purchase gift cards in any amount. They NEVER expire and they are good for absolutely everything we sell including shuttles. Is there a more perfect gift?

Our Fall Rod and Reel Sale continues through Christmas and we’ve got a shop full of items that would all make great gifts. How about a new pair of Simms Waders or boots or a cozy Simms flannel. New fly lines, sun glasses, books, drinkware, fly boxes, nets, Fishpond packs, tools and accessories….great gifts all!

Happy Thanksgiving from WCA



On what, over recent years, has become my favorite of holidays, here’s wishing you a heartfelt Happy Thanksgiving from the Wolf Creek Angler family.

The significance of this day becomes weightier with every passing year and what was once just an interlude to the main event of the holiday season has now, in some ways, become the focus.

Having family gathered under one roof has become somewhat of a rarity at this stage so to have that paired with time off and a day built around a feast is about as good as it gets.

It’s the perfect conclusion to a magical autumn season which has continued to solidify its place as my absolute favorite season of the year, perhaps coinciding with the season of life in which I find myself.

On this day my hope is that you are all enjoying the bounty of Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

On this day I am feeling blessed beyond measure, not just for the bounty of the day but for the blessings of another year. A year in which I’ve had the tremendous privilege of doing what I love in this absolutely amazing place for over a decade now. I am thankful for my wonderful family and the life we’ve each carved out for ourselves in Montana and I’m thankful for where I’ve come from, the people and the places, and any opportunities I have to go back there.

I’m thankful for another great season at Wolf Creek Angler and a summer filled with visiting family and friends as well as the return of so many amazing clients who have become like family after so many years.

I’m thankful for our tremendous crew and guide staff without whom we wouldn’t be able to do any of this and I can’t put into words the absolute honor and privilege it is to be a part of the experience for so many people to whom this place means so much that they return year after year.

Happiest Thanksgiving wishes to all. May you enjoy this blessed day.

By |2024-11-28T06:58:09-07:00November 28th, 2024|Categories: Shop Life, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Sun Setting on Season Eleven

Fall on the Mighty Missouri

The exodus is underway.

In spite of the fact that we’re still sitting under cloudless blue skies with temps in the 70’s and little to no wind, it feels as though the switch has been flipped. The river is quiet. The shop is quiet. So much so that I’m tempted to close up shop and hit the water on this gorgeous autumn day!

Another one of these on tap for tomorrow followed FINALLY by cooler weather on Thursday with highs only in the 40’s, as you might expect in mid-October in the Rockies. Highs in the low 60’s and mid to high 50’s through the weekend and into next week with overnight lows in the low 30’s so look for those water temps to begin to plummet. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll see those BWO’s you’ve been anxiously awaiting. Thursday could be the day with the arrival of that cold front coupled with cloudy skies.

Guides have started to clock their last days of the 2024 season and hunters have already vacated the river. The season of solitude is soon to be underway.

We’ve still got a few large groups inbound over the next two weeks along with a small handful of guide trips and you can count on some local traffic especially on the weekends but for all intents and purposes the sun is indeed setting on what has been a phenomenal 11th season at Wolf Creek Angler.

We’ll be shutting down the majority of our lodging for the winter after Halloween though we will have our bungalows available all winter long and will be offering discounted rates of just $149/night plus tax.

The last day for most of the crew will be October 31st but we will maintain our current shop hours throughout the remainder of the fall, weather dependent. We’ll do our best to continue to provide shuttle service though staffing will now be an issue so please call ahead to check availability once we get into November and beyond.

We hope to see you over these next couple of weeks as we clear our inventory and prepare for the long winter ahead. We’re in the midst of our Annual Fall Rod and Reel Sale and there are great deals to be had on most everything that remains of our summer inventory as well as all of our 10th Anniversary gear.

Thank you for another great season. As always we are honored and humbled by your patronage and we couldn’t feel more blessed to be able to do what we do here at WCA. 


By |2024-10-15T13:31:34-06:00October 15th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

The Obligatory Dog Days Upon Us Blog 2024

Dog Days on the Missouri

As we close out a very busy and an extremely fishy month of July the switch has been flipped and now we will settle into the lonely Dog Days of Summer for the next few weeks before things kick back into action roughly a month from now.

The crowds have dispersed, traffic at the boat ramps has greatly diminished and the fish are no doubt enjoying this brief respite.

Mind you these are not the August Dog Days of Old where we literally went for days at a time without a guide trip or an overnight guest but after having grown accustomed to a full house and a full slate of guide trips daily for the past 8 – 10 weeks it feel eerily quiet around the fly shop once that abbreviated morning rush subsides.

This year we’ve got a decent smattering of trips and a few folks booking a night or two while they’re here but you’ll notice immediately if you’re in the area that the river is quiet and the streets of Wolf Creek and Craig have that ghost town feel.

It’s a welcome break from what has been our busiest season to date by far. Shop kids are heading back to college soon and many guides (and shop folks) are taking advantage of the lull to enjoy some mid-season R & R before the second season gets rolling.

September is shaping up to be one of the busiest we’ve seen so enjoy this lull while it lasts.

And if you do happen do connect the dots and you’re thinking this all sounds like an ideal time to enjoy some solitude on the Missouri you are correct. The slowdown in traffic opens up a world of possibilities and while there are challenges with which to contend, August truly is a great month to fish the MO.

Challenges include hot weather, smoky skies and the peak of the weeds but it’s nothing you can’t deal with. In fact we’re looking at clear skies today following yesterday’s brief cold front making its way through the region and 80’s don’t feel bad after the triple digits we saw last week. Unfortunately, record high temps return starting tomorrow and run at least through the weekend which will likely mean a bump in rec floaters on Saturday so maybe skip the weekend if you’re in search of summer solitude.

Weeds are a challenge regardless of which section you float right now but not the worst you’ve seen. Most are sticking with the Dam to Craig float for cleaner water and good numbers of fish hanging in the grass flats.

Best bets for nymphs are Purple Weight flies, Purple Zebras, Black Zebras, Frenchies, Tung Darts, Pheasant Tails and various caddis pupae and emergers.

Tricos have been hit or miss. We had a couple of really good mornings over the last couple of weeks but this week has been sporadic at best. I expect we might have some better days ahead with warmer temps and calm winds but no guarantees.

Decent Caddis action and hoppers starting to get some looks.

The fishing is fine. The weather is quintessential Montana late summer swelter. The traffic is light. Come enjoy late summer on the Missouri and pay us a visit while you’re here. We’ve got all of your Missouri River essentials.

July on the Fly


Nearly mid-way through July the Blur persists with at least another week of a jam-packed guide and lodging schedule as well as the tail end of the boat rental madness that always marks this time of year.

The heat has arrived this week, flirting with triple digits yesterday and today with persistent mid to high 90’s for the next 10 days. Random thunderstorms are fairly typical this time of year that can pop up out of nowhere but the forecast shows virtually zero percent of precipitation over the next 10 days so the oven has definitely been turned on high.

Water conditions on the MO are in good shape with flows currently at around 4200 CFS and water temps holding in the low 60’s, currently at 62. Expect a bump here as the heat persists. Most are starting early to beat the heat. Guide trips are going out at 7 and many are getting an earlier start than that to beat the heat and the crowds as well.

And speaking of crowds, there has been plenty of traffic though not as much as a couple of weeks ago and it will start to thin out over the next couple of weeks as the summer Prime Time draws down and we start to prepare for fall.

Late July and all of August typically mean a significant reduction in traffic on the river. There’s no reason to think this won’t be the case again this year though dwindling flows around the drought stricken region which have begun to trigger Hoot Owl Restrictions will likely drive some late summer traffic to the MO.

There are currently Hoot Owl Restrictions on the Beaverhead, Big Hole, Clark Fork, Jefferson, Madison, Ruby and Sun Rivers and we expect that list to grow as the heat persists. We are not anticipating restrictions on the Missouri though we would still encourage you to fish early, during the cooler portions of the day to minimize deleterious effects on our fish populations.

Early morning is Trico Time anyway so that works out perfectly.

Expect plenty of recreational float traffic out there as well as folks look to beat the heat with a cool float down the river.

We’re right in the middle of the classic overlap window with PMD’s waning and Tricos just getting started while caddis, hoppers and ants round out the top water opportunities. It’s a Dry Fly Extravaganza but there are plenty of folks cleaning up on the nymphing as well.

The WCA bins are loaded up with all kinds of techy trico and caddis patterns as well as piles of foam and all the nymphs and crayfish you could possibly need. And don’t forget the mice!

Lodging starts to open up in about another week and while last minute guide trips are always a real challenge to fill the odds will improve as we move into late summer so give us a call and we’ll do our best. We get calls daily for trips the following day. This is not going to happen.

These past few weeks I’ve been busy with bookings for this time next year, to the point where many days in June are already full on our lodging and guide books. All this to say, make your plans as far in advance as possible. The secret is out and prime dates for 2025 are going quickly.

We are your Missouri River one stop shop with everything you need for your day on the water. Sunscreen, sun hats, sun gloves, ice, fishing licenses, Simms WCA sun shirts, Sage rods and reels, a plethora of floatants and of course, the largest selection of Missouri River bugs ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana.

See you bright and early at WCA.

Summertime Vibes

Three days remain in the month of June. How is that possible?

Summer vibes abound.

PMD’s and Caddis keeping the DFO’s engaged and happy.

Nymphing producing as always.

Early launches. Fishing til’ dark.

Rental boats emanating the sweet smell of cigar smoke, Miller Lite and fish.

Evening debriefing sessions…all fish hooked, landed and lost accounted for.

PRIME TIME in Full Swing on the MO.

By |2024-06-27T16:15:12-06:00June 27th, 2024|Categories: Shop Life, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Summer is Here

Happy Summer Solstice!

Enjoy this, the longest day of the year as we turn the corner and embark, yet again, on the long descent into winter darkness.

Shorter days ahead starting tomorrow but don’t let that get you down. We are, after all, smack dab in the middle of PRIME TIME on the Missouri.

It’s been an interesting week with well below average temps and a taste of winter but it looks like we will be settling into summer weather over the next while with temps climbing back into the 80’s today and tomorrow and pushing into the mid 90’s on Sunday.

It looks like more of the same for the first part of next week with daytime highs in the high 80’s so settle in to HOT weather on the MO. We welcome the change as it’s been a cooler (and seemingly windier) than normal spring but now it’s time to make sure you’re taking steps to protect yourself from overexposure to sun.

We’re loaded up with Buffs, sun gloves, sunscreen, Straw hats, solar sombreros, sunglasses and WCA solarflex hoodies and we’re also sitting on a good selection of Simms Guide shorts and challenger flip flops. We’ve got everything you need for dealing with the summer elements on the MO.

PMD action has been consistently good and should continue with these hot, sunny days ahead. Gobs of caddis in the lower stretches and Tricos on deck.

We’re loaded up with your favorite PMD and Caddis patterns, both for top water action and sub surface endeavors. Tricos and hoppers arrived this week and we’re just getting the bins organized.

We’ve got some great new patterns for both.

The dry fly side of the bin has seen much more action as of late (which we’re thrilled to see) but there are plenty of folks nymphing as well. Hot selling bugs this week include Frenchies, Purple Weight Flies, Tailwater Sows, Split Case PMD’s, Crack Back PMD’s, Magic Flies, Nitro Caddis, PT Green Machines and Psycho Mays.

Streamer fishing is on hold for most but we are still pre-aquatic vegetation concentrations so don’t think you have to float a dry fly or chase a bobber. Low light periods are still likely to be productive. And speaking of low light…with hot days ahead it might just be time to wake a mouse under cover of darkness.

We’re open at 7 AM daily for all of your Missouri River fly fishing needs including the CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES ON THE MO and so much more.

We’re pretty much full in our lodging now through mid-July though we have had a few cancellations here and there so give us a call if you’re looking for a last minute booking on the MO. The same can be said for our guide calendar which is full for the most part but you never know – sometimes things open up.

Welcome to summer on the MO!

This Weekend on the MO

June is here and with it some sustained summer-like weather and consequently PMD’s have arrived!

We’re currently sitting at 80 degrees under sunny skies…more of this on tap for the weekend with breezy conditions (not nearly as breezy as what we started the week with) and a chance for an isolated shower or thunderstorm on Sunday.

Most local schools finished this week so look for the summer weekend traffic to increase starting this weekend.

Nymphing has continued to produce with sow bugs STILL leading the charge…the trout can’t seem to get enough of them! Split Case and Crack Back PMD’s as well as Magic Flies and Frenchies all getting some attention out there now with plenty of PMD nymphs in the system and you’d do well to go with a weight fly or Tung Dart or some other such sub surface caddis pattern as part of your nymph arsenal.

A few Cray Fish getting eaten here and there. Try a Zirdle or Claws R or Snapping Cray.

Streamers….not great as of late but always worth a try if you ask me. We had a few streamer trips early this week and they didn’t have great days but sooner or later there will likely be a streamer day. Maybe not under the blue bird sunny skies forecast for the weekend but then again you never know! Sparkle Minnows, Skiddish Smolt and Lil Kim have been getting noticed.

Dry Fly Action is underway. The aforementioned PMD’s along with Caddis in the lower stretches. Come by and peruse our bins for all the latest and greatest dry fly patterns for the MO and beyond.

Shop hours are 7 AM – 5 PM daily.

Home of the Cheapest Dam Shuttles on the MO and so much more.

The River You Touch – Book Review

When I saw The River You Touch by Chris Dombrowski in the Angler’s Book Supply catalog and read the blurb I ordered a half a dozen copies thinking it might be something that we’d be able to sell here at Wolf Creek Angler. After all, the story of a Polack Michigan transplant sinking roots into the rocky soil of a new life in Montana is one that is near and dear to me. I was not familiar with Dombrowski’s work but had heard of him from an artist acquaintance who had spoken very highly of him both as a writer and an angler, putting him on my radar.

We sold through those first copies in fairly short order and I figured I’d grab the last one and check it out.

Having just finished the book after several starts and stops over several months (my usual book progress), I was surprisingly moved and left wanting more. I try to stay abreast of contemporary fishing/outdoor literature as well as the classics and I appreciate the genre but I’ve also read enough that things tend to blend together.

Dombrowski is certainly a wordsmith worthy of his accolades but beyond that, to read this book while having such a personal connection to the physical places providing the backdrop for the story as well as to the subject matter itself, really brings it home to me on a very personal level.

Obviously the world of Montana fly fishing is relatively small but even so, we’ve all traveled different routes to get here and arrived in markedly different destinations both geographically and vocationally. Dombrowski and Orzechowski share membership in the community called the Montana fly fishing industry but our paths have never crossed and we live in different worlds. Him in the outfitting/guide “on the water” world and me, while well ensconced in the outfitting world, spending much more time in the fly shop/retail world than on the water.

Still, we’ve both arrived to similar destinations by figuring out how to make a life mostly adjacent to, but sometimes directly overlapping, the soul soothing therapy of pursuing trout on a host of some of the most beautiful waters in in North America.

Reading in this book about familiar waters like the Blackfoot River and Rock Creek as well as places in and around Missoula, a city which has cast a spell over me since I’ve lived in Montana, is instantly relatable and while Michigan is not afforded the same level of adoration by Dombrowski, I could almost smell the decay and chill of fall and feel the drudgery of flat, cold, grey winter skies in the NW corner of my home state.

The River You Touch is a book about our connections to the places where we make our lives. From the book, “how it feels to be wedded to a place, to know a place not as a tourist but as an intimate, and the trauma caused when such ties are severed.”

More than a decade into my own story of carving out a life in Montana I share Dombrowski’s love of this place and while I do feel as though I am wedded to it I still look upon these landscapes with nothing short of awe. Perhaps not quite through the eyes of a tourist at this point but as one who continues to be amazed, inspired, captivated and humbled by the landscapes which called to me for so many years and eventually drew me westward.

The mountains, the streams, the valleys, the forests, the vast horizons, the cities…with very few exceptions most everywhere in Montana stirs my soul and gives me joy. I can’t imagine that ever not being the case.

And so Dombrowski’s story of making a life, of raising a family, of melding into the community fabric, all against the backdrop of making an unconventional living as fly fishing guide and a poet in a state with plenty of economic challenges, will strike a chord with many readers, especially those with ties to western Montana.

The River You Touch is a book I wish I had written and one the likes of which I hope I will one day write.

Our responses to the art we consume is so rooted in our own personal experiences and the mental connections we make where perception and art intersect in a moment in time and this book speaks to me in a plethora of ways it likely won’t to other readers based on common themes and places.

That being said, good writing strikes those chords in a totality that transcends personal experience. You don’t need to be a Michigander, a Montanan, a fly fishing guide or a writer to appreciate and savor the heartfelt story presented here, you need only be human.

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