Welcome Spring!

Finally, the long and frigid winter has relented, and spring is in the air.

Actually, winter wasn’t all that long or all that frigid and we’re really hoping for a few more snow events before all is said and done. The weather has been mild by March standards for the last couple of weeks but the calendar is proclaiming the official first day of spring today so let us celebrate spring’s arrival, knowing that we’ll likely be weathering a bit of a slog these next weeks through ever-changing weather conditions but the countdown is underway.

Soon the brown landscapes will begin to transform into vibrant hues of green as moisture and sunlight bring forth new life. Trees and flowers will begin to bloom as the smell of spring fills the air. Waters will soon begin to warm, waking our trout from their winter slumber and bug life will return.

I still lean slightly towards autumn as my favorite season but spring, especially in the later stages, is truly amongst the most wonderful times of the year. And if we’re strictly talking fishing, I’ll take spring hands down.

Nymphing is already getting good and will continue to improve as we make our way into spring. The die hard DFO’s have already found an abundance of winter fish willing to eat an adequately presented midge pattern. Perfect presentations are not a requirement of winter and early spring dry fly fishing but as angling traffic increases, along with the number of bugs on the menu, you will need to step up your game. If dry fly fishing is your passion, you’re just weeks away from what you’ve been dreaming about since you hung up your waders and stashed your five weights last fall.

Nymphing and dry fly fishing aside, spring is king for the streamer contingent and it’s about to get good! Free from the weeds of fall, spring is without a doubt THE BEST TIME for STREAMER FISHING on the MISSOURI. The swingers know it, they have been after these fish all winter long but now is the time. The fish are hungry coming out of winter stasis and as the water warms energy returns and winter dormancy is replaced by hunger fueled aggression, the perfect conditions for stripping meaty streamers on the MO.

We are the undisputed streamer authority on the MO. We have the best bug selection on the river, a pile of specialty lines for any and all conditions and rods and reels from Sage, Lamson, Echo and Redington. We have got something for every budget, hand selected by yours truly for overall performance and value.

We’ve opened a good portion of our lodging with only the motel rooms yet to do. Our March Madness Spring Guide Trip and Lodging Special runs through the end of the month so book your spot today. We are offering two nights of premium lodging and a full day trip for one or two anglers for just $700. That’s two nights of lodging and a guide trip for what a trip alone will cost you starting April 1st, a savings of $500 off the regular price. And the best part…there’s no penalty for cancellation for any reason.

We are now open daily from 9 AM – 4 PM and will expand hours as needed.

New gear arriving daily for spring including a bunch of new bugs, the Sage R8 Classic and the still reigning best waders in the industry from Simms Fishing Products.

We are your Missouri River one stop fly shop with everything you need for your day on the water including fishing licenses, The Cheapest Dam Shuttles on the MO, Adipose drift boat rentals and so much more.

We hope to see you soon for Spring Fishing on the MO.

March Madness MO Style


With winter apparently in the rearview (at least for the time being) and more mild weather in the forecast we’re taking this opportunity to offer you our March Madness Spring Guide Trip Special.

We’re doing a full day trip for one or two anglers, all tackle and lunch included, for the half day rate of $550!

If you want to make a getaway out of it, we’re offering our Lodging and Guide Trip Special with two nights of premium lodging and a full day trip for one or two anglers for just $700. That’s two nights of lodging and a guide trip for what a trip alone will cost you starting April 1st, a savings of $500 off the regular price.

Weather can certainly be hit or miss in March, we’re well aware of that, which is why we are offering this package with NO PENALTY FOR CANCELLATION for any reason. Too windy? Too rainy? Too snowy? Just don’t feel like going? No problem!

The weather is mild. The fish are hungry. Guides are anxious to get on the water again and it is still March. What else are you going to do in March?

Take a break from the drudgery of doing your taxes or whatever else you might be doing to pass the time until spring and get out on the water today.

We’re opening more lodging this week so shouldn’t have any problem accommodating the rush. Give us a call and book your trip today.

Our phone number is (406)235-4350. Operators are standing by!

More Early Spring this Weekend on the MO

It seems as though winter may have loosed its grip on us for good as we’ll see another spring-like weekend ahead with temperatures back in the 50’s, possibly hitting 60 on Sunday.

Winds looks manageable for the weekend out of the south/southwest at 9 -16 mph with some higher gusts to 25 mph. You’ve fished in much worse!

The trend continues through the first part of next week before temperatures normalize with high 30’s and low 40’s starting on Thursday.

Reports from this past weekend were a bit of a mixed bag but overall the consensus seemed to be that fishing was on the slow side but slow or not, you could do much worse than spending an early March day soaking up the sun while floating down the Missouri River.

It’s been quiet this week despite consistently mild weather and as is generally the case in the early season we’re not sure what to expect heading into the weekend, but we’ll be here regardless. Shop hours this weekend are 9 AM -2 PM, Sunday included, and we’re running shuttles daily.

We’ve got lodging available at winter rates of $149/night (plus tax) and our Adipose drift boat rentals are a great deal at $150/day (you haul the boat). We haven’t had much call for it yet but if you’re looking for a guided day on the river we can accommodate.

During the month of March we’re offering a full day trip, lunch included, at a half-day rate of $550 for one or two anglers. We’re also offering a lodging/guide trip special for $700 (plus tax) for two nights of premium lodging and a day of guided fishing. As is usual with March trips the weather can always be a factor so there’s no penalty for cancellation should winter return. This offer is for the month of March only, normal prices resume on April 1st. Book your trip today and leave the rowing to us.

If you’re sticking to the DIY program it’s status quo this time of year with sow bugs leading the charge. Tailwater Sows, Soft Hackle Sows, Pederson’s Sow, Carpet Bugs, Poxyback Sows, Pill Poppers, Firebead or Pink Lucent Bead Ray Charles, Bubble Yum Scuds, Rainbow Czechs, Amex and Zebra Midges are all go-to bugs for early spring.

Dry fly fishing is an option with plenty of midges in the mix and streamer fishing (swinging or stripping) should be just on the verge of really heating up.

The most commonly asked question we get is when is the best time to fish the Missouri and my stock answer is whenever you’re able to be here because the consistency on the MO is unmatched but if you really want to know you’d be hard pressed to find a better time and place to fish than springtime on the Missouri.

We invite you start your day on the MO with us, especially if you’re coming from the south. We’ll get you set up with FISHING LICENSES, shuttles, all the best bugs from all the best vendors, and anything else you might need for your day on the water. Simms waders and boots, Sage and Lamson rods and reels, fresh new fly lines from SA, Rio and Airflo and piles of tools and accessories from the best brands in the business. And it’s all right on your way. No need to drive another 10 minutes down the road to get the same stuff and then turn around and drive right back up to the dam or Wolf Creek Bridge! We are closer to the Holter Dam to Craig section launches than ANY OTHER SHOP.

See you soon for spring fishing on the MO.

February Thaw Underway

Following a couple of weeks of arctic air and a good amount of much-needed snow, it looks like we’re about to enter the February thaw.

Sunny skies and a high of 28 expected today with 40’s tomorrow bumping into the 50’s over the weekend and into the early part of next week. As you would expect we’ll have plenty of wind to go along with those balmy temps. Tomorrow (Thursday) actually looks to be the calmest day with a high near 40 and SW wind 8 to 11 mph but after a couple of weeks of ice making temps and accumulating snow, ramp and river conditions are not optimal.

If you do decide to give it a go expect unplowed parking lots and snowdrifts on the ramps and if you’re wade fishing expect to do plenty of wading through the snow enroute to the river with an abundance of shelf ice when you get there.

Give it a few days and let the sun work its magic. I’d expect we’ll see much improved ramp and river conditions next week.

And speaking of sun, as I write I’m happy to report that the sun is slowly inching ever closer to my parking lot and the shop. It’s still stuck in the road for the time being but it won’t be long and it will be thawing the frozen tundra at WCA.

Not much to report from the river. A lot of ice, a lot of ducks and geese and not a soul to be seen. It’ll be a different story soon.

Once access is restored plan on plying the depths with those sowbugs and other winter fare and if you happen upon a spot sheltered from the winds this is prime time for winter midges.

Water temps are cold, currently 33 degrees with flows holding in the 3100 CFS range. Fish will not be overly active in these conditions but a sunny day with midges on the water sometimes sets up for good action in the flats with the bugs and the slightly warmer shallows giving them multiple reasons to emerge from the winter depths.

Swingers will return next week, targeting the buckets and tailouts and single handers will start to work that slow winter swing/strip off the banks while also dredging the winter depths. Fish are hungry and running caloric deficits at this point of the winter cycle but it’ll be another month before conditions allow for them to expend the energy required for the chase.

Shop hours will start to normalize as the weather dictates but you can expect us to be here ready to run your shuttles once some semblance of daily traffic has returned. In the meantime – please call ahead.

Enjoy the sunshine and not shoveling and we’ll see you soon at WCA.

Missouri River Freeze Out

We’re just over a week into our first Arctic Blast of 2025 and as you would expect All is Quiet on the MO.

With current temps hanging around 20 below we’re seeing the worst of it right now. A high near 7 expected today before we plunge back into the negatives tonight but the heat arrives on Wednesday with a high of 8 and overnight lows of 1. Snow showers expected on Friday but the weekend will see a return to tolerable with temperatures back in the 30’s heading into next week.

Prior to the Deep Freeze fishing was good, especially on the nymphing side, with Pill Poppers, Tailwater Sows and Pederson’s Sow doing most of the damage. Those committed to the dry fly were also reporting varying levels of success on the calmer days and evenings and while I assume the swingers were hooking up at moderate rates as they do, our last streamer outing prior to the arctic blast, though extremely short-lived, was unsuccessful.

I’d expect to see a brave angler or two around next week as cabin fever has started to set in for many, but with iced up guides still a constant, I’ll personally be holding out for warmer days.

It’s hard to think about it when worrying about frozen plumbing and the like but the season is rapidly approaching. Spring is just over a month away and while it may feel like we’re firmly in winter’s grip at the moment, we’re literally weeks away from the start of the season.

Hopefully between now and then we see a bunch of snow and avoid any major thaws as we’re still in major need of the moisture but it’s looking better now than it had been for most of the winter. Keep it coming.


It’s always fun to complain about the cold but honestly, I’m ok with it and I hope it hangs around. I don’t necessarily need to see a bunch more of 20 below, but I’d be fine with winter hanging on until mid to late March. Bring it!

We’re putting the final touches on rounding out our crew for the season and getting a plan in the works for when to start opening up the lodging. Soon the shop will be full of boxes of new gear to unpack and check in and we’ll have to begin to re-acclimate to what’s it’s like to actually have customers coming through the door on a regular basis.

For now it’ll continue to be hit and miss with shop hours as there’s simply not much reason to be here on days like today save checking the status of the aforementioned plumbing but as soon as the weather dictates we will be back with normal hours and daily shuttle service. We’ll let you know when that’s going to be just as soon as we know.

In the meantime we hope you’re staying warm and we urge to you use extreme caution if you do venture out to the river anytime soon as shelf ice has definitely taken hold out there.

January Blues

The heart of winter is here.

It’s cold and gray and windy on the MO this day- seems to be the case more days than not in the Heart of Winter.

The holidays are long past.

Football had been my focus and obsession as my Lions wrapped up an unprecedented season, seemingly on their march to a first-ever Super Bowl, claiming the first seed in the NFC and then unceremoniously exiting the playoffs in a disastrous divisional round. Now the wait for September and the eternal hope for next season. It is familiar territory in the Heart of Winter.

Tax season is looming in the Heart of Winter.

We’re counting the days until spring and it can’t come soon enough!

It’s not all doom and gloom though. Snowpack is building, days are getting longer and with time doing its thing, spring fishing will be here before you know it.

Are you ready?

We’re in a bit of a holding pattern at the moment in the heart of winter but a few weeks from now the boxes of spring gear will start to arrive, angler traffic will start to bump and the faint pulse will quicken on the MO as life returns.

The Hard Core Winter anglers exist outside of these rhythms and have been here all along – into the heart of winter. They’ve been enjoying an abundance of solitude and reportedly some solid action as of late and will continue to have it to themselves for a few more weeks.

Prime Time is full for the most part. Spring and fall are wide open.

It’s time to think about those spring bookings. March and April can certainly be a crap shoot weather wise, but you can’t really go wrong with May fishing on the MO. Spring action is unrivaled with ridiculously good nymphing, consistent dry fly action on midges and later BWO’s, and of course, spring is king if streamers are your game.

Book a DIY adventure or leave all of the work to us and book a guided day or several. In the heart of winter our guides have grown weary of tying flies and are ready to get back on the water. Please put them to work!

Snow on the way tonight and tomorrow with another cold snap to go along with it but things look pretty good as we hit the middle of next week with the return of highs near 40 and plenty of sunshine.

We’re open Tuesday – Saturday from 9 AM – 4 PM, weather dependent. We won’t likely be around much this weekend with the weather on the way but we hope you make us your first stop on the way to the river next week whether its shuttles, bugs, beds, boats or anything else you might need.

Arctic Blast On The Way

To say it’s been a mild winter would be an understatement. It’s been a steady weather pattern for most of the winter with highs in the 30’s and overnight lows in the teens and 20’s with the occasional snow event as well as the occasional heat wave. Unremarkable would be a good way to describe it but that’s FINALLY all about to change.

We’ll see one of those aforementioned heat waves today with highs in the low 50’s (and plenty of wind to go along with the warm temps) but things take a turn this evening as the coldest air of the year and the coldest we’ve seen since last winter, moves in accompanied by snow showers through Saturday and bitter cold temps through Monday.

We’ll see a high of only 22 tomorrow before temps start to drop mid-day and continue to descent into single and negative digits of the weekend. A high of 9 on Saturday with overnight lows of -12. High of 4 on Sunday with lows nearing -20 Sunday night. MLK Day will bring plenty of sunshine but only a high of 12.

It’ll be short-lived as the arctic air moves out on Tuesday and we return to the more “normal” winter weather of highs in the 20’s and 30’s.

We are under a Winter Weather Advisory from 9 PM tonight through 3 PM tomorrow for snow and blowing snow with 1-3 inches possible across the lower elevations and 3-6 inches possible over passes and in the mountains.

Bottom line – if you’re thinking you’re wanting to fish the MO today is the day but expect breezy conditions with sustained south southwest winds of 20 – 28 mph and gusts up to 40 mph possible.

While fishing the river may be off the table for the time being we’re happy to have the winter weather. We did get some snow last week and this cold snap is exactly what we need to lock up and hopefully add to that snowpack.

Conditions have improved over the past week but we’re still in desperate need of snow to feed spring flows throughout much of the region.

So settle in this weekend. Tie flies, organize your gear, clean those fly lines, watch football, maybe even start your taxes…there’s always plenty to do inside and the fish will be there on the other side of the arctic blast.

Tight Lines and GO LIONS!

Welcome 2025

Happy New Year from Wolf Creek Angler

With the New Year upon us the slate is clean. It’s time to look forward and commit to making 2025 the year you want it to be.

I’m not a huge fan of New Year’s resolutions as the garden variety tend to set us up for failure.

Exercise more? Eat less? Drink less? Quit smoking? All worthy aspirations but a flip of the calendar and yet another appeal to the will to power almost always come up short.

It’s been years since I’ve technically established any personal New Year’s resolutions but that being said, we’ve all got pictures in our heads of where we’d like our lives to be going forward and while flipping the calendar won’t likely usher in any significant change, it’s a good time to reflect on where we’re at and where we’d like to be as a new year gets underway.

Travel more. Fish more. Read more. Spend less time staring at screens…these are long-term goals in my life rather than New Year’s resolutions and I’ve been working on them for years. Another long term goal is to continue to grow our business by continuously improving your experience with us. Whether it’s fishing with us, staying with us, shopping with us or all of the above, we want you to have an amazing customer experience at Wolf Creek Angler and we’re always looking for ways to improve.

2024 found me traveling more, not fishing nearly enough, reading at a status quo rate and hopefully shaving off some of that screen time, all of which help me to prioritize the year ahead.

Wolf Creek Angler had another outstanding year, making our 10th Anniversary Season one to be proud of and we can’t thank you all enough for making that happen.

We welcome 2025 and we’re counting down the days until the season gets underway. We can’t wait to get back on the water with you and we’re humbled by the guide trip and lodging bookings which look better than ever.

If fishing more is in your plan for 2025 we would be honored to help you make that happen and as far as we’re concerned there is no better place than the Missouri River to achieve your goals.

Looking to improve your angling skill set in 2025? A day on the water with one of our elite guides is how to get there. We pride ourselves on not only getting you into fish but on teaching you how to get into fish on your own. Our guide staff is among the most patient and professional in the industry and we can’t wait to share our river and our knowledge with you.

Prime Time dates (June/July) are pretty well booked at this point though it’s always worth checking as cancellations do happen but fishing outside of those prime dates is often as good, if not better, than prime simply due to the fact that there are fewer folks around. Less pressure typically means better fishing so why not look at early spring, late summer or fall for your Montana fly fishing odyssey? Give us a call or drop an email and we’ll tell you all about it.

First and foremost let’s hope for winter snows to start piling up soon and once we get that out of the way then Let the Season Begin!

Tight Lines and Happy New Year from WCA.

Your Winter Solstice Running Line

Winter starts tomorrow according to the calendar.

What will the weather say?

Partly sunny with a high of 52…not very wintery and no chance of a white Christmas on the MO this year with more of the same expected for the week ahead.

Not bad temps for being outside if Christmas fishing is in your plans for the week but expect breezy conditions on these warm winter days.

The countdown to summer is underway…let’s hope we get some winter ASAP!

Snowpack was looking good a few weeks ago, not as good now but still a decent start. Hopefully winter weather arrives soon.

We’ve seen a slight bump in angling traffic over the past week with the mild conditions and I’d expect that to continue next week with folks off for the holidays.

The fishing has been good by winter standards with nymphs accounting for the better numbers but the swingers and strippers are doing fine as well and when the wind isn’t howling you’re likely to even find some decent dry fly opportunities with plenty of fish keying on midges.

Things don’t change much this time of year as far as the bugs go. Sow bugs, Scuds, Rainbow Czechs and zebra midges should be your go to nymphs. Hot beads and Pink beads are preferred.
Swingers are reporting success on the Hot Head Kreelex, Thin Mints, Fruit Roll ups, Polar Leeches and the like while strippers are having moderate to decent luck with Sparkle Minnows, Skittish Smolts, Micro Dungeons, MoJo Minnows and more.

Try an Adams Midge, a black midge, a Hi-Vis midge, a Griffiths gnat or any midge cluster you like should you find any top water action.

Boat traffic has been minimal but those floating have mostly been in the Dam to Craig stretch with a few venturing below Craig as well. Most of the traffic has been wade anglers who are hitting all of the usual winter spots though you needn’t limit yourself to winter water as temps are still relatively warm for this time of year, currently hanging around 38 – 39 degrees. Flows have bumped back into the 3K range, currently 3210 CFS. You can count on those flows remaining stable for the brunt of the winter season.

We will be here today and tomorrow with limited shuttle service early on both days. Starting Sunday we will be closed for the remainder of the year with Christmas travels on the docket. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Get those last minute Christmas gifts while you can. WCA logo gear, including a bunch of new Richardson lids, has been a hot holiday seller and gift cards have been flying out the door the past week. You can purchase in-store, online or give us a call and we’ll be happy to get those in the mail for you.

As we close out 2024 we just want to thank you all again for making us your Missouri River Fly Shop, guide service and lodging destination. We can’t thank you enough and we can’t wait to do it all again.

Happy Winter Solstice and Warmest holiday wishes from your WCA crew.

See you in 2025!

The Shortest Day

Autumn’s End

There’s NO TIME like STREAMER TIME on the MO’ photo by Wolf Creek Angler

Just over a week out from the first day of winter (Saturday, December 21st) but based on our current conditions you sure wouldn’t know it.

A few patches of ice in the driveway but the snow from two weeks ago has all but disappeared which is a feat here at the shop where the sunlight won’t touch the ground again until mid-March. Once the snow covers the ground it’s generally here until spring but with daily highs in the mid to high 40’s seemingly for the entire month of December, it looks much more like the middle of autumn than a week out from winter.

As is always the case, regardless of the weather, December is among our slowest months. If you look hard enough you can usually find at least a wade angler or two around on any given day but for the most part the ramps are empty, boat traffic is essentially non-existent and the shop hours drag by even as 2024 speeds to a close.

The fly shops are open, the Canyon Store is open, the post office is open and Joe’s and the Oasis are open…aside from that there’s not much going on here on the MO.

Those still fishing are finding they have the river to themselves for the most part and the fishing, while not on fire, is definitely good enough.

Most are swinging or stripping with moderate success. Some are nymphing the winter water and finding willing players still after the sow bug. We haven’t heard much on the dry fly front but you’ll usually find a fish or two eating on top depending on where you go. Throw a Griffiths gnat or a midge cluster at them. They just might eat it.

Flows remain on the low side, currently 2840 cfs with water temps hanging right around 38 – 40 degrees. Sooner or later winter weather will arrive and water temps will plummet but it looks like flows will likely stay right where they’re at all winter long.

No major changes in the weather expected anytime soon so count on more of the same through next weekend with partly sunny skies and daily highs in the high 30’s or low to mid 40’s and overnight lows in the 20’s. The wind is the wild card. Not much today but more starting tomorrow with gusts in the 25 mph range through the weekend.

You really couldn’t ask for better weather in December but a little bit of wind can make moderate feel cold fast so be prepared.

We’re open at 9 AM Tuesday – Saturday and we’re able to do shuttles during the week though Saturdays have been a challenge. Not to fear, if we can’t do your shuttle we know who can.

We’ve had a steady stream of gift cards going in the mail this week and haven’t even come close to running out so if you haven’t done so already give us a call or go on our web store and pick up gift cards for all the fly fishers on your list. You can purchase gift cards in any amount. They NEVER expire and they are good for absolutely everything we sell including shuttles. Is there a more perfect gift?

Our Fall Rod and Reel Sale continues through Christmas and we’ve got a shop full of items that would all make great gifts. How about a new pair of Simms Waders or boots or a cozy Simms flannel. New fly lines, sun glasses, books, drinkware, fly boxes, nets, Fishpond packs, tools and accessories….great gifts all!

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