Beware the Bull Pasture Clown.

Some years past the clown appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, emerging from the thickets on the island below Bull Pasture on the day before Halloween.

Witnesses observed the clown wandering the perimeter of the island. The clown made no contact with those in the area and nobody witnessed the clown leave the island.

The following morning several of our guests arrived at Bull Pasture before first light, intent on being the first to their favorite water. As they made their way across the channel to the island a light colored silhouette caught their eye. The clown was there, standing on the island, watching them cross.

Startled and disturbed they turned back and made their way upstream, a good distance from the island, figuring they would fish another spot while they waited for daylight.

Daylight arrived and the clown was nowhere to be found. The clown was not seen again (that we know of) until a few years later when he was witnessed wading the run below the island at Bull Pasture, fly rod in hand.

Evidently clowns like to fish too. We’ve heard no reports of the clown ever approaching anyone though those who have seen the clown have given the clown a wide berth.

We haven’t heard any reports of the clown appearing so far this season but it’s always been on these days around Halloween in the past so if you intend to fish the island below Bull Pasture anytime soon please be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye out for anything strange or out of the ordinary.

Clowns exist to entertain us and shouldn’t be feared….or should they? Some are gripped with coulrophobia which is an excessive fear of clowns which can cause panic, irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing, sweating and nausea. None of which are desirable when  fishing.

Clowns are familiar, yet somehow off. Clowns may not be of this world.

We don’t know who the Bull Pasture Clown is or why he randomly appears, it’s probably just a prank. What we do know is that the Missouri River is not a place we expect to encounter a clown at ANY time and while we’re all for inclusiveness and diversity in the fly fishing ranks we’re not sure that diversity should extend to be inclusive of clowns.

Our advice? Should you ever happen to encounter the Bull Pasture Clown steer clear.

Happy All Hallow’s Eve from Wolf Creek Angler!