Springtime on the Missouri – photo by Wolf Creek Angler
The long, cold winter has finally come to an end.
Spring arrived yesterday in a seasonably average fashion with temps in the 40’s and a mix of sun and clouds.
Traffic on the river was virtually non-existent following what was definitely the busiest weekend we’ve seen in 2017. It remains on the quiet side today though there are a few west-siders around seeking respite from their own raging waters.
It looks like it’s going to be a nice week to fish the Missouri with temps in the 50’s and 60’s throughout the week with plenty of sunshine and the ever-present, though minimal chance for rain and snow most every day.
Spring is an awesome time to fish the MO’ as the water temps rise and the fish get active and go to work stockpiling calories in preparation for the rigors of spawning happening now and in the immediate future. More on this to come but PLEASE mind your steps when wading out there taking care not to trample the redds.
So how’s the fishing? It’s definitely been a mixed bag of reports over these past few days but overall I would say it’s leaning towards being on the slow end of things. That being said, what could you possibly rather be doing than shaking off the winter with a trip to the MO’, regardless of the fishing conditions?
Firebeads, pink scuds and sows, Rainbow Warriors, Rainbow Czechs, Pink Amex, Casne’s Pinkalicious, LGM’s, Lightning Bugs, Tailwater sows, Bubble Yums, soft hackle sows, zebra midges….they’re all worth a try. How about a San Juan Worm fished in the dirty water? The currently gauge-less Little Prickly Pear is pumping some mud as is the Dearborn so don’t overlook the worms and definitely don’t shy away from throwing streamers. The water remains on the cold side, still in that 37 – 38 degree range but it’s world’s away from the sub 35 degree temps of the past few months and it’s only going to get warmer so expect things to improve dramatically very soon.
And as if the possibility of good to great nymphing and streamer action weren’t enough we have had some solid dry fly action as well depending on the day with good midge hatches and hungry fish eager to rise to a well-presented midge cluster. We’re stocked up on midge patterns with plenty to choose from but having your dry fly rod rigged up and ready with a Hi-Vis Parachute Adams and a Griffiths gnat or Bucky’s Midge Cluster is about as close to a sure-thing as you’re going to find should you be lucky enough to encounter those sipping trout.
Wolf Creek and Craig are still in winter mode where services are concerned but that’s all about to change as Izaak’s returns this Friday evening. The bar opens at 4 pm and they will be serving dinner from 5 pm – 9 pm six night’s a week. They will be closed on Mondays. It sounds like John and his crew have been hard at work this winter making improvements to their already awesome space. We can’t wait to see (and taste) what’s new.
Should you find yourself here on Monday in need of dinner make your way to The Oasis in Wolf Creek. Breakfast, lunch and dinner served Thursday – Monday. We’ll have yet another dining/drinking option here in Wolf Creek this season with Shotgun Annie’s, formerly The Frenchman and Me. They were hoping for an April 1st opening day but that has been pushed out to June 1st. We can’t wait!
The shop is open daily from here on out with hours changing as the season progresses but for the time being you’ll find us here at 8 AM every day anxious to help you out in whatever we can on the Missouri and beyond.
Piles of new gear arriving daily. A full reel case, a full rod rack, more clothing items than we know what to do with, waders and boots piled high and bins overflowing with all the bugs you need, no matter where you’re fishing.
Lodging options are about to double as we open the remaining cabins today and tomorrow and we’re aiming to have EVERYTHING open by the first week of April, including the completely renovated and soon to be much coveted room #8.
Don’t forget our Spring Lodging and Guide Trip special running through the end of April. $500 for two night’s lodging and a full day on the water with one of our expert guides. You won’t find a better deal ANYWHERE! There are other deals out there….NOBODY can touch this one.
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