A good soaker last night and this morning with more on the way for today and tomorrow. Winter weather advisory in effect above 6000 feet with 6-8 inches of slushy snow expected above 7000 feet. The current temperature here in Wolf Creek is right around 50 and it won’t get much warmer until Thursday when we move back into the 70’s. 80’s by the weekend. Currently looking at blue sky but there is more weather moving in as I write. It could be an epic streamer day – a perfect day to give the newly arrived Dirty Hippy a try. We just put them in the bin this morning and can’t wait to give em’ a go.

Craven's Dirty Hippy

Craven’s Dirty Hippy

Dry fly fishing could be tough with the weather but it’s hard to say. We continue to hear some good reports of PMD’s down low and there have been plenty of fish up eating. A size 14 Outrigger Caddis or Parachute Adams with a size 16 cdc caddis emerger trailer is a hard combination to beat this time of year and BIG stuff fished blind has reportedly been effective  for some.

Nymphing has been consistently solid though there have been some perplexing days over the past week. The Red Headed Step Child and the Grey Little Green Machine have been good as have Gold Lightning bugs, purple wild things and Hot Belly PT’s in both purple and orange. Wireworms and sowbugs are still producing as well. There have been lots of different bugs getting fish, the trick has been finding where those fish are. Short leashing has had it’s moments and has also been a bust depending on the day and time of day. The moderately fast 4 – 6 foot water with a longer leash and varying amounts of weight has been more consistent. Adjust weight and length until you find them and then hone in on the bug selection. Certainly easier said than done but the fish are there somewhere.