As we close out 2020 today I think it’s worth looking back at the past twelve months and taking stock not only of the challenges but also of the good things that happened this year.

Without a doubt 2020 has presented us with challenges the likes of which we’ve never seen but in spite and in the midst of those challenges these past 12 months also delivered some unparalleled blessings.

It’s easy to get caught up in the WORST YEAR EVER sentiment regarding 2020 but considering that on March 25th we announced that we were closing our doors to the public and suspending operations “until further notice” which was followed just days later by the Stay at Home Directive from the Governor, things certainly ended up turning out much better than they could have.

As the state shut down in April there were serious doubts about the fate of our season and indeed the financial AND psychological effects of being shut down during what is generally an extremely busy time for us were jarring to put it mildly.

As it turned out restrictions loosened allowing us to resume guiding and retail operations in late spring but with travel restrictions still in place limiting interstate travel without quarantine, our business prospects for the season remained bleak. Thankfully those restrictions were  lifted in June and while we did lose a significant amount of our bookings due to cancellation we were able to put together a decent season as many flocked to Montana from all over the country looking to escape population centers in search of social distance and the wide open spaces that none of us who call Montana home should EVER take for granted.

It ended up being a record-breaking year for the outdoor industry – a bright spot in the Covid gloom and while we didn’t personally have THAT kind of season where we were breaking sales records, we had enough of a season to be able to keep our doors open and to survive which is a Huge blessing in light of the fact that so many around the country and around the world have lost their businesses and their livelihoods during this pandemic. We are truly blessed!

2020 was a year of personal milestones which I’ve touched on here before and while it didn’t all play out as I had expected, looking back on the year, I have so much to be thankful for.

We always try to maintain a positive attitude and an optimistic outlook at WCA and I’d be lying if I told you this wasn’t a challenge at times in 2020 but looking back, my cup was more than half full, my cup was overflowing with blessings throughout this season which none of us will soon forget.

Some Highlights of 2020

• My business survived! And not only did we survive, we managed to make it through the season without a Covid incident. We were obviously vigilant with our safety protocols in all areas of our business from retail to lodging to shuttles to guide trips. Hundreds of guide trips and guests and thousands of shop customers and not a single case amongst guests or employees (that we know of)

• I joined the Board of Directors for the Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana as the Missouri Region Director which put me on the front lines in the quest to salvage our season. The work that this group does on behalf of our industry, led by the tireless efforts of our President Jason Fleury and our Executive Director Mike Bias, is nothing short of amazing. If you are an outfitter or guide in Montana and you aren’t a member you should be. And even if you run any type of business related to the industry (lodging/food service etc.) you should make it your New Year’s Resolution to become a member ASAP. Thank you to FOAM for bringing me on. It’s been an eye opening experience and I’m stoked to be on board.

• I celebrated my 50th birthday in July with a trip back to Michigan. It wasn’t the 50th Birthday Bash I had always envisioned but looking back on it, to be able to spend a few quintessential Michigan summer days on Mackinac Island (one of my favorite places in the world) with people I love was exactly what I needed. And to reflect on my life at 50 things look pretty damn good. I have my health and I have the life and the job that dreams are made of. I would never have imagined at 20 that this is where I’d be at 50. I could not have dreamed it. 

• In September I celebrated 25 years of marriage to an amazing woman who has not only put up with me for all these years but who has been instrumental in paving the way to our present situation by selflessly proclaiming years ago that indeed we should chase MY dream by picking up and leaving everything behind and moving to Montana. Since we’ve been here I’ve seen her start from scratch, obtaining her teaching degree and securing a not so easy to come by teaching position at Helena High School where she has utilized her many talents to become a phenomenal teacher who is LOVED and admired by so many of her students. Her work ethic and dedication to her job along with her genuine concern for the welfare of all of her students absolutely amazes me. She works harder at her job than anyone I know. 

• This fall we also officially became “empty nesters” with our son moving to Missoula where he is attending the University of Montana seeking his degree in journalism. It’s been and continues to be a transition for sure but we couldn’t me more proud of him. Very soon after starting school he secured a position as a sports writer for the Montana Kaimin, the student-run independent newspaper which has been in publication since 1898. He’s doing his thing, making his way and I for one, think he’s going places. I too started my career with a degree in journalism but something tells me he won’t be selling fish hooks for a living anytime soon!

• The Covid relief grants and funding which were made available to small businesses through both the Federal government and the State of Montana played a crucial role in keeping us afloat in 2020. Without them we would not have been able to keep our doors open. We are forever thankful and truly blessed.

• Thanks to the addition of our online store late this fall we just had our best retail December ever which isn’t saying a whole lot during what is always a slow time of year in a destination fly shop but every little bit helps and we’re excited to be able to offer our customers the option of buying online.

Yes 2020 has had a myriad of challenges but there’s so much for us to be thankful for in spite of them. So goodbye 2020, thank you for the blessings of the curse.

Happy New Year to all of you!