Welcome Spring!
Finally, the long and frigid winter has relented, and spring is in the air.
Actually, winter wasn’t all that long or all that frigid and we’re really hoping for a few more snow events before all is said and done. The weather has been mild by March standards for the last couple of weeks but the calendar is proclaiming the official first day of spring today so let us celebrate spring’s arrival, knowing that we’ll likely be weathering a bit of a slog these next weeks through ever-changing weather conditions but the countdown is underway.
Soon the brown landscapes will begin to transform into vibrant hues of green as moisture and sunlight bring forth new life. Trees and flowers will begin to bloom as the smell of spring fills the air. Waters will soon begin to warm, waking our trout from their winter slumber and bug life will return.
I still lean slightly towards autumn as my favorite season but spring, especially in the later stages, is truly amongst the most wonderful times of the year. And if we’re strictly talking fishing, I’ll take spring hands down.
Nymphing is already getting good and will continue to improve as we make our way into spring. The die hard DFO’s have already found an abundance of winter fish willing to eat an adequately presented midge pattern. Perfect presentations are not a requirement of winter and early spring dry fly fishing but as angling traffic increases, along with the number of bugs on the menu, you will need to step up your game. If dry fly fishing is your passion, you’re just weeks away from what you’ve been dreaming about since you hung up your waders and stashed your five weights last fall.
Nymphing and dry fly fishing aside, spring is king for the streamer contingent and it’s about to get good! Free from the weeds of fall, spring is without a doubt THE BEST TIME for STREAMER FISHING on the MISSOURI. The swingers know it, they have been after these fish all winter long but now is the time. The fish are hungry coming out of winter stasis and as the water warms energy returns and winter dormancy is replaced by hunger fueled aggression, the perfect conditions for stripping meaty streamers on the MO.
We are the undisputed streamer authority on the MO. We have the best bug selection on the river, a pile of specialty lines for any and all conditions and rods and reels from Sage, Lamson, Echo and Redington. We have got something for every budget, hand selected by yours truly for overall performance and value.
We’ve opened a good portion of our lodging with only the motel rooms yet to do. Our March Madness Spring Guide Trip and Lodging Special runs through the end of the month so book your spot today. We are offering two nights of premium lodging and a full day trip for one or two anglers for just $700. That’s two nights of lodging and a guide trip for what a trip alone will cost you starting April 1st, a savings of $500 off the regular price. And the best part…there’s no penalty for cancellation for any reason.
We are now open daily from 9 AM – 4 PM and will expand hours as needed.
New gear arriving daily for spring including a bunch of new bugs, the Sage R8 Classic and the still reigning best waders in the industry from Simms Fishing Products.
We are your Missouri River one stop fly shop with everything you need for your day on the water including fishing licenses, The Cheapest Dam Shuttles on the MO, Adipose drift boat rentals and so much more.
We hope to see you soon for Spring Fishing on the MO.