The Obligatory Dog Days Upon Us Blog 2024

Dog Days on the Missouri

As we close out a very busy and an extremely fishy month of July the switch has been flipped and now we will settle into the lonely Dog Days of Summer for the next few weeks before things kick back into action roughly a month from now.

The crowds have dispersed, traffic at the boat ramps has greatly diminished and the fish are no doubt enjoying this brief respite.

Mind you these are not the August Dog Days of Old where we literally went for days at a time without a guide trip or an overnight guest but after having grown accustomed to a full house and a full slate of guide trips daily for the past 8 – 10 weeks it feel eerily quiet around the fly shop once that abbreviated morning rush subsides.

This year we’ve got a decent smattering of trips and a few folks booking a night or two while they’re here but you’ll notice immediately if you’re in the area that the river is quiet and the streets of Wolf Creek and Craig have that ghost town feel.

It’s a welcome break from what has been our busiest season to date by far. Shop kids are heading back to college soon and many guides (and shop folks) are taking advantage of the lull to enjoy some mid-season R & R before the second season gets rolling.

September is shaping up to be one of the busiest we’ve seen so enjoy this lull while it lasts.

And if you do happen do connect the dots and you’re thinking this all sounds like an ideal time to enjoy some solitude on the Missouri you are correct. The slowdown in traffic opens up a world of possibilities and while there are challenges with which to contend, August truly is a great month to fish the MO.

Challenges include hot weather, smoky skies and the peak of the weeds but it’s nothing you can’t deal with. In fact we’re looking at clear skies today following yesterday’s brief cold front making its way through the region and 80’s don’t feel bad after the triple digits we saw last week. Unfortunately, record high temps return starting tomorrow and run at least through the weekend which will likely mean a bump in rec floaters on Saturday so maybe skip the weekend if you’re in search of summer solitude.

Weeds are a challenge regardless of which section you float right now but not the worst you’ve seen. Most are sticking with the Dam to Craig float for cleaner water and good numbers of fish hanging in the grass flats.

Best bets for nymphs are Purple Weight flies, Purple Zebras, Black Zebras, Frenchies, Tung Darts, Pheasant Tails and various caddis pupae and emergers.

Tricos have been hit or miss. We had a couple of really good mornings over the last couple of weeks but this week has been sporadic at best. I expect we might have some better days ahead with warmer temps and calm winds but no guarantees.

Decent Caddis action and hoppers starting to get some looks.

The fishing is fine. The weather is quintessential Montana late summer swelter. The traffic is light. Come enjoy late summer on the Missouri and pay us a visit while you’re here. We’ve got all of your Missouri River essentials.

Dog Days of Summer Special


photo by Sam Casne

It’s time to take advantage of our annual Dog Days of Summer Special, going on now through the end of August.

Book a full day guide trip and a night of lodging and your second night of lodging is on us.

We’re still doing early starts to beat the heat so why not arrive the night before your trip and relax. Get a great night’s sleep and save yourself the morning drive. Your guide awaits…just a few steps from your door.

Spend a gorgeous summer day on the water with your guide and then return for another night of relaxation at Wolf Creek Angler. The sun and the heat (and all that reeling in fish) will take it out of you and you probably won’t feel like doing much of anything after your trip. You definitely won’t feel like driving home so kick back on the deck and relax. Share your stories from the day over a cocktail or two with the other guests or venture out on your own for an evening of hunting heads.

Fishing has been challenging as of late to say the least and we’re not going to tell you that the fishing is going to be great but as we’ve touched on before if you simply  lower your expectations and just enjoy the late summer fishing for what it is you’re in for a great time regardless of the numbers.

It’s an awesome time of year to avoid the crowds of primetime and there’s no reason you couldn’t stumble into a spectacular fishing day. You just never know.

Prepare for the challenges of the season, embrace those challenges and you’ll have a great day.




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