photo by Sam Casne
Here we are, well past the mid point of July. Summer is almost a third of the way behind us but in some respects it feels like we’re still waiting for the season to get rolling.
The early morning/late night rental boat marathon is behind us. Our Delaware River contingent has all but disappeared and now we’re reaching the point in the season where typically the Dog Days would soon be upon us. Will that be the case this year? Only time will tell.
This strange season continues to perplex. We had been anticipating some phenomenal dry fly action once the water dropped. The water has dropped. The dry fly fishing has been shy of phenomenal. There are bugs (Trico Madness, evening Caddis and some PMD’s still hanging around), there are fish rising to well presented offerings but overall I would say the dry fly fishing has been on the mediocre side.
The targets seem to be few and far between most days and there are no shortage of dry fly anglers out scouring the river looking for them so it’s been challenging to say the least but if you happen to get there first and you are on your game you will indeed enjoy the Missouri River Dry Fly Experience. More targets would be great, fun for all! In the meantime start early, stay late and don’t overlook the heat of the day.
Will we get our phenomenal dry fly fishing? We’re still hoping so. It could happen any day!
On the flip side nymphing remains the path to numbers. The action on the Zirdle/Sow combo has finally started to slow down but you’d do well to at least give it a go before swapping bugs. Believe it or not there are still a few fish out there who haven’t gotten their fill. Give it a good 30 minutes or so in water you know should be productive and if it isn’t happening swap it out. A good second string has been the purple weight fly trailed with a green machine. Redemptions, S & M’s, 2 Bits and Split Case (all of the PMD variety) have also been effective.
River traffic has dropped off, as is typical for this part of the season, so with what we’ll continue to hope is just a delay in the peak of the dry fly fishing, it could be the perfect opportunity to enjoy solitude and great dry fly fishing on the Missouri. And don’t forget….hopper fishing is coming SOON.
Lodging is pretty well booked up for the rest of the month but there are some holes we’d like to fill. Please call for availability. Once we hit August things drop right off so you’ll have no trouble booking a room. That being said, I think many have started to look towards fall as mid September through November is starting to fill up. Make those fall fishing plans sooner rather than later and give us a call to make sure we can get you rooms and guides for your preferred dates.
Summer rolls on. Get out here and enjoy it while it lasts. Wolf Creek Angler is your one-stop shop for everything Missouri River Fly Fishing and beyond. Affordable lodging, the best guides on the river, Adipose Drift boat rentals, shuttles bugs and so much more.
Remember, we are your exclusive source for Montana Project Healing Waters Adipose drift boat rentals available to all active duty military and vets FREE OF CHARGE each and every day. We are so blessed to have so many brave men and women willing to serve and we feel honored to be able to provide this service for all of you.
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