Welcome to a soggy start to the season. It’s rained every day of June thus far and looks as though it will continue to do so for the foreseeable future with the forecast reading “a chance of showers and thunderstorms” every day in the 10 day outlook.

We’ve avoided some of the soaking rains and thankfully most days have at least started with sunshine but the cumulative effect has been a substantial increase in reservoir volume which has resulted in the biggest flows of the season. (Currently 13,300 CFS).

Wade anglers are now biding their time, awaiting the drop. Boat fishing is ON.

Many transient guides and outfitters have vacated the MO and returned to their home waters. Traffic is moderate.

A fairly typical early June on the Missouri.

Streamer Fishing has had its moments in this dreary weather. Keep after it.

PMD’s are here, perhaps not in force, but they are here.

Big Flows = Worms and sows and weight.

Big flows have slowed top water action much to the disappointment of our visiting DFO’s.

All signs of a typical high(ish) water early June.

That being said, the true indicator that the season has started is that we’ve already had an excavator digging up plumbing in our yard. It seems it’s not officially “the season” until this happens so now that we’ve gotten that out of the way it’s time to plant some grass in the backyard and watch the waters recede as we await Dry Fly Nirvana…..it’s coming soon!