Just back from a late summer jaunt to Ireland and settling back in to quiet times on the Missouri.

Angling traffic is light. Mid-week rec traffic has diminished but the next couple of weekends will continue to be busy with Labor Day and the end of the summer season rapidly approaching.

The heat wave that persisted through much of July and early August has relinquished, giving way to idyllic summer days with high temps in the 80’s and overnight lows in the 50’s. We are smoke free at the moment and a good amount of much needed rain has fallen over the past week bringing some relief to many of the rivers in the region struggling with low flows and high water temps.

Hoot Owl Restrictions have been lifted on some but remain on others. You can check out the current closures here.

Colors are starting to creep in and the choke cherries are ripe and abundant so be bear aware if you’re planning on plying the smaller waters and brushy banks. Fall is in the air.

Missouri River flows have been holding in the 4500 CFS range this week with current water temps in the 63 degree range. Weeds are an ever-present challenge as per usual during late summer on the Missouri but overall conditions really couldn’t be much better.

Tricos and caddis are still providing adequate dry fly action though many have shifted into terrestrial mode with hoppers and ants leading the charge. Target the banks and the edge of weed beds as well as mid-river riffles and breaks. The fish could be anywhere. Drop a small nymph (or don’t).

The nymph game is typical late summer fare with Zebras and sows and crays all getting plenty of attention. Most are still opting for clean waters of the Dam down but we’re getting solid reports from the canyon and lower river as well.

We’ve got plenty of lodging vacancies these next few weeks before the second season kicks in and while short notice guide trips are still tough to accommodate, this is probably the most likely time we’d be able to swing those. Give us a call if you’re interested in a late summer stay or guide trip on the Missouri.

We’re moving start times back into the 7:30 – 8 AM range with the cooler, darker mornings but the shop is still open at 7 AM daily for all of your Missouri River fly fishing needs.

Fall product is starting to arrive which means summer clearance is underway. Stop in for great deals on what’s left of our summer gear.

The lull in traffic does make for some long days in the fly shop but it’ll be busy soon enough. We’ve come to really enjoy this time of year for a brief respite and a chance to decompress before we charge into the fall season.

And while we don’t want to wish the summer away, the most wonderful time of the year is soon to be upon us.

We hope you enjoy these last weeks of summer solitude on the Missouri.