Small Water Fishing in Montana

Small Water Fishing in Montana

Today is the general fishing opener for Montana creeks and streams and while the much needed precipitation we’re getting this weekend may have put a damper on fishing plans for many, the general opener is not unlike Christmas morning for those of us who love to tromp around the wilds of Montana on warm spring and summer days in search secret waters.
This is the time of year we love to grab the gazateer and the bear spray and set off for small water, sometimes to familiar haunts, other times to places we’ve never been.
We love our Missouri and we wouldn’t trade it for the world but there is just something about the solitude and the intimacy of small stream fishing that you can’t get on the big water. The interaction with the environment, the wildlife encounters and of course watching cutthroats inhale big dry flies on tiny streams is an intoxicating change of pace from the summer crowds and the row-arounds on the Missouri.
Do yourself a favor and go fish the creeks a time or two this season, it’s good for the soul and you’ll be glad you did.


Small water does not necessarily mean small streamers or small fish!

Small water does not necessarily mean small streamers or small fish!