It’s hard to believe but we’re already talking about mid-June on the MO as the 2024 campaign continues to fly by

This is PRIME TIME. These next several weeks comprise the most coveted dates of the season. These are the weeks that book out a year or more in advance. This is GO TIME in the Missouri River Fly Shop, lodging and guiding world. Buckle up!

Bugs have been semi-cooperative most days. The wind has been about the most consistent component of our young season. The two do not go hand in hand. Mid day dry fly opportunities will avail themselves more days than not but gusty winds change the equation. It’s not only heads we’re hunting but also those coveted sheltered spots that provide a respite from the often howling onslaught. We’ll always do our best to get you to those spots where sheltered waters and bugs and rising fish converge but it’s not always the case so be prepared to overcome micro-currents with that reach cast while also managing that cast in the presence of strong head or tail winds. This has always been and will always be part of the challenge of the Missouri so come prepared.

PMD’s are your mid-day go to. We highly recommend incorporating an emerger or cripple into your offering. Sprout PMD, Hatchback PMD, Dolly Wing PMD, Helen Keller, Film Critic, CDC Case PMD Emerger, Loopwing Emerger…just a few of the techy PMD patterns available now at WCA.

Caddis are present in the canyon and lower stretches. We haven’t heard much on that front just yet as far as the fishing goes but it’ll happen sooner or later.

Nymphing continues to be solid and while I was going to post the obligatory sow bug game comment I did actually hear a couple of reports just this afternoon that just maybe they are taking a break from the sow in order to focus on tasty PMD nymphs. Try a Split Case or Crack Back, PMD Magic Fly, Redemption, Psycho May, Frenchie, Glass Bullet, Military May or the like and pair it with a Purple Weight Fly or a Tung Dart or maybe even a worm with the bump that’s coming today and tomorrow.

Tomorrow looks to be another summery day with highs near 90 before things trend cooler for the weekend and into next week when there is a winter storm watch in effect for the high country with snow returning to the mountains. We won’t likely see any of that here but do prepare for highs in the 50 on Monday and Tuesday with rain in the forecast and keep those jackets and fleeces at hand as overnight lows will be dipping into the 30’s beginning on Sunday.

We’ll see what the change in weather brings. Streamer season is certainly waning at this point but with a couple of cool, rainy days on tap that might be just the ticket.

We’re in the midst of our busiest month of the season for guide trips so expect traffic in the fly shops in the morning and if you’re trying to call in a shuttle and we don’t answer try back in a bit or better yet, stop by the shop. We’re likely busy with customers so answering the phone becomes much less of a priority. We generally start running shuttles around 9:30 am  so we can accommodate early outs and we generally wrap up by 3 PM so the later shuttles aren’t usually something we’re able to do. It never hurts to check though.

The shop is open at 7 AM daily for all of your Missouri River fly fishing needs. We are of course home to the CHEAPEST DAM SHUTTLES on the MO, Adipose drift boat rentals, ice, Sage rods and reels, Fishpond straw hats, Simms waders, boots and flip-flops, Suncloud and Smith optics and the largest selection of flies ever assembled under one roof in Wolf Creek Montana.