Winter Warm Up this week on the Missouri

A week ago we were firmly in the grip of winter with single digit temps, blowing snow and some of the worse travel conditions I’ve experienced since moving to Montana.

It’s been one of the coldest winters on record for this part of the state which has translated into some of the quietest days on record in the shop but all that changed yesterday with a dramatic warm up resulting in an influx of humanity in and around Wolf Creek.

Mind you it doesn’t take much to constitute an influx of humanity this time of year but we did see some traffic through the shop, a welcome sight for sure. We even got back into the shuttle business yesterday though most are still opting to wade rather than float.

The fishing report was not stellar from yesterday though earlier in the week it was close to as good as it gets for winter fishing (see Chewy’s last report).

It’s another gorgeous day today with temps hovering just shy of 50 degrees. Not quite as much traffic as yesterday but a respectable mid January day nonetheless.

Look for temps to hold in the 30 ish range through the weekend before we see some colder air and a chance for snow early next week. I expect it will be fairly busy this weekend but don’t let that deter you. Busy in January is desolate in May and June so get out here and get your Missouri Fix while you can.

There’s a fair amount of swinging going on out there with Hot Head Kreelex, Polar Leeches, Black Buggers and some Clouser esque bugs in white getting it done. We’ve got all of these and many more if streamers are your game.

Nymphing will be your best bet with full-on winter fare. Pink Weight Flies, Pink Lightning Bugs, Bubble Yum Scuds, Firebead anything, Soft Hackle Sows in pink or gray, Casne’s Pinkalicious, Caviar Scuds, Pink Amex, Firebead Rays….etc. Bug selection is less critical this time of year. If they’re eating and you’re putting it where they are you should do just fine with any and all of the above.

Lodging just filled for Friday night but we’ve still got room on Saturday and things open up Sunday for most of next week. Whether you’re planning to hit the river or try your luck on the lake we are your Missouri River and Holter Lake winter lodging destination.

Get out and enjoy the weather while it lasts.