We’ve heard a couple of reports of tough fishing from yesterday and today but for the most part what we’re hearing is that it’s good to great out there.
Plenty of baetis, plenty of midges and plenty of fish up willing to eat a well presented fly. People are amazed by the sheer number of bugs on the water and it can be overwhelming and frustrating trying to get the fish to eat your fly when it is amongst so many naturals. This is the time for precision. Pick one fish in particular and deliver your fly to that fish without drag. Chances are they won’t move for it and they won’t eat it if it’s anything other than dead drifted directly to them. A well executed reach cast is a critical component of Missouri River dry fly fishing. It’s this technical challenge that brings many to fish the Missouri and also sends many away empty handed cursing the fish and the river.
Change bugs often and work on that delivery and presentation. More often than not it’s presentation issues which cause problems but there are plenty of times when a perfectly presented fly gets refused as well. How much fun would it be if they ate every well presented fly every time? It would probably get pretty boring pretty quickly. Are you up for the Missouri River dry fly challenge?
There are countless patterns out there and most of them work at one time or another. A good generic place to start would be a Hi Vis Parachute Adams or Purple Haze trailed with a cdc baetis emerger or some kind of cripple pattern. We’ve got bins full of all kinds of BWO patterns so come pick out some you like and try them. There are no true magic flies out there (other than the Parachute Adams) but there are a lot of flies that work and work well more often than not. What usually happens is that someone has a great day with some bug and the word gets out and the next thing you know everyone is out of them. Not to worry, there are countless others that will work just as well. We all tend to do it from time to time, but try not to get caught in the Magic Fly Trap.
Nymphing reports continue to be good with many opting for a shorter overall rig. Go to flies continue to be the S & M, Little Green Machine, Hot Belly Pheasant Tail in purple, Military May, Micro May, Juju Baetis and many more. Stop by the shop and we’d be happy to get you set up with flies, shuttles, boat rentals, leaders, tippet, indicators, rods, reels, floatants, and anything else you might need. We’re also happy to answer any questions you have about rigging, location, presentation, time of day or anything else you want to ask us. We may not always have the answer but we’ll always tell you everything we know and do whatever we can to help.
Shop open daily 7:30 AM to 5 PM.

Top to bottom from the left Row 1. Hi Vis Parachute BWO, Purple Haze, Hi Vis Para Olive, Hi Vis Parachute Adams. Row 2 Smith’s BWO CDC Hackle Stacker, Parachute BWO, Split Wing Parachute BWO, Parachute Olive Spinner, WCA Stacker, Polywing Spinner. Row 3 BWO Parachute Emerger, CDC Baetis Emerger, Cripple Thorax, BWO Biot Cripple, Nyman’s DOA Cripple Baetis, BWO Flash Cripple, Drown Spinner BWO. Row 4 RS2 CDC, Quiqley’s Hackle Stacker BWO, Almost Dun BWO. Row 5 (Nymphs) Mason’s Peep Show Dark, Purple Lightning Bug, Magic Fly BWO, S & M Olive, Two Bit Hooker Red, Little Green Machine, Kyle’s Superflash PT Olive, Juju Baetis
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