Too cold to fish? Nah….Tire Tracks on the ramp at Holter Dam.
Winter has finally arrived in Wolf Creek and we’re happy to have it!
It’s not likely to be a banner week in retail sales but that’s to be expected in December in Montana.
The bright side is that we’re building and maintaining snowpack and we would love to see it continue to dump snow in the high country to bring us a great water year in Montana in 2017.
And speaking of water, flows on the Missouri are cranked up right now during the extreme cold. We’re just shy of 4600 cfs with water temps currently around 43 degrees and plummeting.
Expect to fish “winter water” when the warm up comes. Whenever that might be. We’re looking at highs in the teens and lows in the single digits or below for the whole week and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get above freezing anytime soon so you can expect the fish to finally retreat to the slower, warmer winter depths.
Stock up on pink and on firebeads and prepare to dredge the still water.
I did notice a set of tracks on the ramp at Holter Dam this morning so there are in fact some hard core types crazy enough to fish in this weather. We’re holding off at least until it hits the 20’s! If you do go please use EXTREME caution. The ramps can be slick and the wind chill can make a 10 degree day feel like 20 below.
We’re open for a spell today working on year-end stuff and the plan is to be here tomorrow but it would be a good idea to give a call before you come out as -11 tonight warming up to 6 tomorrow with -20 wind chill may very well keep us home.
While we haven’t seen many folks in the shop for a while the phones have been busy with people booking 2017 dates, some of which are filling quickly. If you are thinking about a June or July trip we would suggest you make that call sooner rather than later.
Still shopping for the fly fishers on your list? Give us a call or stop in and we’ll help you find the perfect gift. WCA Gift Cards are a great option. They can be purchased in any amount and are good for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING we sell. Save yourself a trip and just give us a call, we’re happy to send gift cards (or anything else for that matter) anywhere in the world!
Stay Warm!
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