Mid November Update

If you would have told me in March when this Covid crisis started to take hold that we’d be sitting here in the middle of NOVEMBER with case numbers blowing up state-wide to their highest levels of the pandemic I would’ve told you you were crazy.

My wife and I were at a concert in Missoula on March 6th, the week before things really started to go south. As we settled in to the shutdown we had a discussion about when live music would return. She said 2021. I told her she was nuts. I was certain we’d be attending concerts again this fall. Obviously I lost that bet.

I will refrain from an in-depth Covid discussion here. I’m all talked out on this subject. I don’t want to discuss it anymore. I just want it gone.

So without discussion I just want to announce that due to the uptick of cases locally as well as the continued explosion of cases in Montana we are suspending new lodging reservations until further notice effective immediately.

No lodging and no shuttles until further notice. The shop will still be open for winter hours Wednesday – Saturday 8 – 4 though it’s all kind of up in the air at this point.

We’ll be strictly enforcing limits on the number of customers in the shop at one time (4) and customers will not be admitted without masks period. None of it is a social statement. It’s just the way it’s going to be for now.

WCA Online Store is now LIVE.

We’re happy to do curb-side delivery if you’d like to call ahead and let us know what you need and we’re excited to announce that our online store is now live. It’s definitely a work in progress as it’s a fairly time consuming task building an online store but you can currently purchase WCA logo gear and gift cards and I’ll be adding more items regularly.

As always, a huge thank you to all of you who’ve been continuing to support us through these trying times. It’s been a struggle and will continue to challenge us but so far we’ve made it through and we’re confident we will continue to do so. So thank you again for shopping small and supporting the little guy, we are truly blessed to have you as customers, clients, guests and friends.