Fishing Report 2.22.16


It’s just about 4:30 .p.m here in Wolf Creek and I just got off the water after a stellar morning/afternoon session on the MO. All disciplines covered, all successful. With a week of February left and weather looking relatively similar for the next few days ahead, things should stay pretty consistent. Here’s the breakdown from top, to bottom. Surface bite was decent all over when the wind laid off. Midges all over from the Bull Pasture to Lone Tree and fish noticing. Hi-Vis Midges, Griffiths Gnats, Peacock Clusters & WCA Trudes in an #18-#20 got it done in several runs later in the morning into the afternoon. Nymphing game was strong today, usual for the winter but none-the less exciting. Still the typical winter fare for now, Rainbow Czechs, Tailwater Sowbugs, Pinkalicious & Zebras’ still bringing fish to nets. Swinging produced a few fish this morning too. Still going through the slower, deep, sort of cellulite water. Polar Leeches, ZK’s Ragnar, Micro-Suckers & Squirrels all in black or olive got it done in the morning.

After thinking about this for a little while; I also feel the need to clarify something for everybody. It’s simple and involves every one of us in the fishing and hunting community. That simple fact is this;  ignorantia legis neminem excusat, meaning ignorance of the law excuses not. Most of you by now have read the recent news release from Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks regarding the 38 state and 11 federal citations issued to three Missoula filmmakers. I’m not going to get into the specifics of the allegations against them, my personal opinions regarding their behavior and punishment (or lack thereof), will not be addressed. However if you’re not familiar with the story you can read at the FWP News page, or just click that link. Montana-Wild, the group at the center of the controversy has issued a statement as well, you can read that HERE and come to your own conclusions.

Now that you’re caught up, back to my point of clarification. The easy truth is that ignorance of the law is not an excuse to break it. Any decent lawyer will tell you that, unless you pay them enough not to. As anglers and hunters we are responsible for knowing and abiding by the laws put in place by FWP in their best efforts to preserve the incredible resources we as Montanans are blessed with. If you’re unsure about regulations concerning a specific waterway feel free to contact us at the shop and we’ll do our best to provide you with an accurate answer and if you’re still unsure you are encouraged to contact FWP at any regional office. Seven offices are spread throughout the state and you can find their contact info on page 1 of the 2016 regulations.   Make sure you know before you go. I’m not saying don’t trust you’re local fly shop guys, just make sure you’re both certain. Personal accountability for when and where you’re fishing lies with the person who has the rod in their hands, no one else.

~Cheers, Chewy.
