Paula with her first ever on a fly rod…priceless!
There’s nothing quite like landing that first fish on a fly rod and as a guide, there’s nothing quite as rewarding as making that happen and seeing the pure joy expressed in the smile on the face of a client.
Every once in a while we are reminded of just how lucky we are to be doing what we do and to be able to bring joy to our clients. And sometimes those clients just happen to be good friends.
We sometimes get bogged down in the numbers game and measure our success by the quantity or size of the fish we catch (or don’t catch) but seeing a smile like the one above puts it all back into perspective, or at lest it should. If it doesn’t then you might be in the wrong line of work.
Anytime I have family or friends come to visit I have the privilege of getting to share the awesomeness of Montana with them. Some have fallen under the spell of this place and can’t stay away (or maybe they just really like to hang out with us but I can’t imagine why that would be). A few are avid anglers. Others have never held a fly rod or likely had any desire to do so, but all have had a chance to experience floating down a river in Montana casting a fly rod and maybe even catching a trout or two and I have yet to hear any complaints.
Along with our friends Dan and Tara who visit us regularly, friends Jim and Paula from back east made their first visit last week as part of an expertly devised plan by yours truly to throw an unforgettable 50th Birthday Party for my wife Sheila. I’m not sure if Jim and Paula were all that excited about fly fishing while they were here but they were agreeable to it and we got them on the water for a day while they were being kept in hiding from my wife. I don’t know what they expected but by all indications they had an awesome day learning to fish, taking in the sights and catching some fine trout on the Missouri.
The party was a rousing success as well and we had a great time showing off our fly shop and our city and our state.
As we get into the busy season and I settle into my work routine I never take any of this for granted but it tends to feel less like a leisurely lifestyle and more like a job during these months. Watching friends or guests or guided clients experience this place, especially when it’s for the first time, brings things back into perspective and I step back and take a look around and remember how utterly blessed I am to be here in this amazing place, with the people I love more than anything doing what I love to do. Add to it, getting the opportunity to hang out with friends we left behind who mean the world to us and it doesn’t get much better!
So thank you Dan and Tara and Jim and Paula for making the long trek from Michigan and thanks to all of our friends here for helping to make this a birthday Sheila won’t soon forget. You all mean the world to us. And a huge thanks to all of you who shop with us, fish with us, stay with us and follow us. You make all of this possible and we are thrilled and humbled to be your Missouri River fly fishing destination.
Did they deliver your case of Founders?
Unfortunately they all flew so my KBS is still stranded in GR!
No worries Jason…I am working on a “get-a-way” road trip to deliver the goods