While we collectively bid an unofficial farewell to summer last weekend the current weather forecast says Not so Fast!

Sure, we’re ready to turn the page and settle in to fall fishing but it appears as though we’ve got some summer left on the calendar with highs in the 90’s and abundant sunshine at least through mid to late next week. Mornings will feel like fall with temps in the 50’s and it doesn’t take long for things to cool off when the sun goes down but mid-day conditions are still much more flip flops and shorts than waders and flannel.

Look for more of an actual autumn transition late next week with daytime highs in the 60’s and overnight lows in the 40’s. It’s coming!

Colors are changing. Daylight is shrinking and we’re on the cusp of what we’ve come to refer to as our second season with guide trips and lodging finally emerging from the Dog Day Slumber. Look for angling traffic to blow up starting next week, running through the first week of October when things again dwindle as winter looms.

For some reason September has become the new October as far as trips go with many opting for the safer bet of September weather over the unpredictability of the late fall season. This is by far our busiest September to date with bookings looking more like June than what we’d expect to see in the fall.

The Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a legit winter in the mountain west with well above average precipitation and well below average temps. We shall see. We’re definitely in need of a good winter after a long summer of low flows and high temps around the region.

Get out this weekend and the first part of next week to enjoy a bit of solitude and then plan on plenty of company for the rest of the month.

The current fishing report is status quo with terrestrials leading the charge for dry fly fishing followed by dwindling tricos, maddening pseudos and maybe an October Caddis or two in the mix.

Best bets for nymphing still sowbugs, zebras, Frenchies, zirdles, PT’s, Green Machines, Peep Shows and the like.

Days are shorter. Water temps are cooling. Browns are soon to be on the prowl. Streamer Season is on deck. Stock up on bugs, tune up your gear and mentally prepare to do battle with the weeds as you venture out in search of your elusive quarry. For the streamer set it truly is about to be THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!

NFL is underway tonight. Oktoberfest brews are in stores now. The archery opener is Saturday. In spite of summer heat autumn is indeed underway.

Shop hours are 7 AM – 5 PM daily.