Latest fishing report from Wolf Creek Angler Guide Extraordinaire Eric Mondragon.

Gorgeous Missouri River Winter Bow – photo Eric Mondragon
Twas the day after Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse. The day promised forty degree weather that I couldn’t resist. I grabbed my chest pack and fly rod of choice and headed toward Wolf Creek to rejoice by catching trout.
The last few weeks have been quite cold. Cold enough that even I didn’t care to fish. I tied up a few bead headed midge and some hot bead flies and hit a few runs that I prefer in Winter. I suggest slow inside bends and drop offs that are anywhere from 3 ½ to 6’ deep. During the cold months, fish move out of the fast and moderate speed currents and move into slower, deeper, warmer water. I seek out the slow current and fish the indicator with nymphs. Orange and pink flies on top. Then I drop various midge patterns off of that.
The key to frequent hook-ups is to study the speed of the indicator. Keep in mind that you are fishing slow, moderately deep water. If the indicator even remotely slows down, set the hook. In Winter, trout will generally take flies very softly. Sometimes they eat and reject your flies and the indicator doesn’t even move. Diehard anglers say “Those who strike most, win.”
If you were lucky this Christmas, go out there and try out that new rod. While you fish it up, remember to watch that shelf ice. I like to wear ice cleats when I wade in the Winter. It is icy along the banks, even when the water is flowing. Big R Supply and Big Bear Sports sell numerous styles of ice cleats. Winter fishing can be fun if you are prepared for it. You don’t have to fish all day. Start late (after 10:00 a.m.) and fish until 2:00 p.m. On nicer days, fish until 4 p.m.
Coming soon. . . layering clothes and tackle suggestions as Winter winds on. I plan to start the new year by fishing. See you on the water.

Winter Bugs. What’s in your fly box? Photo by Eric Mondragon
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