
Renewed optimism around the shop this cool and cloudy Thursday. It definitely felt like fall out there this morning and will even more so tonight with lows in the 40’s and rain showers likely. They’re even talking snow for some of the higher elevations!

Just dark enough and just enough of a chill in the air today to draw some attention to the streamer bins. I haven’t heard back from anyone yet today but we had more than a couple of folks loading up on big ugly bugs this morning and you could sense the excitement as we’re offered a little taste of what’s to come in the not so distant future.

Temperatures will  heat up again over the weekend but we’re definitely on the run towards fall. People are enjoying the final weeks of summer vacation and while we don’t like the fact that the summer flies by so fast it is the time of year when we start to anticipate the awesome fall fishing on the Missouri.

We get a lot of calls inquiring about when the best time to come for fall fishing is and as is so often the case we don’t have a simple answer.

For one, there is the Crystal Ball Factor. We have no idea what Mother Nature will be serving up this year. We could see sunshine and summer temps right on through October. We could see snow tonight. The weather is the unknown part of the equation.

We tend to think of the fishing improving with cooler temps (which I believe it does) but in thinking about that, what exactly is it about cooler weather that makes the fishing improve? I think there are many factors, not the least of which is the attitude shift that happens in us when we stop sweating and stop lamenting the passing of summer and opt instead to let the anticipation of autumn take over.

Whether its fall fishing or hunting or fall colors or football or kids going back to school or cold fleece clad nights around the fire ring or whatever it may be for you, everyone has their own idea of what makes fall in Montana so awesome and when we start to think these happy thoughts the anticipation grows.

I’m no scientist but there is definitely science happening here which causes changes in our chemical composition. Endorphins start to pump and the next thing you know instead of complaining about the heat and the weeds and the lack of bugs and on and on we instead start to daydream about those crisp autumn days on the water and since we can’t wait for fall we hit the river and just like that the fishing goes from painfully slow to insanely off the charts just because of our attitude adjustment.

Well maybe it doesn’t happen quite like that but a big part of the hum drum of the dog days of summer is the fact that there is nobody here! You can’t catch fish if you aren’t here. If nobody’s fishing then obviously there aren’t fish being caught! If you aren’t in the forest to hear the tree fall then does it make a sound? Likewise, if you aren’t on the water to hear that behemoth brown gulp that hopper you should be!

Was the fishing hot yesterday? Fish were eating yesterday but few were being caught as there were very few anglers out there to catch them. Is it hot today? Will it be hot for the weekend? I haven’t heard any reports today and as far as tomorrow goes  see the Crystal Ball Factor above. It’s a total cliché but you really don’t know if you don’t go so get your heads together and get out there.

We’ve got lodging, we’ve got guides, we’ve got boats and we’ve got a shop stuffed full of everything you need for fly fishing the MO’ and beyond including a fly selection the likes of which has never been seen before in Wolf Creek Montana. We’re here to help you out in any way we can and we’ve got answers (of some sort) to all of your questions. We don’t claim to be the experts but we do spend a fair amount of time around here doing what we, and you, love to do and learning new things every day so we think it’s a good bet we just might be able to help you. If not, we’ve got damn fine coffee….and free!

Hoppers and ants. Zebras and Crays. Sparkle Minnows and Godzilla Sculpins just to name a few. Stop by or give us a call for up to the minute conditions and reports.

Tons of Bugs at Wolf Creek Angler

Tons of Bugs at Wolf Creek Angler