No waiting at the boat ramps for the time being. The fish are here, where are you? Photo by Wolf Creek Angler
In the midst of the August lull on the Missouri, enjoying some downtime and preparing for the next wave.
We’re still fishing and having some decent days considering, but there have certainly been plenty of tough days as well. Early morning starts seem to be the key as things tend to get quiet in the afternoons.
There have been a few bugs around but it’s nymphing for the most part in the morning followed by terrestrials later in the day. Zebra Midges, Gold Weight Flies, Tung Darts, Gold Czechs, LGM’s, Peep Shows, Psycho Mays, S & M’s , Gold LB’s, PT’s and various crayfish patterns have all been getting some attention while Moorish Hoppers in yellow, tan or pink and tan White Cloud hoppers have been our go to terrestrials. We are usually trailing our hoppers with some sort of ant pattern and while there are all kinds of ants to choose from a plain old parachute black ant seems to work just as well, if not better, than most.
We’re open daily at 6 am for all of your Missouri River fly fishing and lodging needs. Plenty of vacancies and plenty of guides ready to show you a great day on the MO regardless of the August Lull. Fishing is definitely hit or miss this time of year but that being said with virtually zero pressure out there when things turn on it can really be good and you’ll have it all to yourself.
We’re running lodging specials all month. Book a full day guide trip and one night’s lodging in one of our motel rooms and receive a second night of lodging on us. We’re also running special rates for our cabins through the end of the month. Call for rates and availability.
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