Zachs Bio Pic

We are super stoked to announce that we’ve added a new member to the Wolf Creek Angler team. We’ve deliberated on this all season long, looking for the right fit and we believe we’ve finally found it. Many of you who run in the fishiest of circles probably already know Zach King but for those who have been wondering who that strange voice on the other end of the line belongs to, I asked him to write a brief introduction and tell you some fascinating things about himself. Enter the new guy…

That would be me. My folks named me Zach, my friends call me Chewy, just don’t call me late for dinner. I’ll be reporting to you live from the mouth of the canyon for the winter and foreseeable future.  Hello, my name is Chewy and I’m a Troutaholic….

 What brought me to Montana? A car. Seriously though, a girl. Best mistake I’ve ever made. So far.
Coolest thing that’s happened to me while fishing? Probably watching a giant bull moose just kicking it in the shade while I fished 20 yards from him, at one point he sort of nodded at me like he was giving me permission to keep going. Dramatically different from the un-coolest thing that has ever happened to me while fishing which was literally getting kicked in my ass by a cow moose. 
 What’s on my fly patch right now? I just got back from Rock Creek so mostly streamers, probably a JJ Special, Gonga and a Double Bunny, that’s what I remember throwing last. 
 Go to road trip music? The Band’s Last Waltz or Iron Horse radio on Pandora.
 Favorite hatch to fish? Salmonflies. I had a killer year on them this year including my personal best Cutthroat on the Blackfoot during a huge hatch on Father’s Day (pictured above).
One fly I don’t hit the river without?  I always have a puck of different colored buggers with me, I just can’t bring myself to fish without them. They’re almost like a security blanket in a way.
 No.1 on my fly fishing bucket list? Mongolia for Taimen. If you’ve seen those things I shouldn’t have to explain.
Standard river beer? Raaaaaainnneeeeeer Beeeeeeer!
Top flies for the MO, 3 dries, nymphs & streamers. 
                        Dries: Parachute Adams, Buzzball & Rusty Spinner.
                       Nymphs: Zebra Midge, Hogan’s S&M, & Tung. Spring Creek Pheasant Tail.
                     Streamers: Black & Grizzly Bugger, Barley Legal & Sculpzilla
~Cheers, Chewy